
"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

author:Wooden bridge said
"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Text/Muqiao said

Editor/Wooden Bridge Statement

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything


If you were given a chance to meet someone you liked for a long time, would you be so happy that you would run over?

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Speaking of the purest feelings in the cartoon, I believe many people will think of Ponyo and Sousuke, and Sousuke's clear voice will automatically appear in their minds.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Ponyo and Sousuke: If it were to see you, I would go there regardless of everything

I believe many people have seen the famous scene of "Ponyo running to Sousuke".

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Some people use this scene as a metaphor to see someone they like, they must be running, not walking slowly.

And this famous scene comes from the movie "Goldfish on the Cliff".

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

If a little mermaid falls in love with a little boy from a human being.

What kind of adventure will the collision of the two produce, and what kind of sparks will be created?

Is it the same as "Daughter of the Sea", in the end, the prince who is negative and the princess of the neighboring country get married?

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Obviously not, despite the obstacles of her father and mother, Ponyo is bent on becoming a human just to be with Sousuke.

It sounds like a love brain story though.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

But when we really try to walk in, we will find how delicate the feelings are contained in it.

Although "mermaid love" or friendship is difficult.

It even caused a tsunami, but what moved us was the joy of running in both directions.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Speaking of Miyazaki, I believe everyone knows something about him.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

As long as it is his painting style, readers can generally see it at a glance.

The bright colors seem to be the tone used to depict fairy tales.

Hayao Miyazaki's animation is not only an audio-visual feast, but also brings profound truths to people.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

For example, the theme of "The Goldfish on the Cliff" is to protect the environment.

Growing up in World War II, he knew the value of peace and the importance of protecting the natural environment, so he spent his life fighting the war and protecting the environment.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

These include "Porco Rosso", which he created to promote anti-war ideas, and "Valley of the Wind" and "Princess Mononoke", which he created to inspire people's thoughts on protecting the environment.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Hayao Miyazaki is not just talking about animation, he shows a spirit in his cartoons.

It's a deep sense of humanity.

With his perseverance and uncompromising fighting spirit, he set an example for future generations of animators.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

His works have always been a combination of touching stories, warm painting style, and anti-war and peaceful ideas.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

At the beginning of the film, the image is presented in the underwater world.

I saw a man in a striped shirt tinkering with the bottles and cans beside him.

He pulled a gun out of his coat pocket, fired a shot at the bottom of the sea, then turned around and lowered his head to continue fiddling with the bottles and cans beside him.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Behind the man in the striped shirt is a shipwreck.

I saw a larger goldfish and a group of small goldfish poking out of the window of the boat, they seemed to be brothers and sisters.

This larger goldfish is the protagonist of the movie - Ponyo.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

However, the name Ponyo was not given by her parents.

At first her name was Burren Hill, but later she got the name Ponyo, and it all started with her experience.

Goldfish Ponyo has longed for the world outside the shipwreck since she was a child, until this day she secretly escaped from her home.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

In this way, a fish floated to land with the jellyfish.

On the way, she accidentally got choked by a garbage glass bottle in the sea.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Ponyo who had just arrived in the human world suddenly didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, he later got the help of a little human boy, Sousuke, and became good friends with Sousuke.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Sousuke liked the little goldfish he saved so much that he kept it in his little bucket and carried her with him.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

It was Sousuke who gave Ponyo the name.

But when Ponyo just learned to speak, she was taken away by her father, who was chasing her from the bottom of the sea.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Sousuke sadly hugged his empty bucket, he missed his friend very much, but he couldn't do anything about it.

When he got home, he put the bucket in a conspicuous place in front of his house, hoping that Ponyo would see the bucket and come back on his own.

On the other hand, Ponyo, who likes Sousuke and Riku, is taken home by her father, but she is very unhappy.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Not only did he not eat the food at home, but he also told his father that he was going to become a human, which made his father angry.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Because she licked Sousuke's blood, Ponyo grew hands and feet.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Seeing this, the father panicked and used magic to turn Ponyo back into a goldfish, but this was only temporary.

The father decided to go to Ponyo's mother, because the mother had great mana.

Ponyo is awakened by her siblings and regrows her hands, feet and teeth again.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Because the brothers and sisters also yearn for land and freedom as much as Ponyo.

With the hopes of her brothers and sisters, she resolutely decided to go to find Sousuke on land.

But when Ponyo left the bottom of the sea and went to land, disaster struck.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

She accidentally advanced her father's work to cause the tsunami, which led to the tsunami.

Both the people on shore and Sousuke's father, who works at sea, are in danger.

Sousuke's mother, in order to protect Sousuke, decided to take Sousuke home.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

On the way home that Sousuke's mother drove Sousuke home in the wind, rain and waves, Ponyo who turned into a human came on the waves, chased the car all the way, and finally chased to the door of Sousuke's house.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

I saw Ponyo running wildly towards Sousuke, and Sousuke also recognized the girl in front of him at this time as the little goldfish Ponyo.

Sousuke's mother returned home with the two little ones and warmed them up with tea.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Ponyo who first arrived in the human world seems to be curious about everything, she falls in love with human food and learns Xi the Xi customs of the human world.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

After the wind and rain calmed down temporarily, Sousuke's mother was worried about the people in the nursing home, so she left Sousuke and Ponyo at home and went to the nursing home alone.

At this time, Ponyo's father chased after Sousuke's house and wanted to bring Ponyo home.

