
Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

author:Kaka Literature Society

Wang Yiquan: The old Red Army who served the country all his life

In 1933, Wang Yiquan, who was in his early twenties, heard the call of the party organization in his hometown and resolutely decided to abandon his family and career and join the ranks of the Red Army. The moment he embarked on the journey, he knew that he was shouldering the heavy responsibility of fighting for the Chinese revolution.

As a new recruit, Wang Yiquan never complained about the hardships of training, and only wanted to become a qualified soldier as soon as possible. He must always be on high alert, as enemy ambushes can hide anywhere.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

The road of the Long March was difficult and dangerous, but Wang Yiquan never flinched. Because he knows that the dawn of victory lies ahead. Every time he successfully broke through the enemy's blockade, and every time he ushered in the dawn in the open air, Wang Yiquan's confidence was firmer. He seemed to sense the call to victory, which was the original intention of joining the Red Army, and the other side that the country must eventually reach.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Yiquan's mission did not end. He responded to the party's call and threw himself into the work of land reform. Through his unremitting efforts, the peasants finally obtained the land they cultivated, and the shadow of feudal exploitation was dispelled forever.

In the long years, Wang Yiquan has always had a pure heart. In the face of the party and the people, he has only sincerity and enthusiasm. It is countless ordinary people like Wang Yiquan who have silently contributed to the grand feat of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Wang Jianlin: A legend from the military to the business world

Wang Jianlin inherited the military blood of his father Wang Yiquan, joined the army at the age of 15, and began his military career. The arduous training and work have sharpened Wang Jianlin's strong will, and also allowed him to accumulate valuable organizational and leadership skills.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

At first, Wang Jianlin only wanted to become a qualified soldier, but by chance he entered the military academy to study Xi. Wang Jianlin's rigorous academic atmosphere and the regularity of military life have deeply influenced Wang Jianlin, which has laid a solid foundation for him to start his own business in the future.

At the end of the 80s, Wang Jianlin, who was serving in the army, ushered in a major turning point in his life. He gave up a stable military life, transferred to the local government, and took over a business that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Employees were suspicious of the new leader, but Mr. Wang quickly earned the respect of everyone with his unique courage.

Relying on his excellent professional ability and innate business acumen, Wang Jianlin turned the company into a profit in just one year. This was a crucial step in his transition from military to business.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

The organizational discipline and execution cultivated by years of military life are the secret of his career success.

Today, Mr. Wang is a business legend, and his Wanda Group's influence in China and around the world is going from strength to strength. But Wang Jianlin has never forgotten his military roots.

The military spirit of integrity, discipline and dedication still inspires him to continue to expand and achieve a greater business empire.

Wang Sicong: The Chinese heart under the open mind

Wang Sicong grew up in a foreign country, so he is different from ordinary Chinese children, he is more open-minded and more flamboyant. But just like a plant, when transplanted to any land, the root system is still the native soil.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

Wang Sicong's ideas are also deeply rooted in the nourishment of Chinese culture.

Wang Sicong's bold expression of opinions and courage to challenge authority come from his courage to think independently and his instinctive commitment to social responsibility. But more often than not, he is just defending the Chinese values in his heart in another way.

Growing up abroad does not mean that Wang Sicong has given up traditional Chinese culture. On the contrary, the feelings of family and country made him feel more proud and responsible. While enjoying a rich and colorful life, Wang Sicong is also promoting the national spirit in his own way.

With the support of his father, the company founded by Wang Sicong has achieved remarkable results, and even led the team to win many international championships. These achievements prove his strength as a new generation of Chinese.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

Wang Sicong may be different, but his heart to win glory for the country is shared by millions of young Chinese people.

Wang Sicong's life has just begun, and whether there is a sincere and enthusiastic heart hidden under his open-minded mind? But at least from all the signs now, this Chinese heart is beating more and more vividly.

A warm memory of the 100th birthday

When Wang Yiquan turned 100 years old, his son Wang Jianlin began to plan for his father's birthday early. A simple birthday party, the family has paid 100% effort.

