
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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What is not forgotten is the original intention, and what changes is the people's heart. The report of the 16th Party Congress of Chengxian County pointed out that only by adhering to the people-centered development philosophy, truly loving the people and serving the people, can we maximize the cohesion of the people, concentrate the wisdom of the people, and stimulate the people's strength. The construction of urban areas has been continuously "upgraded", the development orientation of "rural scenic spots" has stepped out of the road of characteristic rural revitalization, focusing on the "education revitalization demonstration county" to create an education that satisfies the people, accelerating the construction of key medical and health projects, and creating a national "four good rural roads...... Over the past year, in the 1670 square kilometers of land in Chengxian County, the resounding sound of the earth is the strong voice of hard work, the running voice of party members and cadres, the entrepreneurial song of entrepreneurs, and the struggle song of the masses The picture scroll of industrial development, a picture of the openness and integration of "road accessibility", a picture of people's livelihood and happiness that is "thriving", and a picture of chasing dreams and chasing dreams of "everyone forge ahead......

Today, Chengxian Rong Media Center launched a series of ——, of "This Year" to summarize and review the gratifying achievements of Chengxian County's economic and social development in all aspects.

Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization

The industry is vibrant, the village is clean and tidy, and the civilized countryside is moistened...... Walking in Chengxian County, the "poetic scenes" of rural revitalization with prosperous industries, beautiful environments and harmonious neighborhoods come into view.

Since the beginning of this year, Chengxian County has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strictly followed the arrangements and arrangements of the rural work conference of the central and provincial party committees and municipal party committees, focused on the goal of creating demonstration counties for rural revitalization in the province, closely followed the task of improving the energy level of the three major blocks of "parks, urban areas and scenic spots", firmly guarded the bottom line of not returning to poverty on a large scale, solidly promoted key tasks such as rural development, rural construction and rural governance, and promoted the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements to a higher level and rural revitalization to achieve practical results.

Insist on real help,

Continue to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation

Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization

At present, a total of 936 households have declared through the "one-click poverty reporting" system, and 931 households have been accepted and closed, with an acceptance rate of 99.5%, of which 20 households have been included in the monitoring object through the "one-click poverty reporting" system. Up to now, there are 4,693 people in 1,254 households in the county (722 people from 166 households will be newly identified in 2023), and 2,898 people in 779 households have been marked as risk elimination, with a risk elimination rate of 61.7%. The county has issued a total of 334 million yuan of microcredit for 6,746 households out of poverty, with the proportion of outstanding loans accounting for 44.21% of the number of households lifted out of poverty and the number of marginal households vulnerable to poverty, and the loan overdue rate is 0.05%. We have intensified the lending of "industrial loans for enriching the people", and have issued 249 "industrial loans for rich farmers" amounting to 20,154,400 yuan.

Adhere to the industry first,

Comprehensively broaden the channels for getting rich

Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization

Closely follow the actual conditions of the county, focus on the characteristic advantages, focus on walnuts, vegetables, Chinese medicinal materials, animal husbandry and other advantageous industries, further promote the breakthrough and promotion of livestock and poultry breeding based on ecological cattle breeding, increase the support and subsidy of large-scale breeding enterprises, implement the award and subsidy fund of 5.10582 million yuan, and build and expand 72 large-scale cattle (farm) households, with a cumulative beef cattle breeding volume of 17,000 heads, an estimated output value of 100 million yuan, and a stable income increase of more than 1,500 households. We have improved the interest linkage mechanism based on leading enterprises, farmers' cooperatives, family farms and small farmers, and 32 leading demonstration agricultural enterprises, 933 farmer cooperatives, and 269 family farms have steadily increased the income of 18,400 households lifted out of poverty through land transfer, order industries, and shareholding dividends. At the same time, the county's 51 rural employment factories have absorbed and driven 1,291 local laborers to work nearby, and each household has achieved a labor income of 1,850 yuan. We have increased the support for "industrial chain" loans for enterprises, and issued a total of 34.4 million yuan of "industrial chain" loans.

