
Wang Bo's only poem selected for the textbook, one of which can be called a classic that no one can surpass


Wang Bo's life is like a meteorite, both gorgeous and short, leaving behind a brilliance that not only shines on the Tang Dynasty at that time, but also cannot be erased thousands of years later, and still shocks people's hearts to this day.

Wang Bo only lived to be twenty-seven years old, but left many immortal masterpieces, admiring his talent, but also feeling jealous of talent, as the "early Tang Dynasty four masters" of the first Wang Bo, if he does not die, he will inevitably be among Li Bai and Du Fu with his talent and broad mind. Among his few poems, one is a classic among the classics, and everyone can recite it today!

Wang Bo's only poem selected for the textbook, one of which can be called a classic that no one can surpass

The picture comes from the Internet: Wang Bo's portrait

1. Introduction of Wang Bo

According to the records in the "Old Tang Book", Wang Bo was only six years old and was able to write fluently, so he was called a "prodigy". In ancient times, there were many prodigies, such as Fang Zhongyong was one of them, but unfortunately he chose to be willing to degenerate and eventually became a mediocre person, while Wang Bo was not, he highlighted his talent at an early age and worked hard for it, creating many good achievements in literature, such as his masterpiece "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng".

Although the literary road is smooth, Wang Bo's career is quite bumpy, because of a "Ying Wang Jiwen", Wang Bo angered Tang Gaozong, and the career that had just been paved was ruined. Later, Wang Bo was punished for killing the official slave Cao Da, although he did not lose his life, but the road to the official career was hopeless, in addition, this matter also caused Wang Bo's father to be relegated to the Southern Wilderness!

Wang Bo has been in contact with Confucianism since he was a child, although he is debauched, but he has always taken Confucian etiquette as a code of conduct, and now his father was implicated because of his own crimes, Wang Bo was very self-reproachful and remorseful, so he went all the way to visit his father, but unfortunately he was killed on the way back, and died of drowning and palpitations, but unfortunately, a generation of talents has fallen, and he will sleep forever in history!

Wang Bo's only poem selected for the textbook, one of which can be called a classic that no one can surpass

Image: A still from a person who died of a convulsion from drowning

2. "Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou"

Getting back to business, after a brief introduction to Wang Bo's experience, let's take a look at the most classic poem he left behind, which is this "Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou", let's take a look at the original appearance of this poem:

Wang Bo's only poem selected for the textbook, one of which can be called a classic that no one can surpass

Picture: Screenshot of the verse information of "Send Du Shaofu to Ren Shuzhou".

From the title of the poem, we can know that this is a farewell poem, written by Wang Bo when he saw off his friends in Chang'an, as for who the friend is, there is no detailed record in the historical materials, only that the surname is "Du".

And this friend surnamed Du is about to go to the post of "Shaofu", the farewell of this poem sweeps away the sorrow of the predecessors, and does not see the sadness of the descendants when they leave, the realm of the poem is profound, it should be the first of the five laws!

Wang Bo's only poem selected for the textbook, one of which can be called a classic that no one can surpass

Image: Farewell friend stills

3. Poetry analysis

"The city is supplemented by Sanqin, the wind and smoke look at Wujin", the capital city of Chang'an is surrounded by Sanqin, and the city tower is up, and it seems that Sichuan and Shu can be seen under the clouds and mist. The Psalm begins with a description of the place of farewell and where the friend is going.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu attacked Xianyang all the way, divided Guanzhong into three districts, and then rewarded it to three Qin Dynasty generals, after which people called the three districts "Three Qin", and the "Wujin" here refers to the five ferries of the Minjiang River in Sichuan Province.

The word "hope" in this sentence is used very well, from Chang'an to Shuchuan, the two places are separated by no less than a thousand miles, but such a distance can be seen! In fact, this is just the artistic conception imagined by the poet, showing the heroic spirit of the poem, which directly lays the tone of this poem, and the slightest sadness is not seen!

"Parting with the king, the same is the eunuch", these two sentences explain the reason for the poet's parting with his friends, and the style of painting changes, and begins to pave the way for sadness. Parting with my friends, I have infinite emotions in my heart, and we have both been ups and downs in officialdom at the beginning.

Wang Bo's hometown is in Jiangzhou, and now he has come to Chang'an for fame, suffering from homesickness.

"Confidant in the sea, if the end of the world is next to each other", and then the style of painting changes again, the sadness is not seen in an instant, only a heroic wind is seen, no matter where we are, as long as our hearts are connected, then even if we are far away at the end of the world, it is like a neighbor. This sentence reflects the friendship between the two, even if thousands of rivers and mountains cannot block the friendship between the two! The most proud thing in life is to find this kind of friendship, which is not limited by time and space.

Wang Bo's only poem selected for the textbook, one of which can be called a classic that no one can surpass

The picture comes from the Internet: Confidant in the sea, if the end of the world is next to each other

Nowadays, everyone can recite these two sentences, but we should not just stay at the level of memorization, but should deeply understand the meaning of the poem, and understand and feel the emotions that the poet wants to express.

"Inaction is on the wrong path, children are stained with a towel", don't cry like a child because of the difference in the fork in the road, the last two sentences do not see the sadness of parting, highlighting a sudden hearty atmosphere, Gao Shi once left a sentence "Mo Chou has no knowers on the road ahead, no one in the world knows you", Wang Bo's two sentences are not weak compared to them, and they are worthy of being geniuses!

Generally we think that if there are no tears when parting, it is most likely that there is not much emotion, for example, when Liu Yong and his lover parted, he wrote "Holding hands and looking at tears, but he was speechless and choking", tears flowed, this is a sad parting, so Wang Bo did not shed tears because he had no feelings?

Of course not, Wang Bo knows the truth of "gathering and dispersing at a time", cherishing the time spent together when we are together, and cherishing each other when parting, so Wang Bo will say to his friends when parting: "Don't feel sad because of a momentary difference", this parting without crying is also touching.

Throughout the poem, there are only four short crosses, and there is no sadness of parting, but the emotions to be expressed in parting are poured out vividly, which makes people deeply moved. In the impression of many people, parting is always mixed with sadness and helplessness, but Wang Bo let us see an open-minded psychology. The phrase "confidants in the sea, if the ends of the world are next to each other" is a classic that has been handed down to the world! For thousands of years, no one has been able to surpass it.

Wang Bo's only poem selected for the textbook, one of which can be called a classic that no one can surpass

Image: Stills from the fork in the road

Fourth, summary

Now we look back at Wang Bo, still overwhelmed by his talent, we must admit that God is very fond of Wang Bo, otherwise he would not have given him a talent, at a young age to shine on the ancient and modern earth, at the same time, God is also jealous of him, gave him talent, but failed to give him a smooth life!

However, the only thing to be thankful for is that we can still see Wang Bo's poems, his works have not become worthless with the passage of time, on the contrary, time has given his works more brilliance, and now reading his works glows with more charming brilliance!

Today, people do not forget Wang Bo, it is already the greatest comfort and respect for him, everyone, do you like this ill-fated young talent? If so, which of his works do you like the most?

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