Wang Jianlin specially invited his father's favorite dishes, and his wife and children also spent a week making birthday gifts by hand.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

Finally, this solemn and warm day has come. Early in the morning, Wang Jianlin came to his father's side and helped the centenarian get up.

Although Wang Yiquan has difficulty moving, he is still extremely conscious. He recognized it at a glance as his son, smiled brightly, and said in a soft but affectionate voice, "Son, you are here."

Wang Jianlin also curled the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of pity: "Father, happy birthday!"

A simple greeting, but a thousand words.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

Next, Wang Jianlin carefully groomed and changed his father's clothes, and then helped him to the dining table. The table was already filled with sumptuous dishes, and the family sat around and enjoyed themselves.

Wang Jianlin chatted with his father and personally added food to him, with a happy smile on his face.

Although Wang Yiquan has difficulty moving, he is full of energy. He chatted with his grandchildren, and occasionally remembered stories from his youth to amuse everyone.

Looking at all the relatives around him, Wang Yiquan felt unprecedented satisfaction and steadfastness.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

The warmest picture at the 100th birthday party is that the family sits quietly around, needless to say, just to accompany each other. Family happiness is the most blessed life, and the warmth of this moment will become their most precious memory.

Aging face, ageless heart

Wang Yiquan is already 100 years old, and the years have left a deep mark on his face. The wrinkles on his face are a testament to his long life, and his hair has turned gray.

But when Wang Yi talked to his family in full energy, he was still full of vigor and vitality.

Wang Yiquan told the story of being in the army when he was young, and the scene of his former career as a horse soldier seemed to reappear in front of him. He imitated the movements of standing in a military posture and compared the situation during the training that year.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

Although his old body is no longer vigorous, Wang Yiquan's face is full of enthusiasm and energy, as if time has returned to his youthful years full of vigor and fighting spirit.

When chatting with his grandchildren, Wang Yiquan listened patiently, with kindness in his eyes. Occasionally, when his grandchildren laughed and touched his anecdotes, Wang Yiquan would also join in with a smile on his face.

Although his reaction and speech were not as fast as before, the light of wisdom could be seen in the sharpness of his gaze.

Wang Jianlin looked at his father quietly and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. He knew that the reason why his father could still retain an immortal heart stemmed from his love for life and his pure heart for the party and the people.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

It is this heart that supports Wang Yiquan's evergreen tree of life.

The real age of a person is not a measure of the furrow on the face, but is reflected in the vitality of the soul. Wang Yiquan proved this with his 100-year life. Aging is just a face, but as long as the heart is not old, people will live forever.

The Legacy of Red Blood

Wang Yiquan is a model of selfless dedication of the older generation of Communist Party members, Wang Jianlin will carry forward this spirit, and practice the feeling of serving the country with the image of an entrepreneur. Although Wang Sicong's lifestyle is different from that of ordinary people, he is also promoting the national spirit in his own way.

From generation to generation, the members of this family have continued to write the legend of the red blood in their own field. From Wang Yiquan to Wang Jianlin to Wang Sicong, they have witnessed and promoted China's great leap from standing up to becoming rich.

Wang Sicong's grandfather: A soldier with a prominent background, Wang Jianlin congratulated him on his 100th birthday

New China was established on the bones of countless martyrs, and Wang Yiquan was an ordinary person who dedicated himself in obscurity to that generation. It is precisely because of their roots that China has been able to rise to the east of the world in just a few decades.

Wang Jianlin, on the other hand, represents the take-off of China's economy. It is the entrepreneurial and dedication of hundreds of millions of entrepreneurs like him that has made China's economy prosperous. Wang Jianlin's mind of "serving the people" has also deeply influenced today's entrepreneurs.

Wang Sicong inherited the bloodline of his predecessors and opened up a unique path for the new generation. His success shows the world that China's young generation has the vision and ability to face the world.

Passed down from generation to generation, the Wang family is a microcosm of China's social changes. Together, they have witnessed the great leap of the Chinese nation from standing up to becoming rich. This is also an important reason why China has been able to achieve great changes in just a few decades - the red blood of history is inspiring the sons and daughters of China to continue to move forward.

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