Focus and beauty livable,

We will further promote rural construction

Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization

Focusing on the overall idea of building the county's rural areas into a large scenic spot, the implementation of funds of 39.2 million yuan, the Changgou Village of Jifeng Town, Nanshan Village, Chengguan Town and other 8 villages as this year's key demonstration villages for rural revitalization, the current construction tasks have been completed. This year, the county plans to identify 40 demonstration villages for the revitalization of characteristic industries, including 10 municipal-level boutique villages and 30 county-level demonstration villages; up to now, a total of 54.82 million yuan has been invested in various types of funds, and the task of creating demonstration villages has been fully completed. We continued to promote the revolution of rural toilets, and built and renovated 2,584 sanitary household toilets, with a completion rate of 100%. Solidly carry out the rectification of problem toilets and "look back" to ensure the quality of toilet improvement. Continue to carry out rural domestic sewage treatment, implement 8 rural domestic sewage treatment projects such as Lelou Village, Baosha Town, Chengxian County, and Zhifang Village, Zhifang Town, and start 3 rural domestic sewage treatment projects. It has comprehensively made up for the weaknesses and shortcomings of rural construction, and implemented 9 key water conservancy projects, including the rural drinking water safety transformation and improvement project in 15 townships and 26 villages including Chengguan Town, and the Qingnihe flood control project. Promote the construction of "four good rural roads" in depth, build 100 kilometers of hardened roads through natural villages (groups), 110 kilometers of village road safety and life protection projects, and complete 3 centralized maintenance and repair projects of rural roads. The implementation of more than 8,423 yuan of funds, the implementation of the "double thousand" Huimin project by means of substitution of awards, the completion of 1,358 households in the hardening of roads, 1,360 households in the courtyard. 20 village-level standardized clinics have been newly built.

Adhere to the guidance of party building,

Improve the level of rural governance

Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization

Adhere to the grass-roots party organizations as the "front-line command" for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, highlight the enhancement of political functions, comprehensively build and strengthen grass-roots party organizations, create 90 demonstration sites for various party building, 235 administrative villages to achieve "one village one college student", 220 administrative villages to achieve the village "two committees" of the main post "one shoulder", select 34 outstanding agricultural science and technology talents and financial talents to the township to take temporary posts, select 104 science and technology commissioners to sink to the rural frontline, and adjust 323 outstanding young talents to carry out village assistance. More than 480 sessions of publicity and education have been carried out to "feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, and follow the party", and more than 3,300 cadres have been paired to solve more than 4,900 urgent and difficult matters for the masses. Always take the enhancement of the "self-hematopoiesis" function of rural grass-roots party organizations as the primary task, coordinate all kinds of collective economic support funds of 57.9 million yuan allocated at all levels, and thoroughly implement the "1234" work method of Longnan Civil Straight Talk, "Promote the whole township, improve the whole county, and create a brand" action, 245 administrative villages and 13 communities in the county have comprehensively established and improved working institutions and institutional mechanisms, improved the efficiency of the masses, collected more than 12,000 mass appeals, and the completion rate reached 98%. Continuously cultivating a new style of rural civilization and making good use of various resources, the experience explored by the villages and towns of Chengxian County in promoting the change of customs and resisting high-priced bride prices was selected as the fourth batch of typical cases of "civilized rural style construction" in the country.

Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization
Year (8) | Chengxian: A new picture has been drawn on the road to rural revitalization

The key to rural revitalization depends on people, and the road to revitalization is sonorous. Chengxian County is actively building nests to attract phoenixes, and more and more talents who "love agriculture, understand technology, and are good at management" have become the protagonists of rural innovation and entrepreneurship. The pace of rural revitalization under our feet is firm and powerful, villages are changing with each passing day, and industries are emerging as the times require. We will take new steps at a new starting point with a newer concept and more energy, and open a different picture of happiness for "Dameicheng County".

Qiao Wei reports

Source: Chengxian Rong Media Center Longnan Chengxian release

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