
Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

author:Simple small safflower 5al

Cold 39, easy to deal with, healthy and worry-free!

The cold 39 days are not only the north wind biting, but also a challenge to physical health. Don't be afraid, Xiaobian will give you tips to teach you to live this cold winter easily! Don't freeze like a popsicle anymore, follow Xiaobian to take care of these seven organs!

1. 血管易碎,一不小心就“崩溃”!

First of all, let's take care of the "duct system" in the body - blood vessels. This thing is easy to become fragile when it is cold, causing your blood pressure to rise and fall, causing cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction and other problems.

Editor's suggestion: measure your blood pressure at home every morning, and if the rise is obvious, quickly find a doctor to adjust the dosage. In winter, blood pressure should be as low as possible, which is a life-threatening event!

2. The heart is most afraid of cold differences, be careful that the burden on the heart increases!

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

In an extremely cold environment, blood pressure rises and heart rate accelerates, which puts a lot of burden on the heart, and may also induce heart failure, angina, and myocardial infarction.

Editor's suggestion: Don't underestimate your head, hands, and feet, they are the heart's close-fitting little padded jacket! You must keep warm when you go out, and wear gloves, hats, and scarves. Soak your feet before going to bed and stop worrying!

3. Be careful of cold and flu in your lungs, and be careful about COPD!

Coughing, sneezing, and catching a cold don't just wipe your nose. COPD is more likely to flare up during this season, and if left untreated, it may evolve into respiratory failure and cor pulmonale.

Editor's suggestion: Don't forget to wear a mask when you go out, actively drink water, and then exercise in the morning after 9 o'clock in the morning, and the best time is when the fog clears when the sun is shining.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

4. Take care of your stomach and don't let it slow down!

In cold weather, our stomachs become squeamish, the digestive system is more fragile, and peptic ulcers increase significantly. Stop chewing on the ice and give your stomach a respite!

Editor's suggestion: Eat more soft and easy-to-digest food in winter, and have a glass of ginger syrup in the morning, which has an indescribable tenderness for you behind your stomach.

5. If you have a "cold" prostate, be careful of discomfort in your lower abdomen!

Men, pay attention! Prostatitis is a "hot disease" this season, and cold stimulation can cause inflammation of the prostate and make your lower abdomen painful.

Editor's suggestion: The prostate also needs to be kept warm, you might as well stick a warm baby in the lower abdomen, and a hot water sitz bath is also a good idea. In addition, do more levator exercises to quit bad life Xi!

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

6. Be careful of germs in your nose and don't let it catch a cold!

Sinusitis is much more severe than the common cold. Lazy welfare, Xiaobian has a simple massage method, two hands are drawn into a "stick" to rub the outside of the big finger, and then rub along the sides of the nose, which can effectively improve the problem of nasal congestion!

Editor's advice: chew gum, pat your nose, and let the germs stop bothering you!

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

7. Don't have a "stroke" in your ears, hearing is a big deal!

There are many ear diseases in the 39th day, especially sudden deafness, which should not be taken lightly. It is very important to keep your ears warm, you can usually lift the tips of your ears and knead your earlobes to avoid "freezing" your ears to become deaf.

Editor's suggestion: listen to music, participate in recreational activities, bask in the sun, maintain a good attitude, and make your ears as healthy and happy as your whole body!

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

Winter tonic, easy to live in the cold for three or nine days!

Okay, students, after understanding these little knowledge points, we have to protect ourselves. But don't be afraid, the editor has also prepared a super practical winter tonic food list, which is different in different regions, let's take a look!

1. The Northeast should be hot

Dry and cold areas need to be "hot", and warm foods such as lamb are the best choice.

Don't forget to add some ginger to the dish, it helps to sweat and dissipate cold.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

2. The northwest is dried first

The northwest is dry in winter, and in addition to hot supplementation, it is necessary to strengthen "moisturizing supplementation".

Honey, lilies, almonds, ginkgo seeds, etc. are all good choices for moistening the lungs and nourishing yin.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

3. Re-dehumidify the southeast

The southeast region is humid, and in winter, eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and dampness, such as barley, taro, and red adzuki beans.

When it's cold, eat more to help keep you out.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

4. The central part of the main clearing supplement

The central and southern regions like greasy and spicy food, and the spleen and stomach function is not very good.

For 39 days, it is mainly to clear and replenish, and a bowl of lotus seeds, red dates and rice porridge will warm the stomach.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

5. Lingnan anti-dampness and heat

Lingnan is mainly hot and humid, so there is no need to over-tonify in winter.

It is recommended to eat more green onions, and make soup with mutton and radish, which is delicious and prevents moisture from hurting the body.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

6. The southwest should nourish yin

The southwest has a large temperature difference, and it is easy to have a physique of "cold on the outside and hot on the inside".

Eat more yin-nourishing foods such as lily, lotus root, white fungus, honey, etc., to maintain balance in the body.

Go to bed early and wake up late, drink water frequently, and master the timing of winter exercise!

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

1. Go to bed early and wake up late

In order to adapt to winter storage, adjust your work and rest to ensure sufficient sleep time.

In the morning, you can stay in bed for a few minutes and enjoy a leisurely morning.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

2. The colder you get, the more you should drink plenty of water

Winters are dry, so it's especially important to stay hydrated.

Drink plenty of water to help your metabolism and fight off the cold, but remember to drink small amounts of water multiple times.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

Winter sports, don't freeze into ice sculptures, adjust the timing and method are key!

1. Choose at 3 or 4 p.m

Winters are cold and polluted in the morning, especially before the sun comes out.

It is best to choose the best time to exercise after the sun rises, at three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

2. Wear a mask when warming up

Rapid breathing during exercise, coupled with cold air stimulation, can easily cause asthma.

Wear more clothes when you start exercising, wear a mask, and take it off moderately when your body is warm.

Entering the 39th day, what can middle-aged and elderly friends do to easily spend this cold winter?

Remember, exercise in winter, sweat slightly, choose soothing exercise, and wait for the arrival of spring.

Finally, to sum up, eat and drink well and keep warm for three or nine days, and easily welcome a healthy and happy winter!
