
It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

author:Gluttonous old than
It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

As the old saying goes: When people reach middle age, everything is off! The career crisis in middle age is the trivial affairs of others, especially the decline of physical functions that can be clearly perceived. In short, all kinds of problems come to people in middle age. Fortunately, Lao Yu is 4 years older than his daughter-in-law, and he has adapted to these problems early.

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

But for the middle-aged daughter-in-law, the aging of the skin alone is enough for her to drink a pot! As a food author, I often read some nutritionist's recipes, from a dietary point of view, I will often boil a pot of jujube paste with red dates, roses, old brown sugar and other ingredients, and let her drink a cup every day, especially in this cold winter, not only is she not afraid of cold, but she is more beautiful than Ejiao!

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

Especially for female friends who are afraid of cold, this winter is exceptionally cold, so you might as well try this warm winter rose brown sugar thick ginger longan jujube paste shared by Lao Yu below!

Recommended recipe for warm winter: rose brown sugar thick ginger longan jujube paste

Ingredients: jujube, brown sugar cubes, rose, ginger, longan

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

Step 1: Prepare a bowl of red dates, a piece of ginger, an appropriate amount of brown sugar cubes, a small handful of roses, and a bowl of longan. First, remove the shell of the longan, and then remove the pit for later use. Then wash the jujubes and slowly remove the jujube pits with a knife.

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

But every time I put the jujube pitted, it is very troublesome, especially my daughter-in-law likes to drink her own soybean milk, and likes to add some jujubes to it.

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

You see, such a bowl of jujubes, hey, it was put on hold before, and it took at least ten minutes to remove the core, but now with the coring device, a bowl of jujube can be completed in minutes.

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

The key is to save time and trouble with a corer, whether it is jujube, hawthorn, apple, pear, cherry, etc., you can easily remove the coring. In particular, it can be used to remove strips from such ingredients as radishes and potatoes, and can be used to cook fancy dishes.

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Therefore, if you are the same as Lao Yu and think that it is troublesome to corit fruits such as red dates, you might as well try this coring artifact!

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

Step 2: Rinse the jujube after pitting, cut half into small pieces for later use, add a little water to beat the jujube paste for later use, peel and wash the ginger and cut it into minced pieces, the finer the better.

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

Step 3: Put the finished jujube paste into a non-stick pan, add brown sugar cubes, roses, and stir-fry slowly over low heat. Remember not to be lazy to prevent sticking and pasting the pan.

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

Step 4: When the brown sugar cubes are completely melted, add the minced ginger and continue to stir-fry slowly. Again, be sure to keep stir-frying, if you are usually afraid of cold friends, ginger can be washed and cut into minced pieces, so that it can not only ward off the cold but also warm up.

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

Step 5: When you can smell the rich ginger fragrance, add the chopped red dates, and then continue to stir-fry for about 3 to 5 minutes, and then turn off the heat when it becomes a paste.

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

Pour the prepared warm-up jujube paste into a glass crisper or sealed jar, let it cool and seal it, and put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration. Dig a big spoonful with a spoon every day, brew it with boiling water and drink it, or you can take it to the company with a thermos cup. Drink a glass every day, so that you are not afraid of the cold, and the skin is rosy and complexion!

It is boiled with red dates, which is more beautiful than Ejiao, moisturizing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and the complexion is getting better and better

Finally, I would like to tell you that when stir-frying, remember to keep stir-frying to prevent the paste, so that the taste will be "blind". The above is the content shared with you today, I hope it can help you! I am a gluttonous old man, thank you for watching, thank you!