
The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

author:Enthusiastic amusement of the fox

In the ancient East, there is a story that has been passed down through the ages - "Journey to the West". This classic epic tells the legendary journey of Tang Seng and his three apprentices who went through nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties and finally obtained the true scriptures. However, behind this well-known story, there is a deeper mystery, a serious problem about the Western Heavenly Elysium.

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

With the deepening of the journey, after seeing the ten countries on the road to learn the scriptures, Tang Seng's mentality has also undergone profound changes. He began to reflect on the true meaning of the Western scriptures and the core values conveyed by Buddhism. In a conversation with Li Shimin, Tang Seng mentioned some of his realizations: "Your Majesty, the scriptures I retrieved are not just words, but also a kind of wisdom and spirit. These words hint at his profound understanding on the way to the scriptures, as well as the fundamental shaking of some of his cognition of the Western Heavens.

1. A change in starting point: from repaying kindness to purifying sentient beings

As the journey deepened, Tang Seng and his apprentices stopped in a quiet forest on a quiet night. The campfire dances slightly, casting swaying light and shadow, accompanied by a gentle breeze that brings a hint of coolness. Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng sat around the bonfire, and everyone was immersed in their own thoughts.

Suddenly, Tang Seng spoke softly, breaking the silence of the night: "Wukong, at first I just wanted to repay the emperor's kindness, but now, I want to find a way to liberate all beings in the world. ”

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

Sun Wukong raised his head, his eyes flashed with admiration for his master, and replied softly: "Master, I understand your intentions. I'm here to protect you on this journey, no matter what. ”

Zhu Bajie interjected: "Master, your words remind me of my days in Gao Laozhuang. At that time, I only knew about self-indulgence, but after following you, I began to understand the meaning of responsibility and sacrifice. ”

The sand monk nodded quietly, his eyes full of determination and support.

Tang Seng's eyes were filled with emotion, and he continued: "When I set foot on this road, my heart was full of gratitude to Emperor Li Shimin. However, as we went through the process, I gradually realized that my original intention became more profound. I began to understand that learning scriptures is not only for the sake of the king of a country, but also for the liberation of all sentient beings. ”

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

Sun Wukong sighed softly and said, "Master, although this road is difficult, your original intention and determination make us feel the strength to move forward. ”

Zhu Bajie added with a smile: "That's right, master, we will definitely complete this journey with you." ”

The sand monk nodded silently beside him, his eyes revealing firm conviction.

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

The campfire continued to flicker in the night sky, and four figures surrounded the firelight, their shadows elongated on the ground. This moment is not only a physical rest, but also a spiritual communication and sublimation. Tang Seng's understanding of the scriptures and his understanding of Buddhism were further deepened in this night talk. He began to realize that this journey was not just a physical trek, but also a spiritual practice and enlightenment.

As the night deepened, the four of them gradually fell asleep. In this tranquil forest, their minds were briefly at peace. But they know that tomorrow will be a new challenge and adventure. However, with this in-depth exchange and heart-to-heart connection, they are full of confidence and anticipation for the journey ahead.

2. Encounters with Trials: Realizations in Foreign Countries

In a challenging journey to learn the scriptures, Tang monks and apprentices arrived in the country of Baoxiang. The king was deeply distressed by the fact that the people of the country were suffering from the rampant monsters. When Tang Seng and his party were introduced to the king, the entire court was filled with a tense atmosphere. The King's eyes were filled with eagerness and anticipation, and he eagerly asked how he could deal with the raging youkai.

Tang Seng stood there quietly, his gaze calm, as if he was deep in thought. After a moment, he spoke slowly, his voice full of firmness and wisdom: "Your Majesty, the real strength lies not in force, but in compassion and wisdom. In the face of youkai, we need not only courage and strength, but also wisdom to see the root of the problem. ”

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

When the king heard this, his brows furrowed, obviously confused by Tang Seng's answer. He asked, "Mage, do you mean that we shouldn't use force against youkai?"

Tang Seng replied softly: "Your Majesty, the use of force can temporarily quell the ravages of monsters, but it cannot fundamentally solve the problem. The real solution lies in understanding what the yokai are doing and finding a peaceful solution. ”

Sun Wukong stood aside and couldn't help but interject: "Master, but these monsters are cunning and ferocious, how can we not subdue them by force?"

Tang Seng looked at Wukong with a smile and said, "Wukong, sometimes, compassion and understanding can dissolve hatred and resentment more than hard encounters. ”

The king was silent, his expression changing from confusion to contemplation. Tang Seng's words seemed to touch his heart and made him reflect on how to solve the dilemma facing the country more effectively.

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

This experience was not only a test of Tang Seng's wisdom, but also a manifestation of his compassion. In the process, Tang Seng not only conveyed the true meaning of Buddhism to the king, but also showed his disciples the possibility of fighting evil forces with wisdom and compassion. Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng all understood deeper truths from the master's words.

