
Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

author:Polymath Cola 5J9N

Many parents have the Xi of letting their children drink milk before bedtime, because dairy products are rich in nutrients such as protein, which can help supplement their children's nutritional needs for the day. But as the child grows older, should he continue to insist on bedtime milk, and what is the effect on the child? Will bedtime milk affect the child's height growth?

Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

1. Weaning is not recommended for 0-6 month old babies

For newborn babies aged 0-6 months, it is very important to supplement the amount of milk every day. Because more than 80% of the calcium in the human body comes from breast milk or formula, calcium is very important for bone development. If weaned, it can cause calcium deficiency in the baby, which can affect bone formation.

Therefore, 0-6 months is the golden period of baby growth and development, and it is recommended that parents do not wean because feeding bedtime milk will affect sleep at night. The time of bedtime milk can be appropriately adjusted to ensure that the daily milk volume is adequately replenished.

Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

Second, 6-12 months can be appropriately reduced bedtime milk

After 6 months, the baby's growth and development have begun to take shape, and various body functions have gradually improved, and the demand for milk will decrease. At this time, you can reduce the frequency of bedtime milk appropriately, but do not completely wean at once.

You can reduce the frequency of bedtime milk 2-3 times a week to allow your baby to get used to it slowly. If you find that your baby is in a mood and your sleep quality is declining at night, you can temporarily increase bedtime milk to soothe. Then continue to slowly reduce until you are completely abstinent. This step-by-step approach allows your baby to better accept the abrupt interruption of bedtime without causing much of an impact on the body.

Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

3. After 1 year old, you need to gradually quit bedtime

Experts suggest that babies after 1 year old should gradually quit the Xi of bedtime milk. Because at this time, the baby's food intake of three meals a day will gradually increase, and the proportion of dairy products will decrease accordingly. Keeping bedtime milk can affect appetite and reduce the absorption of nutrients such as protein and vitamins.

And after 1 year old, the baby's teeth will gradually erupt, if you keep the bottle for a long time, it is easy to corrode the baby teeth and cause tooth decay. Cutting out bedtime milk can help improve oral hygiene and prevent dental problems.

Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

Sticking to bedtime milk until 1 year of age will delay the formation of children's self-feeding and sleep Xi. It is easy to form a dependency mentality, which affects the cultivation of children's ability to sleep independently. The effect on height is also not significant. Therefore, for the all-round development of the baby, bedtime milk after the age of 1 should be gradually reduced, and it is better to completely quit at about 1-2 years old.

Fourth, the correct way to quit bedtime

Faced with a baby who is about to enter the weaning period, many parents will be at a loss. In fact, as long as you master the right method, it is not difficult to quit bedtime.

Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

1. Choose the best timing

Weaning on weekdays is prone to failure, and it is recommended that parents choose weekends or small holidays for weaning. This gives parents more time to take care of their babies and reduces emotional problems during weaning.

2. Gradually reduce the amount

Don't break it all at once, but take it gradually. You can start by reducing the amount of milk you need to feed each time and then gradually reduce the number of feedings. Allow your baby to get used to the reduced milk supply.

Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

3. Increase the amount of milk you have during the day

During the day, you can increase the amount of milk or milk powder appropriately to compensate for the reduced amount of milk before bedtime. This will prevent your baby from having low blood sugar during weaning.

4. Do a good job of psychological construction in advance

Babies may cry and have trouble sleeping. Parents should be mentally prepared and patiently soothe their baby's emotions. After a while, your baby will adapt naturally.

Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

5. Bedtime milk has a geometric effect on height growth

There is no conclusive question about whether bedtime milk affects the growth of children. However, a number of studies have shown that the key factors that affect children's height lie in genetics, diet, nutrition, exercise and sunlight.

Bedtime milk is only a short-term form of diet, and its long-term effect on bone development is not obvious. On the contrary, if you insist on bedtime milk for a long time, it will affect the feeding and sleep quality of infants and young children, and the potential impact on height is even greater. Therefore, parents do not have to worry too much about the impact of weaning on the final height of their children, the key is to develop a scientific life and rest routine, ensure adequate and high-quality sleep, with a reasonable and nutritious diet, and the development of height is naturally not a problem.

Does bedtime milk affect my child's growth and at what age is it better to quit?

To decide whether or not to continue to give your child bedtime, parents need to distinguish between the different stages of their baby's development. 0-6 months need to be adhered to, 6-12 months can be gradually reduced, after 1 year old it is necessary to completely wean. The correct weaning method is also important, and it should be guided step by step and patiently. Finally, don't worry too much about the impact of bedtime milk on height, the key is to cultivate a scientific lifestyle, so that the baby can grow up healthy and happy.