
A poet in the Song Dynasty praised the moon, and there was no word "moon" in the whole poem, but every sentence had the meaning of the moon


Poetry is a special language, because it does not have any national boundaries, its good and bad represent a person's ability to control words, for thousands of years, whether it is through war or natural disasters, poets have insisted on using poetry to express their inner feelings, and send a hope for the future life.

China has a history of more than 5,000 years of civilization, and there have been glorious moments and dark times in the past 5,000 years. It is precisely because of this dedication that very brilliant results have been achieved in the creation of poetry.

Mainland poets have a unique phenomenon when writing poems, they like to use the scenery in front of them to express their inner feelings, especially the theme of the moon, to send homesickness from afar. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai used the moon to express his longing for his hometown in "Silent Night Thoughts".

Zhu Xi, a famous poet in the Song Dynasty, also wrote a poem related to the moon, this poem is very magical, the whole poem does not seem to have the word "moon", but every sentence is talking about the moon, so it makes people curious, how does this poem write the moon?

A poet in the Song Dynasty praised the moon, and there was no word "moon" in the whole poem, but every sentence had the meaning of the moon

Image: Moon stills

1. An overview of Zhu Xi's poem "Autumn Moon".

Zhu Xi is a representative of Cheng Zhu Lixue in the Song Dynasty, he is both a writer and a thinker, and this dual identity makes his works not only lyrical, but often full of philosophy when savored. Although many people think that Tang poetry and Song poetry have obvious stylistic differences, that is, Tang poetry focuses on lyricism, and Song poetry focuses on telling truth, however, Zhu Xi's poem makes us understand that this sentence is not necessarily accurate.

"Autumn Moon" is a poem written by him that laments the moon, and its genre is a seven-character quatrain. This poem was written by Zhu Xi on a moonlit autumn night, and the poet uses the scenes of streams, winds, night sky, and clouds under the moonlight to express his detached taste from the mundane, and at the same time reveal his own ambition to pursue the nobility of the bright moon.

In addition, this poem also reflects Zhu Xi's profound poetic attainments, although this poem does not have a month in the whole poem, but every sentence contains a month.

The poet is ostensibly describing green mountains and green waters, but he can make people feel as if the moon is emitting a bright and soft light at this time (scientifically speaking, the moon does not shine), and this description is very masterful.

A poet in the Song Dynasty praised the moon, and there was no word "moon" in the whole poem, but every sentence had the meaning of the moon

The picture comes from the Internet: Zhu Xi's "Autumn Moon" in its entirety

2. A specific analysis of the poem "Autumn Moon".

The first two sentences of this poem make many people wonder when they first read it, why can the stream in the poem actually cross the mountain? In fact, the first two sentences are mainly to describe the reflection in the water under the moonlight, and these two lines of poetry actually have something in common with the artistic conception expressed by Xie Lingyun in "Lonely Island in the Ascending River".

The clear water flows slowly around the green hills, and the blue sky is reflected in the water, which looks very clear and pure, and they merge with each other in the water. Without the pure white moonlight sprinkled between heaven and earth, the poet would not be able to appreciate the color of the mountains and rivers in the night.

The last two lines of the poem express the poet's unconsciously unearthly state of mind when he is quietly observing the autumn moon. The white clouds and autumn leaves are both an illusion and a real sight that the poet sees under the autumn moon. In a symbolic sense, the white clouds fluttering in the wind and the autumn leaves are a true portrayal of the poet's leisurely and expansive state of mind.

A poet in the Song Dynasty praised the moon, and there was no word "moon" in the whole poem, but every sentence had the meaning of the moon

The picture comes from the Internet: Momiji

Although the title of this poem is "Autumn Moon", all the pen and ink in the whole poem are focused on describing the various scenes under the moonlight. In the past, many poets have also described the moon, but few people can think of using this way to reflect the beauty of the moonlight, which is the uniqueness of Zhu Xi's conception.

The verdant hills, the clear night sky, the leisurely drifting clouds, and the flowing maple leaves are all made by the streams that reflect the scenery, but the series of scenery is all impregnated with bright and soft moonlight.

There is no word "moon" written in the whole article, but people can feel the existence of the moon everywhere, so Zhu Xi's poem is so admired by people that it can still be called a famous article describing the moon today.

A poet in the Song Dynasty praised the moon, and there was no word "moon" in the whole poem, but every sentence had the meaning of the moon

Image: Screenshot of Zhu Xi's portrait

3. Looking at poetry culture through "Autumn Moon".

The poem "Autumn Moon" embodies a common channel for Chinese literati to express their feelings, that is, to use scenery to express lyricism. Lyricism refers to when the subject is touched by a certain scene or an objective thing, the feelings that he wants to express are expressed through specific things.

In this way, it is necessary to carefully observe the things to be written next, and try to describe them as if they are right in front of people's eyes, so as to prepare for the lyricism that follows.

In Zhu Xi's poem, the scenery under the moonlight is depicted very realistically, making people feel as if they really saw it in person, and then drive people to integrate what they feel into the scenery, so that the scenery has certain thoughts and feelings, so as to achieve the effect of the unity of scenery and feelings.

Secondly, the lyricism of borrowing scenery is mainly to express feelings, since it is lyrical borrowing scenery, then describing scenery is not as good as lyricism, so we must write scenes for lyricism, which requires a variety of imagery in the poem.

And these images are the conditions and means of lyricism, such as "the spring breeze and the south bank of the green river, when will the bright moon shine on me", this poem skillfully uses the wind and the moon, expressing the poet's perennial wandering abroad and missing his hometown.

A poet in the Song Dynasty praised the moon, and there was no word "moon" in the whole poem, but every sentence had the meaning of the moon

Image: Perennial wandering stills

Compared with the direct expression of the heart, the Chinese literati prefer the more subtle and euphemistic expression of lyricism through scenes, and Zhu Xi indirectly expresses a leisurely and open-minded state of mind through lyricism through scenes.

In fact, lyricism can also show the protagonist's various complex emotions, mainly in the following three categories. The first type is to express the feelings of life experience through scenery. The fate of many literati in ancient times was very bumpy, and even the very capable Li Bai had times when things didn't go well. In many cases, it is inconvenient for these literati to express their emotions directly, so they express their true feelings in this euphemistic way.

The second is that the poet expresses his feelings about the world with the help of scenery. Many poets are inspired when they see a particular scene, and then they express their views on life with the help of the objects in front of them.

For example, Su Shi once used the help of people to stand at different angles when looking at a mountain, they can see a different side of the mountain, and express their sighs about life, that is, everyone is in a different position, and the angle of looking at the problem is different, and the understanding of things will be different.

A poet in the Song Dynasty praised the moon, and there was no word "moon" in the whole poem, but every sentence had the meaning of the moon

The picture comes from the Internet: Su Shi's "Title Xilin Wall"

The third is to use scenery to express the poet's concern for the survival of the country. Ancient literati generally received patriotic education, and many literati had a strong sense of mission for the world and society, and patriotism naturally became a major theme of poetry.

The literati have always been tactful and subtle, so they often choose to express their feelings for their home and country through scenery. For example, in his poems, Du Fu expressed his painful feelings when he saw the ruined land by describing scenes such as the broken country, the deep grass and trees, the flowers splashing tears, and the frightened birds.

Through "Autumn Moon" to borrow the scenery and lyricism, it is not difficult to find the profound cultural connotation contained in Chinese poetry, which shows the essence of Chinese civilization, we should be proud and proud of this, do you think this is the case?

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