
The first day after the winter solstice | Today's winter solstice number nine officially begins

author:Beijing Satellite TV
The first day after the winter solstice | Today's winter solstice number nine officially begins



The winter solstice is followed by the beginning of the day

Do you feel that this winter is much colder than usual? The cold wave is coming for several days in a row, and in order to combat it, down jackets, scarves, gloves and other cold items have become necessary to go out. And from today, the number of nine cold geniuses has officially begun.

The winter solstice is a very important solar term in the mainland lunar calendar, and it is also a traditional festival, and there are still many places that have the Xi of the winter solstice festival. The winter solstice is commonly known as the "Winter Festival", "Long Solstice Festival", "Ya Sui" and so on.

The first day after the winter solstice | Today's winter solstice number nine officially begins

The winter solstice is a very important solar term in the mainland lunar calendar, and it is also a traditional festival, and there are still many places that have the Xi of the winter solstice festival. The winter solstice is commonly known as the "Winter Festival", "Long Solstice Festival", "Ya Sui" and so on.

The winter solstice is also the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The ancients said that the winter solstice is: the solstice of the cathode, the beginning of the yang, the solstice of the south of the sun, the solstice of the short day, and the solstice of the long shadow of the sun, so it is called the "winter solstice". After the winter solstice, the climate everywhere enters the coldest stage, which is often referred to as "counting nine cold days".

The weather is cold, in addition to paying special attention to clothing and warmth, the warmth of the heart cannot be ignored.

Because in the cold climate, the physiological response of human beings is relatively slow, but the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, and the body is often in a state of stress; As a result, heart attacks are 2-3 times higher in winter than in other seasons!

The first day after the winter solstice | Today's winter solstice number nine officially begins

In addition to paying more attention to signals such as chest pain, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing, we have also prepared a "winter heart protection formula", you may wish to try it.

【Ingredients】5-10 grams of red adzuki beans, appropriate amount of black tea.

【Method】Soak the red adzuki beans in water at about 80 degrees, add black tea for about 10 minutes, and brew for another 10 minutes before drinking.

It is rich in vitamin A, which can help improve immunity, and black tea can warm and dispel cold, and the two can be used together, which can better play the effect of protecting the heart in winter.

The first day after the winter solstice | Today's winter solstice number nine officially begins

In addition, men and women keep warm very differently.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, cold evil is a yin evil that can damage the body's yang energy. Men's yang energy is relatively strong, and women's yang energy is weaker, so men's ability to resist cold is generally stronger than that of women, and the protection against cold evil also has its own emphasis.

Men warm their backs, men use yang energy to do things, and yang energy plays a greater protective role on the body surface. The back is the yang of the body, and the foot sun bladder meridian that runs on the back is like armor to protect the inner organs.

If you neglect to keep your back warm, the cold evil will take advantage of the weakness and affect the muscles and joints of the upper and lower limbs through the cervical spine and lumbar spine, causing back pain, restricting activities, and also affecting internal organs, resulting in various discomforts, such as pulmonary heart disease, asthma, etc., which are often related to back cold.

The first day after the winter solstice | Today's winter solstice number nine officially begins

Therefore, men should have a daily aphrodisiac on their backs. There is a Du vein on the back, which is the place where all the yang meridians converge, and the yang energy of the main body. Therefore, sunbathing the back helps to maintain yang energy.

Women warm their feet, and women keep warm, they should focus on the protection of the yin meridian. The three yin meridians of the feet all start from the feet and follow to the abdomen, so women must do a good job of keeping the lower limbs warm to prevent the three yin of the feet from experiencing cold, and the cold evil will spread to the abdomen along the meridians, which can cause a series of diseases. The easiest way to do this is to soak your feet. Safflower, mugwort leaves, peppercorns and other medicinal materials can also be added to the water to help promote the flow of qi and blood and help the meridians nourish blood qi.