
I often drink soup in winter, without the help of a doctor", these 3 soups are replaced to drink, nourishing and driving away cold, and the nutrition is sufficient

author:Upward Warm Sunshine 21G

# Drink soup often in winter, without the help of a doctor

## 1. Ginger chicken soup that warms the body and mind

Winter is cold, and what we need most is a bowl of soup to warm our bodies and minds. Today I would like to introduce you to a simple, easy-to-make, nourishing soup that repels the cold - ginger chicken soup.


On a cold winter day, a steaming bowl of ginger chicken soup can always make people feel the warmth. Ginger chicken soup is a traditional soup with ginger and chicken as the main ingredients, which has the effect of warming the yang and dissipating cold, which can effectively enhance the physical fitness and prevent colds. This soup is very easy to make, without the help of a doctor, and in just three steps, you can easily enjoy a nutritious taste at home.


### Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

First of all, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

- Chicken: 250 grams, preferably chicken breast or skinless chicken thighs, cut into small pieces and set aside;

- Ginger: a thumb-sized piece, crushed and set aside;

- Green onion: 1 shallot, cut into pieces and set aside;

- Salt: to taste;

- Cooking wine: to taste;

### 步骤二:煮制姜鸡汤

I often drink soup in winter, without the help of a doctor", these 3 soups are replaced to drink, nourishing and driving away cold, and the nutrition is sufficient

1. Boil a pot of water, blanch the chicken pieces to remove the blood and odor, remove and set aside.

2. Add enough water to the pot, add ginger, green onion and a little cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 20 minutes.

3. Put the blanched chicken pieces into the pan and continue to simmer for 30 minutes until the chicken is cooked and flavorful.

4. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, which can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

### Step 3: Enjoy the delicious taste

Place the hot ginger chicken broth in a bowl and garnish with a sprinkle of chopped green onions. Not only is the soup fragrant, but the spicy taste of ginger promotes blood circulation, warms the body, and effectively relieves the discomfort caused by the cold.

## 2. Nourishing lotus seed and lily soup

In addition to ginger chicken soup, we can also try another nourishing and healthy soup - lotus seed and lily soup.


I often drink soup in winter, without the help of a doctor", these 3 soups are replaced to drink, nourishing and driving away cold, and the nutrition is sufficient

In the cold winter months, our bodies need more nourishment and health. Lotus seed and lily soup is a classic soup with lotus seeds and lilies as the main ingredients, which has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and nourishing the skin, nourishing the body and improving the skin. It's also very easy to make, you don't need a doctor's help, and it only takes three steps to enjoy a sweet and delicious soup at home.


### Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

First of all, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

- Lotus seeds: 30 grams, soak in advance to soften and set aside;

- Lily: 20 grams, washed and set aside;

- Red dates: 10 pieces, pitted and set aside;

- Rock sugar: to taste;

- Water: to taste;

### Step 2: Cook lotus seed and lily soup

1. Add enough water to the pot, add lotus seeds, lilies and red dates, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

2. Boil the soup until the lotus seeds are ripe, the lilies and red dates are transparent, and the soup is milky white.

3. Finally, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste, which can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

### Step 3: Enjoy the delicious taste

Serve the hot lotus seed and lily soup in a bowl, the soup is sweet and delicious, and the aroma of lotus seeds and the delicate taste of the lily complement each other, like a bowl of warm nourishment. Drinking more of this soup can not only nourish the skin and moisturize the skin, but also strengthen the spleen and lungs, and inject abundant nutrients into our body.

## 3. Pumpkin pork rib soup to aid digestion

I often drink soup in winter, without the help of a doctor", these 3 soups are replaced to drink, nourishing and driving away cold, and the nutrition is sufficient

During the cold winter months, our appetite is often not very good. If you're looking for a soup that warms your body and helps your digestion, look no further than a bowl of pumpkin pork rib soup!


Pumpkin Pork Ribs Soup is a nutritious and rich soup with pumpkin and pork ribs as the main ingredients, which has the effect of warming and invigorating qi and aiding digestion. This soup is both nourishing for the body and regulating the spleen and stomach, making it a delicacy in winter. Let's learn how to make this soup Xi!


### Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

First of all, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

- Pumpkin: 300g, peeled, seeded and cut into small pieces for later use;

- Pork ribs: 250 grams, cut into small pieces and set aside;

- Ginger: a small piece, sliced and set aside;

- Cooking wine: to taste;

- Salt: to taste;

### 步骤二:煮制南瓜排骨汤

1. Add enough water to the pot, add the pork ribs and ginger slices, skim off the foam, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

2. Put the pumpkin cubes in the pot and continue to simmer for 15 minutes, until the pumpkin is ripe and the pork ribs are tender and delicious.

3. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, which can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

### Step 3: Enjoy the delicious taste

I often drink soup in winter, without the help of a doctor", these 3 soups are replaced to drink, nourishing and driving away cold, and the nutrition is sufficient

Serve the hot pumpkin pork rib soup in a bowl, this soup has a rich texture, and the sweetness of the pumpkin and the umami aroma of the pork ribs blend together to give a warm and satisfying feeling. Drinking more of this soup not only boosts digestion, but also strengthens our physique and keeps us healthy during the cold winter months.

By taking turns drinking these three soups, whether it is warming the body and mind, nourishing and warding away the cold, or having enough nutrition, it can bring a different delicious enjoyment to our winter life. You don't need a doctor's help, as long as you follow the above steps to make it, I believe you will be able to complete it easily. Let's have a warm and healthy winter together!

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