
I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

author:Frontier Healer
I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

Zhang Qian, the unafraid envoy of the Han Dynasty, was not only a pioneer of the Silk Road, but also an ancient version of the "food blogger". Imagine that he traveled through the vast deserts and towering mountains just to bring the delicacies of the Western Regions back to the Central Plains, simply to fill his stomach, but also to travel all over the world.

His travel bag is not filled with souvenirs, but bags of "trendy ingredients" that will shine in the Central Plains in the future.

From the grapes of Dawan to the pomegranates of Persia, each fruit is like a food messenger who travels through time.

And the residents of the Central Plains are probably the lucky ones who are the first batch in history to experience the "takeaway" service - although it took more than ten years for the takeaway brother Zhang Qian to deliver, do you dare to say that his service attitude is not sincere enough?

I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

On Zhang Qian's food map, every stop is a revolution in taste. The sweetness of grapes and pomegranates has brought a new sweet experience to the people of the Central Plains, and the freshness of cucumbers may make people forget the heat of summer as soon as they eat them.

But when these star products of the Western Regions became an instant hit, local food was inevitably a little jealous - "I grew up here, why don't I have so many fans?"

However, what is interesting is that Zhang Qian brought back not only new flavors, but also the "identity card" of those foods.

The cucumber was originally called "courgette", but because of the whim of a founding emperor, it was renamed "cucumber". You say, isn't this a whole identity crisis for vegetables?

In the process of exploring Zhang Qian's gastronomic map, we can't help but ask: how many secret menus does this ancient gourmand still have not revealed to us?

And how did his gastronomic journey completely subvert the food culture of the Central Plains?

I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

1. The evolution of Western cuisine in the Central Plains

Imagine such a scene: a grape and a pomegranate walk into the market of the Central Plains, and the grapes say confidently: "Look at my watery appearance, it will definitely make the people of the Central Plains fall in love." ”

Pomegranate was not to be outdone: "Hmph, I have many seeds and delicious taste, and I will definitely become the darling of the banquet." ”

This is not the "Voice of China" in the food industry, but the food brought back by Zhang Qian from the Western Regions, the "draft meeting" in the Central Plains.

Grapes and pomegranates became an instant hit and became the "Internet celebrity food" in ancient times. But their success has not been without its challenges.

The native fruit trees of the Central Plains watched these exotic species sweep the market, and their hearts must have mixed tastes. On the first day of the grape market, the local persimmon may be muttering in the corner: "What's so great about this grape, I can make persimmons when I dry it!"

The pomegranate may have been blinded by the pear: "There are a lot of red seeds, and it is not easy to digest after eating." But no matter how the local fruits "complain", the charm of these exotic fruits is still unstoppable.

Over time, grapes and pomegranates not only gained a foothold in the Central Plains, but also took their place in Chinese culture.

Wine became a high-end drink among dignitaries, while pomegranate symbolized fertility and wealth, and was often found in various works of art. Their status is so high that those former "local stars" may be envious.

I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

Not only that, but these foods have also undergone a transformation from "outsiders" to "Central Plains common nationality".

If the grapes and pomegranates could speak, they might sigh: "We also came with passports back then, but now we have become 'locals' of the Central Plains." ”

And the acceptance of these two "new neighbors" by the people of the Central Plains, from the initial curiosity to the later dependence, this emotional change is enough to make any marriage and love expert ashamed.

But all these changes are not just the changes in the food itself, but also the deeper cultural significance hidden behind it.

The rise of grapes and pomegranates in the Central Plains is not only because of their deliciousness, but also because the cultural stories and symbols behind them are integrated with the Central Plains culture. This is a profound cultural fusion, and it is also the sweetest part of Zhang Qian's achievements.

Nowadays, grapes and pomegranates appear on the shelves of any supermarket in an extremely accessible manner, and they have become an indispensable part of our lives.

But while enjoying these delicacies, how many people remember that all this is thanks to Zhang Qian's long and arduous journey to the Western Regions?

I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

2. The collision and integration of Chinese and Western cuisines

As the food brought back by Zhang Qian shines in the Central Plains, an unprecedented food revolution quietly rises.

