
China released 丨The central government has set the tone for next year's "three rural" work, and the countryside will usher in these new changes
China released 丨The central government has set the tone for next year's "three rural" work, and the countryside will usher in these new changes

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has always regarded the solution of the "three rural areas" issue as the top priority of the whole party's work, mobilized the strength of the whole party and the whole society to promote rural revitalization, and made historic achievements and changes in the mainland's agricultural and rural development.

From December 19th to 20th, the Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the meeting analyzed the current situation and challenges faced by the "three rural areas" work, and deployed the "three rural areas" work in 2024. Explore the establishment of an inter-provincial interest compensation mechanism for grain production and marketing areas, accelerate the revitalization of the seed industry, and promote the increase of farmers' income...... In 2024, the "three rural" work will usher in a series of major changes.

We should explore the establishment of an inter-provincial interest compensation mechanism for grain production and marketing areas, and do a good job in agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation, and disaster relief

In 2023, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, all regions and departments will continue to increase support for grain production, and effectively overcome the impact of unfavorable factors such as the rare "bad rain" in Huanghuai and the severe floods in North and Northeast China, with a total annual grain output of 1,390.82 billion catties, an increase of 17.76 billion catties over the previous year...... The bumper grain harvest has laid the foundation for the steady and far-reaching economic and social development.

The Central Rural Work Conference pointed out that it is necessary to do a good job in the production of grain and important agricultural products, stabilize the grain sowing area, promote a large-scale increase in grain yield, consolidate the results of soybean expansion, explore the establishment of an inter-provincial horizontal interest compensation mechanism in grain production and marketing areas, and do a good job in agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief to ensure that grain output in 2024 will remain above 1.3 trillion catties.

Qian Qian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that this year's grain harvest was achieved in response to the frequent occurrence of natural disasters, which is not easy, mainly due to the implementation of food security responsibilities by governments at all levels, the hard work of the peasant masses, the effective policy of supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers, and the joint efforts of good land, good seeds, and good laws. "The huge population base in China and the continuous upgrading of consumption, the demand for food is still growing rigidly, and the uncertainty of global agricultural trade is increasing, so we must consolidate the foundation of food security in all aspects. To this end, the meeting put forward a series of targeted measures to stabilize grain production and ensure supply. ”

Tang Renjian, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that the next step will be to stabilize rations, corn and soybeans, continue to expand the area of rapeseed, and strive to increase yields. We should earnestly improve the yield of major crops such as grain and oil, continue to promote the production of soybean oilseeds, and ensure that the soybean area will stabilize at more than 150 million mu next year. At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will focus on stabilizing the supply of "vegetable basket" products, optimizing the regulation and control mechanism of pig production capacity, promoting the balance between production and demand in the dairy industry, promoting the balanced supply of vegetables and fruits, accelerating the development of deep-sea aquaculture, and strengthening the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products.

The reporter noted that this year's Central Rural Work Conference proposed to explore the establishment of an inter-provincial horizontal interest compensation mechanism in grain production and marketing areas in terms of food security. Zhang Zhaoxin, a researcher at the Agricultural Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that the core of this is to establish an institutional arrangement for the provinces to compensate for the interests of the provinces where the grain is transferred to the provinces according to the gap between grain consumption and production in each province.

"The reason why this compensation mechanism is proposed is rooted in the income gap between the grain industry and other characteristic industries. Since the beginning of the new century, while increasing support and protection for grain-growing farmers, the state has also introduced special funds for rewarding large grain-growing counties. However, judging from the actual operation effect, these policies have not fundamentally reversed the pattern of large grain counties and poor counties. Therefore, this time, the central government proposed to explore the establishment of an inter-provincial interest compensation mechanism for grain production and marketing areas, with the intention of better alleviating this pattern. Zhang Zhaoxin said.

"This year, the infrastructure construction represented by high-standard farmland has been continuously strengthened and upgraded, which has effectively improved the ability to respond to disasters and ensured a bumper harvest and increased grain production. These measures proposed this time will guard the lifeblood of grain production and steadily increase grain production capacity. Zhong Yu, a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, pointed out that exploring the establishment of an inter-provincial horizontal interest compensation mechanism for grain production and marketing areas and making the grain industry economy bigger and stronger will also help to keep the red line of our cultivated land.

Support the construction of agricultural science and technology innovation platforms and accelerate the revitalization of the seed industry

To build an agricultural power, the weapon is science and technology. Seeds, as the "chips" of agriculture, are particularly important. The Central Rural Work Conference emphasized that it is necessary to support the construction of agricultural science and technology innovation platforms and accelerate the revitalization of the seed industry.

In recent years, breakthroughs have been made in key technologies and major varieties of agriculture on the mainland. Especially since the implementation of the seed industry revitalization action in 2021, the five actions of germplasm resource protection and utilization, innovation and research, enterprise support, base improvement, and market purification have been comprehensively promoted, and a number of landmark achievements and phased progress have been made, breakthroughs have been made in some key technologies and major varieties, and the supply guarantee capacity of germplasm has continued to improve.

