
Whoever has ash at the bottom of the pot, there is no need to envy anyone's life

author:Love Yinan

Every time I open the circle of friends, I will envy others,

I would be envious when I see someone else buying a new car,

I would envy others wearing designer clothes and shoes,

I would envy when I saw others have a vest line,

I'll be envious when I see other people's groups of brothers/girlfriends partying,

I also envy others when they go around on vacation.

Why can others live so well?

Unlike me, life is dull and can't make waves,

Every time I post a circle of friends,

They all seem to be blocked and generally no one cares.

Whoever has ash at the bottom of the pot, there is no need to envy anyone's life

I also try to integrate into the wonderful life of the circle of friends,

But it goes further and further.

The circle of friends may be small,

But the gap between people is very different.

Life in the circle of friends

It's the ideal state I've always dreamed of.

But have you ever thought about it,

A lot of things that seem perfect aren't perfect.

What you see is someone else buying a new car,

But what you don't know is that he only paid a down payment of 30,000,

Then you need to pay a loan of 10,000 yuan every month.

What you see is that someone else has a vest line,

But what you don't see is that he doesn't hold his breath and doesn't close his stomach.

A small belly when not concave styling.

What you see is a 10-level dermabrasion for beauty,

The appearance of exquisite makeup under the super magnesium light,

But what you don't see is turning off the filter,

Loose skin full of acne scars and enlarged pores.

Whoever has ash at the bottom of the pot, there is no need to envy anyone's life

What you see may be that Xiaoshuai went on a trip today,

Xiaomei had a big dinner with her girlfriend today,

Xiaoxiong bought a new car,

Da Mei went to the gym,

Daqiang has moved into a new house......

What you see is different states of different people,

This will make you mistakenly think that everyone is having such a wonderful life,

You will take everything you see

Compare yourself with yourself,

It can make you feel anxious,

Because you are inferior to everyone else in everything.

I don't know what you see is what others want you to see.

Because he wants to show that he is better than you in some way,

That's why you'll want to give him a thumbs up.

However, behind every glamorous one,

Maybe they all have an unknown embarrassment.

Whoever has ash at the bottom of the pot, there is no need to envy anyone's life

A lot of times we imitate others,

Instead of being yourself;

In envy of other people's lives,

Instead of living your own life;

In copying someone else's pleasure,

Rather than pursuing their own happiness;

Admittedly, this comparison,

It started from the beginning of life.

When I go to school, I compare my scores, and after I work, I compare my performance,

Clothes are more than brands, meals are more grade than grades,

Buying a house is more expensive than the school district, buying a car is more expensive than cheap,

Love is sweeter than marriage, and marriage is more happy than happiness.

Human unhappiness mainly stems from unrealistic comparisons.

The life of others whom you envy,

It's all earned by others with blood, sweat, and tears,

When you know how much others give,

You will not envy the lives of those people,

You will find that you don't deserve this life at all.

Whoever has ash at the bottom of the pot, there is no need to envy anyone's life

Don't envy anyone's life,

In fact, there is ash at the bottom of everyone's pot.

Life, it's not like this, it's like that.

It's not that others are beautiful,

It's that they don't show the chicken feathers to others,

So just go with the flow.

What you thought you didn't have might be on your way;

What you thought she had, might be on her way there.

So, it's time to eat, it's time to drink,

Don't put it in your heart, just get over it.

Whoever has ash at the bottom of the pot, there is no need to envy anyone's life

Work hard when it's time to make money,

When it's time to rest, relax your body and mind.

Take care of your body and take care of your mental health.

I can smile happily every day,

It is a blessing from heaven.

Cherish all the unexpected encounters,

Look down on all without saying goodbye,

Learn to let go,

Sometimes it's not about forgiving others,

It's about letting yourself go.

I don't envy anyone, and I don't stammer anyone,

I don't want to change anyone, and I don't care about other people's evaluations.

Do not please the withdrawn and noble,

Don't maintain a tired relationship.

Whoever is good to me, I will be good to whomever I am.

Where in advance depends on their feelings,

As for the rest, it depends on the mood and the friendship.

Whoever has ash at the bottom of the pot, there is no need to envy anyone's life

Once you stop envying others and appreciate yourself more,

There will be no humble background and anxieties about appearance.

Once you stop pleasing others and be more true to yourself,

will not be concerned about small things,

Haunted by the past.

cares too much about others,

It's just that you don't know how to respect yourself, which is not good.

Don't talk about the past, don't talk about ifs,

I just hope that the next days will get better and better!

Live well, don't think too much,

Three meals are warm, and all seasons are safe!

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