
Xi inertia "mental internal attrition" is a person's stupidest way of thinking! (In-depth good article)



01 Introduction

Everyone has experienced mental exhaustion to a greater or lesser extent, such as:

When you go shopping, you can't decide which one to buy when you're faced with a wide range of products – you're struggling with different options and worrying that you'll make the wrong choice. You'll spend a long time comparing different brands, styles, prices, etc., and you won't be sure.
You are faced with a large number of tasks and job demands every day, you are under a lot of pressure, caught up in the urgency and urgency of your work, you feel anxious and restless, worried that you will not be able to meet the deadline or meet the expected standards;
Participate in a social event, communicate with a group of strangers, feel nervous and uncomfortable, worry that you will not behave well in social situations or be rejected by others. You worry that you're saying the wrong thing, embarrassing, or not arousing the interest of others, and you may withdraw or avoid similar social situations later.

If you have a situation similar to the above, you may have a certain amount of mental exhaustion.

Young people in today's society are burdened with too many expectations and pressures, confusion, anxiety, and pain...... It has become the norm in our lives.

Xi inertia "mental internal attrition" is a person's stupidest way of thinking! (In-depth good article)

Someone once said that the so-called predicament of life is nothing but the shackles we set up by our cranky thoughts.

And if you want to get out of the predicament of spiritual internal friction, you must strive to find the key to healing spiritual internal friction.

Today, let's talk about what is mental internal friction and how to get rid of mental internal friction!

02 What exactly is mental internal friction?

Is it a disease, and what can be done about it?

Think back to whether you've ever been in any of these situations and appear to be living a normal life, but in fact always fall into self-doubt.

Afraid of conflict, very concerned about the opinions of others, regard themselves as the worst enemy, and constantly engage in self-struggle and self-punishment.

The most understandable explanation of mental internal friction is:

Cranky people, most of the time.

It generally causes negative emotions in the category of mental health, including anxiety, nervousness, confusion, regret, suspicion, etc.

The emotions of such people are always easily influenced by the outside world, and gradually lose control of themselves, becoming themselves and fighting with themselves, resulting in psychological pain and feelings being hollowed out.

The mental internal friction of travel mainly lies in the subjective psychological state of the individual.

Modern people are forced by the pressure of life and work, and may have a little mental exhaustion to a greater or lesser extent.

From a psychological point of view, the causes of mental exhaustion may include the following:

1. Conflicting values

Internal friction occurs when an individual's values clash with the behavior required by the current situation or decision.

For example, a person may feel internal friction between work and family because they are both important to them but have limited time and energy.

2. Conflict of Goals

Internal friction occurs when individuals set multiple competing or contradictory goals.

For example, a person may want to pursue both career success and have more leisure and family time, and these two goals may conflict.

3. Internal conflict of desires

Internal friction occurs when an individual's different desires or needs come into conflict.

For example, a person may desire security and adventure at the same time, and they may feel an internal friction between the desire to pursue novelty and adventure and the desire to seek stability and security.

5. Internal confrontation

There are different thoughts, beliefs, and emotions within an individual, and they can clash and lead to internal friction.

For example, a person may feel a confrontation between rational thinking and emotional impulses at the same time when making decisions.

6. Social pressure

Pressures from social circumstances and the expectations of others can lead to internal friction.

Individuals may feel conflicted between meeting the expectations of others and maintaining their own true needs.

These are some of the common causes of mental exhaustion, and everyone's situation may be different.

03 What kind of people are prone to mental exhaustion?

Many people think that introverts are more likely to be mentally exhausted, but this is not the case.

Xi inertia "mental internal attrition" is a person's stupidest way of thinking! (In-depth good article)

The process that leads to a person's behavior is generally a cyclical process of receiving information, understanding information, processing information, taking action, and getting feedback.

For example, if a person leads a task to a task, a normal person should look like this:

Step 1: Okay to receive the task!

Step 2: Understand the intent and purpose of the leader;

Step 3: Make a plan based on the leader's purpose and his own experience;

Step 4: Work according to the plan and complete the task.

Step 5: "Well done lad"!

And the person who is mentally exhausted is like this, receiving the task:

"Ah, this task is so difficult, I can't do it, what should I do?"

"What is the boss going to do? Are you going to ask him? Will he think I'm stupid?"

"What if I didn't do a good job in the task given by the boss last time, and I didn't do it well this time?"

"Oh my God, it's so difficult, I'm going to be scolded again if I don't do it well, I'm afraid of being expelled"


And so it goes. Delays in action may result in delays and poor completion of tasks.

People with severe mental internal friction usually think too much and demand too much in the process of understanding and processing information, and then produce an invisible pressure and feel that they can't do it, which leads to behavioral dystocia.

Moreover, in the process of internal friction, you will experience an invisible exhaustion.

For example:

If you don't do mental work, you don't have physical work, and you feel nervous and anxious when you have nothing to do.

I didn't know what I should do, so I couldn't help but think about it, and finally thought about it, but I didn't have the energy to act, and I was too tired to rest.

When talking to someone, the other party's expression changes a little bit, and the tone changes, and you will ponder in your heart for a long time, and it is easy to suspect and speculate about the other party's opinion of you and the idea of things.

If you can't calmly express your thoughts to others, the other party's slightest doubt will magnify many times in your heart, and you will feel ashamed and self-doubtful.

These anxieties, suspicions, and self-doubts are all mental drain and wear and tear, leaving you with no energy to do anything else and whirling in a low-energy state.

If you compare the human body to a battery, ordinary physical and mental work will consume part of the energy, and internal friction will make you continue to lose energy in a state of doing nothing.