In the following days, the Tang monks and apprentices continued their journey. They have always maintained compassion and wisdom in different countries and in the face of different difficulties and challenges. Tang Seng's words and practices not only left a deep impression on the Treasure Elephant Kingdom, but also became an important guiding principle in their journey.

3. Deepening Awareness: Contrasts between different countries

During the months-long journey, Tang Seng and his disciples trekked through mountains and rivers and endured hardships. They have traversed vast deserts, crossed towering mountain ranges, and traveled through numerous countries. Everywhere he went, Tang Seng would observe with his curious and kind eyes, and perceive with his wisdom and deep heart.

One evening, Tang Seng and Sha Seng walked in a dense bamboo forest, the breeze blowing, and the bamboo leaves rustled. Sha Seng broke the silence and asked, "Master, we have seen a lot along the way, what do you think is the biggest difference between these countries and our Datang?"

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

Tang Seng stared ahead, pondered for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "Sha Seng, you see how big the gap between these countries is compared to our Tang Dynasty. Our journey is not only about learning from experience, but also about a profound exchange of culture and values. ”

Sha Seng nodded in understanding, and then asked, "Master, how do you think the exchange and understanding between different cultures will help us learn the scriptures?"

Tang Seng smiled slightly: "Sha Seng, the diversity of cultures makes us realize the vastness of the world, and different values and lifestyles inspire us to think, which is very beneficial for us to broaden our horizons and increase our wisdom." ”

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

This dialogue reflects Tang Seng's deep thinking about cultural differences and universal values. He realized that despite the great differences in customs, Xi, beliefs and beliefs of different countries, they always found something in common among these differences, that is, the pursuit of a better life and respect for wisdom.

In the days that followed, Tang Seng was more active in communicating with the locals, whether it was haggling with vendors in the bazaar or discussing Buddhism with monks in temples, he showed great interest and respect. This attitude was deeply contagious to his disciples, who began to learn to understand and respect different cultures and beliefs with a more open mind.

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

In the process, Tang Seng also gradually discovered that the exchanges between different cultures were not always smooth sailing. Sometimes, cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. But Tang Seng always insisted on using dialogue and understanding to resolve these conflicts. He believed that with kindness and humility, a common language and solutions to problems could be found.

4. Final Realization: Changes After Returning

After a long and arduous journey to learn the scriptures, Tang Seng finally returned with precious Buddhist scriptures. He brought back not only precious Buddhist scriptures, but also a heart that had undergone profound changes and enlightenment. There was a deeper wisdom and peace in his eyes.

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

Back in Chang'an, Tang Seng was given a grand welcome by Li Shimin. One day, Tang Seng met with Li Shimin in a quiet study in the palace. The Tang paintings hanging on the walls and the neatly arranged classics on the bookshelves reflect the exchange of culture and wisdom between the two.

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

Li Shimin spoke first: "Tang Seng, you have gone through hardships and dangers, and finally completed the important task of learning scriptures, which is really the blessing of my Tang Dynasty." What kind of insights and inspirations did this trip bring you?"

Tang Seng bowed his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the scriptures I retrieved are not only words, but also a kind of wisdom and spirit. They will guide us in Datang and all living beings in the world towards a brighter future. ”

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

A hint of appreciation flashed in Li Shimin's eyes: "Tang Seng, your words make me quite emotional. So, how do you think this wisdom and spirit should be applied to the governance and development of my Datang?"

Tang Seng pondered for a moment and replied, "Your Majesty, I think that whether it is governing the country or reassuring the people, the most important thing is to have compassion and wisdom. We should accept different cultures and ideas with a broad mind, and guide people with wisdom to achieve inner harmony and social stability. ”

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

This dialogue embodies the deepest understanding that Tang Seng has gained from this journey. He learned not only how to draw wisdom from the scriptures, but also how to apply that wisdom in real life to guide people toward a better future.

After this meeting, Tang Seng was invited to hold a series of lectures at the palace to share his experience and insights. These lectures attracted a large number of literati, doctors, and ordinary people. Tang Seng's words are full of profound philosophies, and his experience has inspired many people to pursue higher wisdom and a better life.

At the same time, Tang Seng also actively participated in the cultural and religious activities of the Tang Dynasty. His consciousness and experience brought new ideological enlightenment to Datang, and also promoted cultural exchanges and religious harmony. Tang Seng became a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures, and his wisdom and spirit deeply influenced the Tang Dynasty society at that time.

The ultimate secret of Journey to the West: After reading the ten countries on the way to learn the scriptures, I discovered the serious problems in the west

With the passage of time, Tang Seng's teachings were accepted and practiced by more people. His light of wisdom has illuminated the hearts of countless people and guided them towards a more harmonious and intelligent future. Tang Seng's journey to learn scriptures is not only a physical journey, but also a spiritual and spiritual exploration and leap.


1. The original work of "Journey to the West".

2. "Journey to the West Research"

3. Buddhism and Chinese Culture

4. Studies on Tang Dynasty Society and Culture

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