
A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)

author:Reach the doctor and care
A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)

This is the 4700th article of Da Yi Xiao Nursing

A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)

In addition to sports drinks, there is also an "artist" who debuted with a "young", "healthy" and "friendly" image, which has super popularity, and many children, teenagers and even adults fall for it. Not only that, but this artist is also very loving and generous, and he will give 100 million or 10 billion to everyone he meets。。。。。。 That's right, he's the legendary sweet, nutritious, and delicious.

A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)

(The picture comes from the Internet)

Below, let's take a look at the official (national standard GB10789-2007) introduction of this "artist": a product made of fresh milk or dairy products by lactic acid bacteria culture and fermentation to make emulsion, and then added to water, sugar and other preparations. Representative works, there are these: Yakult, Weiquan, Mengniu Youyi C, Yili Yitian, Junlebao Daily Live Bacteria, Yili Changyi 100%, Joy, Meiji Youyang and so on. Main achievements: regulate the intestinal ecological environment and promote intestinal health.

So the question is, since it is good for the body, why is the sugar content high? Is there a scientific basis? A few years ago, doctors from the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine conducted an on-site evaluation of 18 bottles of popular beverages on the market, including lactic acid bacteria drinks. It turned out that it was actually the hidden champion of the sugar content "off the charts"! The average sugar content per 100ml exceeded 15 grams, which means that if you drink a bottle of 500ml drink, it is equivalent to eating 18 sugar cubes (a standard sugar cube is 4.5 grams). I can't help but exclaim, it's too high!

The fact is in front of you, I believe some people may still be puzzled, is it not the label that says "0 fat", it is "0 fat", but it does not say 0 sugar, 0 calories? This can not be a change of concept. A professor at the School of Food Science and Technology of Dalian Polytechnic University once said that "zero fat" does not mean that there are no calories and no sugar. The main raw materials of a bottle of lactic acid bacteria drink are: milk, lactic acid bacteria and sugars, and when merchants use skim milk, they can achieve zero fat. 0 sugar means that the product does not contain any sugar, while 0 calories means that the product does not contain any substances that can produce heat (such as water), which is not possible for lactic acid bacteria drinks. Therefore, there are very few drinks on the market that are labeled as 0 calories.

Thirdly, according to nutritionists, sugar must be added to lactic acid bacteria drinks when they are manufactured. In academic research, lactic acid bacteria are microorganisms that can ferment carbohydrates (sugars) to produce large amounts of lactic acid. Therefore, when we want to use lactic acid bacteria to ferment and produce fermented milk, in addition to the lactose contained in the milk itself, we still need to supplement a sufficient amount of sugar to ensure that the lactic acid bacteria grow well and can reach more than 100 million bacteria per milliliter. In addition, a large amount of lactic acid produced by the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria is difficult for most consumers to accept if sugar is not added in an appropriate amount to adjust the sourness.

In addition, there is also a controversy about lactic acid bacteria drinks, I wonder if you have considered it, according to the activity of the bacteria, it can be divided into active lactic acid bacteria drinks and bactericidal lactic acid bacteria drinks. In fact, only the lactic acid bacteria (which are key probiotics for intestinal regulation) in live lactic acid bacteria drinks are active.

In other words, our gastric juice is acidic, and the pH value is generally less than 2, how many microorganisms can pass the test of gastric acid and arrive at the colon intact to "settle down"? Once, "Consumer Reports" tested the number of surviving lactic acid bacteria by testing the lactic acid bacteria content of the first lid (just opened) in 15 yogurt and lactic acid bacteria beverage products and a rigorous exploratory experiment that simulated human stomach acid. As a result, in the experiment that simulated human stomach acid, almost all the lactic acid bacteria in all products were wiped out. In other words, even if you drink these products that contain probiotics, the probiotics will not reach the intestines "alive".

A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)

(The picture comes from the Internet)

The national standard requires that live bacteria yogurt contain no less than 1 million CFU of active lactic acid bacteria per gram, that is, 100 million CFU of lactic acid bacteria per 100 grams, and that live bacteria lactic acid bacteria beverage should not be less than 1 million CFU per milliliter when it leaves the factory, that is, there are 100 million CFU of lactic acid bacteria per 100 mL, and live bacteria can be detected in the sales process.

Businesses are profit-centered, so the focus of publicity - "gimmick" is nothing more than two, one is "lactic acid bacteria" and "intestinal health", and the other is "rich in nutrients". It is not difficult to explain this, some scholars have done market research, and the results show that 69% of consumers value the role of "ingesting lactic acid bacteria" and "regulating the stomach" when choosing lactic acid bacteria drinks.

At this point, the mystery is revealed. Lactic acid bacteria drinks have a higher sugar content than carbonated acid, and there are many lactic acid bacteria (not necessarily active) and not all of them are absorbed by the body. In the face of this special "artist", is it chasing fans or taking off fans?

Author: Changning District Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Magical sister Lily

A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)
A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)
A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)

Some of the pictures are taken from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please inform us and delete it.

A special "artist" from the sugary drinks family (below)

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