In terms of seed source supply, the seed supply guarantee rate has been increased to more than 75%, the national and provincial disaster relief and preparedness seed reserve system has been improved, and the provincial seed reserve has achieved full coverage. In terms of key technologies, two gene editing "scissors" independently developed by the mainland are accelerating their industrial application, and special breeding chips for pigs and dairy cows have the ability to be localized and replaced. The quality of the provenance has been significantly improved, and a number of saline-alkali tolerant wheat varieties and winter rape varieties with short growth period have been preliminarily cultivated, and the first batch of 51 corn and soybean transgenic varieties will be approved soon. The market share of domestic white-feathered broiler breeds exceeded 20%, and it was exported to Tanzania for the first time.

At the same time, the backbone of the mainland's seed industry revitalization enterprises has accelerated its cultivation. Chu Yujun, deputy director of the Seed Industry Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced that in order to promote the mainland seed industry enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger, in 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs initially built a national seed industry enterprise formation composed of 69 crops, 86 livestock and poultry, 121 aquatic products and other leading enterprises. Promote the docking of formation enterprises with scientific research units, financial institutions, and seed industry bases, support and take the lead in carrying out breeding research, and strive to build aircraft carrier-type leading enterprises, "invisible champion" enterprises and specialized platform enterprises.

According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the national seed enterprise formation composed of 69 crops, 86 livestock and poultry, 121 aquatic products and other leading enterprises has been preliminarily constructed. Relevant departments are promoting the docking of formation enterprises with scientific research units, financial institutions, and seed industry bases, supporting and taking the lead in carrying out key core technology research and breeding joint research, and striving to build aircraft carrier-type leading enterprises, "invisible champion" enterprises and specialized platform enterprises.

Chu Yujun stressed that the formation enterprise is the vanguard of the mainland's seed industry enterprises, and it is necessary to have the courage to take responsibility, face the key areas of seed industry development such as breaking problems, making up for shortcomings, and strengthening advantages, and play a good leading role; we must be brave in innovation, anchor the seed industry science and technology self-reliance and self-improvement, and the goal of independent and controllable seed source, accelerate the improvement of the independent innovation ability of enterprises, and seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological innovation; we must be honest and law-abiding, upright, abide by rules, carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit, so that the development of enterprises and the national strategy resonate at the same frequency, and strive to become the backbone of the revitalization of the seed industry.

Precise and pragmatic cultivation of rural industries and the implementation of farmers' income to promote actions

The Central Rural Work Conference emphasized that we should adhere to the principle of rejuvenating agriculture by industry, quality and green, cultivating rural industries accurately and pragmatically, improving the mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture, and implementing actions to promote farmers' income.

"Industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization. In recent years, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, relying on agricultural and rural resources, exploring multiple functions of agriculture, developing multiple values of rural areas, and promoting the development of rural industries has achieved positive results. Zeng Yande, chief agronomist and director of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that since the beginning of this year, various localities have expanded the multiple functions of agriculture, highlighted the priority of ecology, excavated the multiple values of the countryside, and done a good job in the "local specialty" article, strengthening the leader, supplementing the chain, developing the business format, and building the brand, so as to promote the upgrading of the whole chain of rural industries.

According to reports, since the beginning of this year, the mainland has built a platform carrier to promote the agglomeration and upgrading of characteristic industries. Support the construction of 40 new and 51 advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters in various localities, cultivate 139 clusters with an output value of more than 10 billion yuan, 14 clusters with an output value of more than 50 billion yuan, and 3 clusters with an output value of more than 100 billion yuan, so as to achieve an average increase of more than 4,000 yuan in per capita disposable income of farmers. Support the establishment of 200 new strong agricultural industry towns, identify 184 strong agricultural industry towns, cultivate more than 350 strong towns with an output value of more than 1 billion yuan in the whole industrial chain, and the average per capita disposable income of farmers in the town area will reach 26,000 yuan. 4,068 villages and towns with rural characteristic industries have been cultivated, with a total output value of more than 900 billion yuan, and 199 towns with an output value of more than 1 billion yuan and 306 villages with an output value of more than 100 million yuan have been promoted.

In addition, we will make up for the strengths and weaknesses of the weak board, focus on important agricultural products such as grain, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, and carry out research on the whole industrial chain, and release the soybean processing tree map and the "Report on Improving the Level of Soybean Processing in the Mainland". Released 100 typical cases of loss reduction and efficiency increase in grain and oil processing in three categories: technical process, equipment and equipment, and comprehensive utilization, and guided grain processing enterprises to transform and upgrade technical equipment. Support the construction of two new scientific research and experimental bases for the processing of traditional meat products and whole grain nutritious foods, and build a total of 43 scientific research and experimental bases. Support the establishment of 21 agricultural industry standards in the field of agricultural product processing, and improve the standard system. Guide all localities to upgrade and build 1,600 agricultural product processing parks.

With the cultivation and growth of rural industries to enrich the people, farmers' incomes have also maintained steady growth. In the first three quarters of this year, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 15,705 yuan, a nominal increase of 7.6 percent year-on-year and a real growth of 7.3 percent, faster than the growth rate of urban residents and the whole country.

"Promoting farmers' income is the central task of the 'three rural' work. At present, in the construction of a new development pattern, it is more important and urgent to activate rural domestic demand and promote farmers' income. Zeng Yande said that in the future, we will continue to strengthen and take multiple measures in the fields of promoting the convergence of production and marketing, developing rural industries, project construction and expanding posts, and deepening rural reform, so as to continuously consolidate the good situation of farmers' income growth.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, CCTV Finance, People's Daily, Farmers Daily and other reports

Editor: Zhao Xiaowen

Editor: Wei Jing

China release

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