
Don't ignore these 4 movements every day to easily relieve pain

author:Benevolence 9194

"Whenever I see my old friend Lieber walking in the park with his back straight, I think of two years ago when he could barely get out of bed because of low back pain. At that time, Lieber's lower back pain was so severe that even the simplest daily activities became a challenge. But now, he can easily walk a few kilometers, and his smile reveals the joy and vitality of life. All of this transformation is due to the simple but effective lower back relaxation movements that he insists on. "

In my years of medical practice, it is not uncommon for middle-aged and elderly people like Li Bo to suffer from low back pain. Low back pain is not just a physical discomfort, it can also greatly affect our quality of life and even mental health. Many people believe that low back pain is an inevitable part of old age, but this is not the case. With proper exercise and lifestyle modifications, we are fully capable of alleviating or even eliminating these pains.

In what follows, I'll share with you four simple yet effective movements that can help you relieve your back pain and prevent it from getting worse. These methods do not require special equipment or require much time, just a few minutes a day and can be easily practiced in daily life. Whether you're experiencing low back pain or looking to prevent future pain, this information will be of great benefit to you.

Don't ignore these 4 movements every day to easily relieve pain

The Root Causes of Low Back Pain: Common Causes Revealed

Low back pain is a common symptom that affects quality of life, especially in middle-aged and older people. Understanding the common causes behind it is the first step to prevention and treatment. This section will delve into several key factors that contribute to low back pain.

Strain of muscles and ligaments

In daily activities, incorrect weightlifting posture or staying in the same position for long periods of time can lead to overstretching or tearing of the muscles and ligaments in the lower back. This strain is one of the common causes of low back pain. Preventive measures include proper weightlifting techniques and regular changes to work or rest positions.

Intervertebral disc problems

As we age, the disc may degenerate, causing the disc to herniate or herniate, compressing the surrounding nerve structures and causing pain. Maintaining a healthy weight and doing proper spinal strengthening exercises can reduce the burden on the intervertebral discs.

Don't ignore these 4 movements every day to easily relieve pain

Degenerative changes in the joints

The joints in the lower back and back may undergo degenerative changes, such as osteoarthritis, as we age. These changes can cause inflammation and pain in the joints. Moderate physical activity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help delay joint degeneration.

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Maintaining poor posture for long periods of time, such as hunched back or improper sitting, can put additional pressure on the lower back, leading to pain. Regular posture correction and muscle balance Xi can help improve posture and reduce pain.

Physiological factors

Changes in physiological status, such as pregnancy and menstruation, can cause additional pressure on the lower back, causing pain. Women should take special care measures during these special times to reduce the burden on their lower back.

Don't ignore these 4 movements every day to easily relieve pain

Four movements to relieve low back pain

Cat-Cow Pose: Stretch your spine

Low back pain is often caused by stiffness of the spine. Cat-Cow Pose is a simple yoga pose that effectively stretches and relaxes the spine. Get on all fours with your shoulders just below your wrists and your hips just below your knees. Take a deep breath and let your back sink and your head and hips up (Cow Pose). As you exhale, arch your back and bring your chin closer to your chest (cat pose). This circular movement helps to increase spinal flexibility and relieve tension in the lower back.

Pelvic tilt: Stabilize your core

Strengthening the lower back muscles is essential to prevent and reduce low back pain. Lie flat on your back, bend your knees and lay your feet flat on the ground. Slowly tilt your pelvis upwards to tighten your abdominal muscles. Leave it on for a few seconds and recover slowly. Repeat this movement to strengthen the abdominal and lower back muscles and improve spine support.

Knee and chest stretch: Relax your lower back

Lie flat with your knees bent and the soles of your feet touching the ground. Pull one leg towards your chest and wrap your hands around your knees. Hold for 20-30 seconds and feel the relaxation of your lower back. Gently put it back on the leg and repeat on the other side. This action helps to reduce tension in the lower back and improve blood circulation.

Bridge: Strengthens the waist and hips

Bridge pose not only relieves low back pain but also strengthens the lower back and hip muscles. Lie down with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. Lift your hips until your body forms a straight line. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly descend. Gradually increasing the hold time and the number of repetitions strengthens the lower back and hip muscles and supports the spine.

The above movements combine elements of yoga and light strength training to increase the flexibility and strength of the lower back, thereby reducing low back pain. It is advisable to consult with a doctor or physical therapist before undertaking any new exercise program, especially if you have chronic health problems or have not exercised for a long time. Remember, gradually increase the intensity of your exercise to avoid injuries caused by excessive exertion or improper movements.