
After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

author:Said in a daze

In life, there is one thing that everyone cannot avoid, and that is death.

When an elderly person passes away in the family, we must continue to live in addition to nostalgia, because the living must continue to live.

When the old man dies, the house they have lived in, we can't just abandon it, and we must still live in it, but before moving in, we still have to pay attention to 4 o'clock, so as not to regret it in the future.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

First: Don't throw the old man's things at will

In the past few decades, China has developed too fast. Especially compared with foreign countries, many of our families live directly in a two-story building from a clay cave, use a smartphone directly across the landline, and drive a car directly from a bicycle.

However, because of this, everyone generally has some old antiques in their homes.

Previously, a netizen in Chongqing, after the death of his 108-year-old grandfather, when his family sorted out the relics of the elderly, he found his grandfather's wallet, and found a large number of ancient coins.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

Many netizens ridiculed: I got rich.

In fact, there are many like this, the elderly are old, and they have forgotten how many things they have, so as children, they must remember to tidy up.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

The eighty or ninety-year-old people in the family are all from that era, and have experienced great social changes, and there will inevitably be some traces of that era in their lives, after all, there was a shortage of materials at that time, and the old people were generally thrifty, keeping and saving everything.

But as you know, a lot of "broken" things in the past were actually completely unusable later, such as food stamps, cloth stamps, and so on. You have to look for them, these are treasures now.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

So, after the old man in the family dies, you must not throw everything away, look for it before throwing it, in case there are any old antiques, isn't it also a savings left by the old man.

There are countless examples of this, especially if the family is rural, sometimes the elderly will not only save some "tattered antiques", but also save cash.

For example, there was a netizen in Shandong before, after the old man died, the family packed up their clothes and found a sum of hard-earned money saved by the old man.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

In addition, keeping the relics of the elderly is also a manifestation of the filial piety of children.

There was an incident in Kunming before, after the death of an old man, his children quickly sold the old man's house, took the money and disappeared.

The old man's relics, including the old man's photos, tapes, certificates, and wedding photos, were all thrown into the trash, and in the end, the old man's neighbors couldn't stand it, so they turned over the trash can and found all the old man's relics for proper storage.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

Respecting the elderly, loving the young, and honoring parents are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. The unfilial behavior of the old man's children also made the surrounding neighbors angry, and they exposed the incident to reporters in a fit of anger.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone
After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

The relics were thrown away like "died again", this sentence and scene are so sad?

Therefore, I hope that the children who have filial piety all over the world will carefully sort out the relics of the elderly and do not discard them at will. Even if it is not for some belongings, it is necessary to preserve the last dignity for the elderly.

Second: Destroy the clothing of the elderly

After the death of the elderly, when sorting out the relics, there are some things that can be left, but some things are not necessary. For example, the clothes of the elderly.

First of all, the health problem, the elderly are old, it is inevitable that there will be some diseases, some elderly people even stay in bed for decades, in this case, there will inevitably be more germs on the clothes.

Now that the old man has passed away, it is better to dispose of the clothes as well, in case the germs are transmitted to the living again, it will be more than worth the loss.

Secondly, the clothes of the elderly are placed at home, which will make relatives look at things and think about people, and every time they think of it, they will secretly feel sad, and in the long run, it will not be good for the body.

Therefore, it is recommended that when everyone sorts out the relics, the clothes of the elderly should be destroyed in time.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

Third: Frequent cleaning, frequent ventilation and disinfection

When the old man dies, after sorting out the relics and finishing the funeral, the house where the old man lives may be temporarily empty and no one lives.

Even so, it is important to clean and ventilate frequently.

First of all, keeping the old people's homes clean and tidy is a kind of respect and nostalgia in itself. When you are wronged, or miss the elderly, when you go back to the old house and want to cry and vent your emotions, looking at such a clean place can also make you recover quickly.

Moreover, it is still a health problem, if the old man's residence is not lived in for a long time, many old houses will be damp, and many of the old people's furniture is wood, it is easy to become moldy, for a long time, the room smells musty, not to mention, maybe no one wants to live in the house, and it has been abandoned since then.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone

Fourth: You can redecorate, but don't change the original structure of the house

After the death of the elderly, if you want to live in the old house again, it is inevitable to carry out some decorations, but be careful not to destroy the original structure of the house.

First of all, the house is also the inheritance of the elderly, and we must maintain basic respect after inheritance. It can be renovated on the basis of the original, after all, some can no longer adapt to modern needs, so it is no problem to redecorate. But don't do it all over again.

Moreover, when the structure of the house is built, it already has its own use, and every wall and pillar has its own role, and forcibly tearing it down and restarting it may bring construction risks.

After the old man dies, deal with 4 things, leave the last dignity for the old man, and be good to everyone


After the old man passes away, properly disposing of the heritage relics is the greatest respect for the elderly. I hope that all the children in the world will leave their parents with dignity after death.


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