
Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

author:Little Fish remembers

Tianjin Allegro family cultivates performance wizards

Zhang Zijian has formed an indissoluble bond with performance, but in fact, from the moment he was born, the gears of fate have quietly turned. He comes from a family famous for his Allegro performances in Tianjin, and Zhang Zijian's father is a well-known local performing artist.

The edification and enlightenment of his father made Zhang Zijian, who was still in the cradle, show his edge. When he was 4 years old, he appeared on stage for the first time, performing Allegro like his father, with childish movements but already quite imitative demeanor, which made the audience watch with relish.

Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

However, Zhang Zijian's father was not satisfied with his son's first "masterpiece". After graduating from middle school, Zhang Zijian entered Tianjin Quyi School to study Xi performance at the behest of his father, and was later admitted to the Beijing Film Academy Xi major in cross talk.

Under the dual influence of his father and school, Zhang Zijian, the seed of performance, finally broke out of his shell and was ready to shine on a broader stage. The gears on the wheel of fate are still turning firmly, and the road to fame of the performance wizard Zhang Zijian has just begun.

After working as a leading actor in Shanghai for many years, Zhang Zijian finally ushered in a big test in his life. An old friend and director Qian Yanqiu threw an olive branch to him and invited Zhang Zijian to play the leading role in the new martial arts film "White Eyebrows".

Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

This is an upgraded assessment in Zhang Zijian's acting career, and whether he can pass it successfully is directly related to his future development direction.

However, when Zhang Zijian came to the crew, he realized that the difficulty of this role assessment was far beyond imagination - as a "virgin" with zero foundation in martial arts, he needed to complete the filming of a large number of exquisite action scenes in the film.

On the first day of filming, Zhang Zijian was embarrassed, not only was there a lot of bruises and purple on his body, but even eating with chopsticks became a problem.

However, Zhang Zijian did not choose to back down. For this chance to change his fate, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain to complete the shooting, and quickly mastered martial arts skills during his training. Finally, in the constant repetition, Zhang Zijian completed the gorgeous transformation from a martial arts novice to an action star.

Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

And this successful assessment also ushered in a broad world in his career - under the strong recommendation of Qian Yanqiu, Zhang Zijian became a well-known action actor, and his acting career reached a new peak.

Sometimes, fate gives us unexpected tests. And it is precisely in these trials that we can complete the magnificent transformation again and again and open a new chapter in life.

Two marriages and a daughter for life

Zhang Zijian's love road was ups and downs, and his first wife was a fellow worker in the film and television industry. The two met in a cooperation, Zhang Zijian was considerate, Li Ting was pure and lovely, and their feelings were like thunder and fire, and they soon entered the palace of marriage.

Soon after marriage, they welcomed a lovely daughter, Zhang Zijian was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut, and finally became a winner in life.

Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

However, the good times did not last long, Zhang Zijian devoted himself to work, neglected his family, and his relationship gradually drifted apart. So the quarrel became the usual opening point for the two to meet. During an altercation, the 3-year-old daughter stood in the middle and pulled her parents, begging them to stop arguing with a heartbroken face.

Zhang Zijian and Li Ting tacitly chose to avoid it, but the rift in their marriage is difficult to recover.

After the divorce, Zhang Zijian shouldered the heavy responsibility of raising his daughter. For several years, he devoted almost all of his energy to his work and his daughter. Until a party, Fang Yun, a new love introduced by her friend Qian Yanqiu, appeared.

Both of them remarried with their children, fell in love at first sight, and quickly confirmed their relationship. And Zhang Zijian also found the other half of his life in his new marriage.

Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

Life is unpredictable, and so are feelings. In both marriages, Zhang Zijian experienced loss and also gained fuller. And this hard-won happiness, he will cherish it doubly.

The 55-year-old actor has a complete life

Time flies, and Zhang Zijian is 55 years old in the snap of his fingers. Standing in the middle of the stage of life, he couldn't help but look back at the way he came, the vicissitudes of rain and wind, ups and downs, and finally found a happy and stable harbor in middle age.

Today's Zhang Zijian not only shows the spirit of hard work in his acting career, but also gains a lot of warmth in his family after remarriage. At first, he and his wife Fang Yun were worried that the two children would be as incompatible as in the play.

Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

But the relationship between the two children is unexpectedly good, and the wife also loves her daughter like a newborn baby. Now, Zhang Zijian and Fang Yun have tacitly connected hearts and become confidant elders in the hearts of children.

Life is a long road, and it can't be smooth sailing. Middle-aged Zhang Zijian has learned to be tolerant and let go. He looks at the past and cherishes the present; He worked hard and learned to enjoy life.

This calmness and satisfaction not only achieves the pinnacle of the career, but also the stability and comfort of the heart.

Standing halfway through his life, Zhang Zijian looked back at the past, looking forward to the future, and a gratifying smile overflowed on his lips - after wind and rain, he had suddenly opened up, moved forward with his head held high, and marched towards the next peak.

Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

Looking back on Zhang Zijian's life, we can deeply understand the true meaning of success. When the first marriage broke down, Zhang Zijian chose to take the initiative to let go, cherish his daughter, and come out of the negative energy; After remarrying, he cherished his newfound happiness; A hurdle that is difficult to cross in his career, he finally succeeded in crossing it with unremitting efforts.

It is with the mentality of letting go, cherishing, and struggling that Zhang Zijian can win a double harvest in middle age.

Life is short, and in the face of failure, letting go can make us start again; In the face of happiness, cherishing can make us feel close to our lovers; In the face of difficulties, struggle can make us forge ahead.

Zhang Zijian: After divorcing his ex-wife, he remarried with his daughter, how are you doing now?

Xi habit to let go, cherish, struggle, we can get infinite excitement in a limited life.

Zhang Zijian's story is like a mirror, allowing us to face up to ourselves, adjust our mentality, and start anew. Let go and cherish the present, and strive to the end, so that life will become wonderful and fascinating.

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