
Settled in Gaoming Vocational School, and the Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base was unveiled

author:South + client

On December 21, Foshan Gaoming District Vocational and Technical School (hereinafter referred to as "Gaoming Vocational School") held the unveiling ceremony of Gaoming District's e-commerce live broadcast talent training base and the 2023 "Double Eleven" customer service practice project summary and commendation conference. The awarding ceremony of the off-campus Xi base of Gaoming District Vocational and Technical School, the Gaoming District vocational education teacher training base, and the unveiling ceremony of the Gaoming District e-commerce live broadcast talent training base were held on the spot, further deepening school-enterprise cooperation, integrating the superior resources of e-commerce enterprises in the district, cultivating e-commerce talents in short supply in the industry, and helping the construction of cross-border e-commerce, e-commerce, data center and other productive service projects in Gaoming District.

Settled in Gaoming Vocational School, and the Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base was unveiled

Attract enterprises to the school

E-commerce students have achieved great results in the practice of "Double Eleven".

"The experience in the real business war has allowed us to gain valuable practical experience in customer service, and the professional skills and professionalism of e-commerce have been significantly improved. Li Shiqin, a student of 22 business class 2 of Gaoming Vocational School, said.

During this year's "Double Eleven", Gaoming Vocational School deepened school-enterprise cooperation, "introduced enterprises into the school", and cooperated with Guangzhou Houlang Media Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out the "Double Eleven" customer service practice project. In response to a large number of customer consultation and order processing needs, the project conducts practical training activities for e-commerce students to help improve their professional practical skills and market competitiveness. Under the training and guidance of the company's mentor team, 202 students majoring in e-commerce of the school participated in the "Double Eleven" customer service practice project, which achieved more than 23.47 million yuan of product sales for the enterprise in the flagship store and Maochao platform, and helped the company complete the sales of more than 100 million yuan during the "Double 11" period.

At the scene, the 2023 "Double 11 Promotion" Customer Service Practice Project Summary and Commendation Conference was held, and awards were presented to students with outstanding performance, and awards for "Excellent Instructor" and "Outstanding Contribution to School-Enterprise Cooperation" were awarded. It is reported that the Pampers brand and Guangzhou Houlang Media Technology Co., Ltd. provided a total of 36,600 yuan in bonuses and prizes worth nearly 10,000 yuan for the winning students.

Settled in Gaoming Vocational School, and the Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base was unveiled
Settled in Gaoming Vocational School, and the Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base was unveiled
Settled in Gaoming Vocational School, and the Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base was unveiled
Settled in Gaoming Vocational School, and the Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base was unveiled

Since 2020, the e-commerce major of Gaoming Vocational School has actively carried out the integration of production and education and deepened the school-enterprise cooperation talent training model, "introducing enterprises into the school" to carry out the Double Eleven, 618 e-commerce customer service practice project, e-commerce new media live apprenticeship training project, and 1112 students have participated in the practical activities of the customer service project, and the average practice time of graduates participating in the enterprise customer service project is 200 hours, so that students have grown into a skilled or master of customer service positions when they graduate, and can directly adapt to the job after entering the enterprise.

Zhu Xinye, principal of Gaoming Vocational School, introduced that in the past three years, the school's e-commerce students have achieved sales of more than 110 million yuan for enterprises, which has played an important role in the development of service enterprises.

Integration of industry and education

Gaoming District E-commerce Talent Training Base was listed

The awarding ceremony of the off-campus Xi base of Gaoming District Vocational and Technical School and the unveiling ceremony of the Gaoming District e-commerce live broadcast talent training base were also held at the scene. In order to further deepen the integration of industry and education, build brand professionalism and enhance service capabilities, Gaoming Vocational School relies on the enterprise resource advantages of the "Bay Area (Gaoming) Industry-Education Integration Alliance" to set up an off-campus Xi base of Gaoming District Vocational and Technical School in Guangdong Zhongrou Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Houlang Media Technology Co., Ltd., Foshan Hongyuan E-commerce Co., Ltd., and Foshan Gaoming District Penghu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. to carry out industry-education integration projects such as e-commerce live broadcast and customer service practice.

Settled in Gaoming Vocational School, and the Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base was unveiled

In addition, Gaoming Vocational School and Gaoming District E-commerce Association established the "Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base" to integrate the superior resources of e-commerce enterprises in the district, and "school-industry-enterprise" jointly carry out e-commerce live broadcast skills training for college graduates, enterprise employees, and social personnel, increase the number of e-commerce live broadcast talents through multiple channels, provide talent support for the construction of Gaoming cross-border e-commerce and e-commerce industry projects, and effectively enhance the ability to serve economic and social development.

School-enterprise cooperation, in addition to cultivating students, also needs to help improve teachers. The Gaoming District Education Bureau set up the "Gaoming District Vocational Education-E-commerce Professional-Teacher Training Base" in Guangzhou Houlang Media Technology Co., Ltd. and Foshan Hongyuan E-commerce Co., Ltd. to carry out teacher enterprise practice and teacher training services.

Settled in Gaoming Vocational School, and the Gaoming District E-commerce Live Broadcast Talent Training Base was unveiled

Yang Jianmin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Gaoming District Education Bureau, said that vocational school teachers also need to interact with enterprises to cultivate talents, enter enterprises to understand the needs of enterprises, so as to improve the pertinence of talent training, and establish a teacher training base to build a high-quality professional "double-teacher" teaching team, comprehensively improve the training level of vocational education teachers in Gaoming District, and provide a fundamental guarantee for accelerating the development of modern vocational education in Gaoming District and cultivating high-quality technical and skilled talents.

【Written by/Filmed】Zhu Sujiao

【Author】 Zhu Sujiao

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client

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