
#2023 Creative Challenge#I found a truth, once a woman is old, even if she uses the best skin care products, she is paying her IQ tax. One of my high school classmates,

author:Tsukiki Shojo


I found out a truth, once a woman is old, even if she uses the best skin care products, she is paying an IQ tax for herself.

A high school classmate of mine, she is 42 years old this year, she is super rich, she buys big-name skin care products every time, one by one, she uses eye cream, my mother! Then a small one costs more than 1,000 yuan, the essences she uses are thousands of dollars 100 ml, the masks she uses are all imported high-end goods, I have never seen it, it is all English letters, I can't understand it at all.

I thought that she used such good skin care products, her skin must be very good, looking at it from a distance, she was really white to the skin glowing, the skin on her face looked shiny and transparent, but she stood in front of me, when I looked carefully, I found that it was not like that again, and instantly felt dumbfounded, the fine lines and nasolabial folds on her face were visible to the naked eye, and there were some spots.

Although it doesn't look very obvious, it is still clearly visible when you get closer, and she can't cover it, in addition to looking a little better than her peers, she still has to be old in other places that should be old, and places that should be old still have to be old, no matter how to maintain 42 years old, it is impossible to be like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, 42 years old looks like 40 years old at most, but it is only two years less than the actual age, it seems that no one can escape the curse of age and the ruthlessness of the years.

Alas, I'm still poor, I can't help it! A bottle of Dabao and Megazine every day is used until the world is old, although the skin care products I use are very cheap, very ordinary, very popular, but I take a closer look at myself in the mirror, I touch the skin on my face with my hands, I feel very smooth, very delicate, others praise me for being young, the skin condition is still very good, the foundation is not bad, not worse than my classmates, others also praise me for decades have not changed, still so young, good skin, I don't know if they are telling the truth or falsehood, but the most important thing is that I spend less money and do not pay IQ tax。 [Like] [Laughs]

#2023 Creative Challenge#I found a truth, once a woman is old, even if she uses the best skin care products, she is paying her IQ tax. One of my high school classmates,
#2023 Creative Challenge#I found a truth, once a woman is old, even if she uses the best skin care products, she is paying her IQ tax. One of my high school classmates,
#2023 Creative Challenge#I found a truth, once a woman is old, even if she uses the best skin care products, she is paying her IQ tax. One of my high school classmates,

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