Ponyo's mother, the beautiful sea, also appeared.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

She calms the sea and calms Ponyo's dad so that Ponyo becomes a human and continues to live with Sousuke.

But the condition is that Sousuke must always love Ponyo and can't change his mind.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

The water level has risen quite a bit, and Ponyo and Sousuke wake up worried about Sousuke's mother and worry that her mother will meet misfortune on the road.

So he took food, matches and other supplies and took a boat to find his mother.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

On the way, they saw many different species of fish and met enthusiastic rescue boats.

The boat relied on Ponyo's mana, and as Ponyo became a human for longer and longer, her physical strength gradually depleted and her magic gradually decreased.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

The ships could no longer start, but fortunately their feet were able to touch the ground, and there was no need for boats.

After walking a lot of roads, Sousuke and Ponyo were exhausted and finally came to the nursing home and found Sousuke's mother.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

At this time, they found out that Ponyo's parents had also come here.

After listening to Sousuke's sincere words, Ponyo's mother turned Ponyo into a real human.

Since then, there has been a lovely mermaid princess in the sea, but there is a cute little girl on the land.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Ponyo was able to be with Sousuke forever.

And at this time, the cracks in the world were also filled, and the waves were completely calm.

The world on land returned to normal order, and Sousuke's father returned to land safely.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

This is the end of the film.

In fact, this is a film created by Hayao Miyazaki with the purpose of protecting the marine environment.

This can be seen in many places in the film.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Environmental protection is what this film is all about

At the beginning of the film, Ponyo escapes from the shipwreck and wants to go to the human world.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

But on the way, she met with misfortune, and she saw a ship salvaging garbage at sea, and at first she felt curious and took a closer look.

Unfortunately, she was blocked by the garbage in the sea, and she almost lost her precious life.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

When Ponyo's father went to find Ponyo, the sea was full of garbage, and his boat was always blocked by garbage.

Worried about his daughter's safety, he kept complaining about the boat: "It's dirty!"

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Ponyo's father seems to be the "bad" person in this movie, and he develops the tsunami, as if he wants the sea to swallow the human world, for what?

Isn't it because human-made garbage is seriously affecting the lives of marine life?

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

These clips were created by Hayao Miyazaki to provoke people to think deeply.

There is so much garbage in the sea that it affects the living environment of marine creatures and even threatens their lives.

All these are worth pondering, and the fate of mankind and the ocean is closely linked.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

Mr. Miyazaki hopes to advocate for more people to protect the natural environment, including the marine environment.

When Sousuke first meets Ponyo in the film, he says to her, "Don't worry, I'll protect you and take good care of you." ”

This sentence is a good hint that human beings should take good care of the natural environment, just as Sousuke desperately tried to protect Ponyo.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

In addition to the deep meaning of the movie itself, there are also many touching moments in it.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

The details of the film are touching

Ponyo and Sousuke's warm relationship, Sousuke's mom and dad's love, Ponyo's father's deep fatherly love for Ponyo, Sousuke's family and the old ladies in the nursing home care for each other, etc.

These are the most simple and sincere emotions between people.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

When Sousuke's father failed to come home after an appointment, his mother angrily scolded her husband for being "stupid" at the signal light.

Sousuke's father also responded to his wife's "I'm sorry" and "I love you" with the signal light, and kept turning on and off the lights of the whole ship to make his wife happy.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

The shiny ship on the sea at night looks very romantic.

Ponyo's father tried his best to stop Ponyo from going ashore again and again, all because he used to live in the human world.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

He understands the evil, dark psychology of some people in society, and he believes that human beings only know how to take life from the sea.

He loved his daughter deeply and was afraid that Ponyo would be hurt, so he prevented Ponyo from leaving the sea again and again.

Sousuke's kindergarten is adjacent to the nursing home where Sousuke's mother worked.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

That's why Sousuke often goes to nursing homes to talk to the old ladies and make them happy.

Whether it was as enthusiastic as ever or a cold-hearted old lady, Sousuke gave them his own folded gifts.

When the tsunami came, the old ladies were also genuinely worried about the safety of Sousuke's family, and the relationship between them was very simple and sincere, not for any benefit.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

In fact, this film is not just a simple love story.

It's a journey of growth, choice, and courage.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

And Mr. Miyazaki also injected a lot of meaning and touching pictures with his heart.

Every time there is an interactive scene between Ponyo and Sousuke in the film, the audience can experience the beauty and power of innocent love.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

The pure relationship between Ponyo and Sousuke does not have any complicated entanglements.

made many viewers feel the most sincere emotions in life.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

The film also shows the pain of choice and growth.

When Ponyo is faced with the choice between love and losing her magic, she chooses love without hesitation and chooses Sousuke.

This means that she will lose her magical powers.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

The pain of choice makes people deeply understand the hardships of growing up.

But at the same time, Ponyo also reaped her own happiness.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

From the film, whether it is the meaning of caring for the environment injected by the old man Hayao Miyazaki, or from Ponyo and Sousuke, we can learn a lot.

For example, follow your heart, bravely pursue what you think and love, and not be afraid of the eyes of the world.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything


All in all, "Ponyo on the Cliff" is a heartwarming and touching film that is at the same time full of philosophical thinking and emotional resonance.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

This film can make us re-value and examine the meaning of life, let us learn to cherish the happiness and beauty in front of us, and bravely follow our hearts.

"Goldfish on the Cliff": If I were to see you, I would rush forward regardless of everything

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