But this is not only a feast for taste buds, but also a collision and integration of cultures. The exotic customs of the Western Regions and the traditional Xi of the Central Plains staged a wonderful "food fusion drama" on the table.

This drama has its own unique drama - for example, the noodles of the Central Plains met the mutton of the Western Regions, so a legendary delicacy - ramen was born. Noodles said to the mutton, "Come on, follow me, make sure you are hot." ”

Mutton is not to be outdone: "Take me, and keep you with endless flavor." "This East-meets-West food show is not only mouth-watering, but also the best testimony of cultural integration.

However, the fusion of cuisine has not been without its challenges. When the flavors of the Western Regions meet the traditions of the Central Plains, there will inevitably be conflicts.

How to maintain their own characteristics while integrating into the new environment has become a challenge that these exotic ingredients must face.

Some ingredients, like roses, bloom in the midst of conflict, while others are like stubborn old trees that would rather be alone than change.

I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

In this collision of Chinese and Western cuisines, there is no shortage of interesting episodes. For example, the tears and snot of the Central Plains people when they first taste pepper can be described as "spicy and tearful".

For another example, when people from the Western Regions try tofu from the Central Plains, their "brain-opening" expressions seem to say, "Can this be eaten?" These stories not only make people smile, but also reflect the mutual learning and Xi tolerance between different cultures.

Over time, ingredients from the Western Regions and culinary techniques from the Central Plains have influenced and blended to create a range of admirable delicacies. This is not only a victory for ingredients, but also a victory for cultural integration. From initial rejection to eventual acceptance, from conflict to reconciliation, the combination of Chinese and Western cuisines tells a story of openness and tolerance.

However, the story is far from over. What are the unknown secrets of the changes that Zhang Qian's culinary journey has sparked, and how will they continue to influence our taste buds and culture?

I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

3. When tofu meets olive oil

In this cross-cultural feast of Chinese and Western cuisines, if there is one dish that can represent the wonderful journey of Chinese and Western fusion, it is "tofu pasta".

This dish is like the United Nations General Assembly of the food world, with Chinese "state banquet-grade" tofu on the one hand, and pasta "rock star" style on the other.

Their combination is no less than an "Oscar red carpet show" in the food industry, and every taste bud is the star of the red carpet.

Imagine a tofu block dressed in an olive oil dress, and pasta in a soy sauce bow tie, and the two meet as if the cultures of the East and the West are inadvertently waltzing.

Some people may say, "Isn't this the rhythm of 'cultural invasion'?" but in fact, the spark of their encounter continues to prove the truth that "delicious food knows no borders".

I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!

However, this delicious fusion journey wasn't always smooth sailing. Incorporating pasta into Chinese cuisine is like having a singer who likes to sing solo suddenly join the choir.

Pasta is surprised to find that she is no longer the only protagonist, but wants to share the stage with Tofu.

So, in the pot, they went through a "role crisis", but finally found the most harmonious way to perform with each other.

In the process, some traditionalists may shake their heads: this is a blasphemy against tradition, but many more gastronomic explorers have their eyes shining: this is a revolution in taste!

Every attempt and innovation is pushing the boundaries of Chinese and Western food cultures, making people think more deeply about "tradition" and "innovation".

There is no shortage of interesting episodes and surprises in the journey of East-meets-West cuisine. For example, someone tried to combine hot pot with pizza, and as a result, "hot pot pizza" was created.

This kind of bold attempt is like matching a hot Sichuan brother with an Italian beauty, and the result may be a gustatory carnival or a "delicious misunderstanding".

In any case, such an attempt has kept people curious and expectant about the possibilities of food.

I believe in the ancestors, the food that you don't bring back is not delicious food!


This cross-cultural fusion of cuisine is not only a combination of food, but also a cultural exchange. It breaks down the boundaries of geography and borders, bringing together the flavors of the East and the West.

With every new attempt, it could become the next popular dish, or at least the new favorite on someone's dinner table.

Now, looking back on this journey of fusion of Chinese and Western cuisines, has it made you yearn for the taste of these creative dishes, and don't these innovative combinations inspire you to explore the unknown territory of the kitchen?

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