Eventually, it will lead to-

Emotional: Anxiety and nervousness, irritability and irritability, feelings of stress and restlessness, inner conflict and confusion, feeling frustrated and lost

Behavioral: difficulty in decision-making, procrastination and avoidance, self-criticism and self-blame, social avoidance and isolation, overthinking and analysis;

Physically: headaches, insomnia, digestive problems, fatigue and physical decline, weakened immune system, easy to get sick.

You can check to see if you have similar symptoms, haha.

04 How to alleviate mental exhaustion?

Last year, there was a lot of videos "Second Uncle Cured My Mental Internal Friction", and the author in the video commented on the second uncle, and there are a few sentences, which are actually very meaningful:

The second happiest person in this world is the one who never looks back.

The biggest regret in life is regret, the regret of the past. It is said that the most important thing in life is not to play a good card, but to play a bad card. ”

To alleviate mental exhaustion, the main thing is to adjust the way you deal with difficulties.

From a psychological point of view, it is necessary to move from emotional coping to problem coping.

The so-called emotional coping is that difficulties come to negation and avoidance, which is negative, but we should think about coping, and difficulties come to admit and solve, which is a positive state.

In layman's terms, it's about changing, thinking too much and doing too little.

To move from what I can't do to how to do it, what can we do specifically?

First of all, you have to accept yourself.

People with mental exhaustion often magnify the various failures of the past, while ignoring their own growth and accumulated experience, as well as the achievements they have made.

You can tell yourself that my life has not been in vain, that everything I do is useful, and that they will help me to get better slowly and overcome my first self-esteem.

In a word, it is to look up to oneself and love oneself, and a person's life is to taste the ups and downs.

People who have mental exhaustion are Xi indulging in the past, constantly regretting, often saying "if only I had been how I was at the beginning" on the lips, thinking that the current unhappiness is caused by past experiences, and the past self is a failure, resulting in the current life is unsatisfactory.

At several points in life, the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, some people may not be admitted to the ideal school in the college entrance examination, or they are admitted to the top school in the eyes of outsiders, and they repeatedly regret that they did not study the major well, or they studied a good major but failed to take the first place in the major.

This excessively magnifies the impact of this event on my entire life.

There are a lot of exams, just work hard.

Secondly, it is necessary to enhance internal motivation and continue to grow.

Internal drive refers to the spontaneous generation of individuals in the interaction between the ring and the environment.

Here are some tips to improve your internal motivation and continue to grow:

1. Accomplish a small goal first to send a positive signal to yourself.

Have you set yourself a big goal, such as how many dollars you want to earn in a year, and what position do you want to achieve in three years?

Splitting up the big goals into smaller ones can help you start with confidence and tell yourself that you're going to start moving into a new phase.

For example, to lose weight, first achieve the small goal of losing one pound, and bring confidence and hope to myself, I can do one.

2. Distinguish between ideas and situations.

Thoughts are a variety of thoughts that pop into the mind, many of which may be negative and not necessarily happen.

The situation is the internal drive to improve the current situation of doing something at the moment, and it is necessary to return to the current situation from wild thoughts and even unfounded worries, do what you can do, and find a sense of control and certainty.

3. Ask for help when you can't find a solution.

Don't take all the problems on your own, and when the problem can't be solved for the time being, don't stumble on a solution, and get stuck in it to seek help from others.

4. Focus on the things that really help boost your internal motivation.

You need to focus on the process, not the outcome. Focus more on yourself and not on others.

For example, don't care too much about the result when doing something, and tell yourself that no matter what the result is, I have worked hard and have done my best.

Pay more attention to your own growth and gains, rather than whether others are better than me, and be less comparative.

5. Stop perfectionism.

Not everything can be as you think, and no one can be a perfect person.

You don't have to be yourself, and you don't have to be afraid of others seeing your imperfections. There are no limits to yourself, and self-confidence is not inferior.

You may feel that your abilities are limited, so you are afraid to fight for it. For example, if you doubt that you can move up to a higher position, if you can master a new skill, you don't dare to try it. You have to work hard and strive for it, otherwise you will miss out on many opportunities in life.

6. Don't procrastinate, act now.

The difficulty is always there, it is useless to run away, it is better to solve it immediately.

Don't regret the past that you can't change, and pay more attention to the positive experiences you have accumulated from the things you have experienced in the past.

Focus on the moment, give yourself confidence, and let go of the shackles of imagination, so that you can succeed.

There was a wealthy Arab father who, on his deathbed, had to decide which son he would pass on his family property to.

So he gave his two sons a question, saying, "Look, here is the beginning, and there is the end."

You two will ride horses and see whose horse is slower, and when you reach the finish line, and whose horse is slower, I will pass on the property to whomever you want.

You see, it's a weird game! It's usually faster and slower than whom, how can it be compared?

The result is likely to be that both of them stay where they are, and when will the result be reached?

So how do you solve this problem with reverse thinking? I want to win this race, either by making my horse slower or by conversely trying to make the opponent's horse faster.

Therefore, the way to win is very simple, that is, to take advantage of the opponent's inattention, grab the opponent's horse, and run to the finish line quickly.

You see, I didn't break the rules, and my horse was indeed slower.

This story tells us that if it is difficult to do something, we might as well think about it the other way around, and maybe the way out is the opposite.


Xi inertia "mental internal attrition" is a person's stupidest way of thinking! (In-depth good article)

To deal with internal friction, we must recognize, analyze, and solve, but sometimes we must also learn to coexist with it.

After all, in this life, everyone has times when they encounter problems, and everyone has times when they are entangled.

Ways to alleviate mental exhaustion include adjusting the way you cope with difficulties, accepting yourself, and improving your internal drive.

From now on, stop internal friction, empty the garbage in your heart, and stop fighting with yourself.

Remember: if the heart is simple, life will be free, and if the heart is happy, life will be bright.

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