
In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

Author: Xiao Tian, the main creative group

In the outgoing year of 2023, the rapid development of artificial intelligence is amazing.

In particular, the popularity of chatbots such as chatGPT and Wenxin Yiyan has made many people feel an unprecedented career crisis.

In a global research report, consulting firm McKinsey noted: "In the future, 70% of jobs will be obsolete. ”

Recently, a new research report released by the British government shows that white-collar workers are the most vulnerable industries to the impact of artificial intelligence. Other influential professions include financial managers, accountants, psychologists, purchasing managers, actuarial, statistical, economists, financial investment analysts, lawyers, etc.

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

The traditional concept of golden jobs and good jobs is now at risk of being replaced. As a result, a very real problem is placed in front of this class of parents-

In the era of AI, how should we educate so that our children can calmly cope with the challenges of artificial intelligence and gain a firm foothold in the future competition?

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

In the era of AI, the method of chicken babies is no longer brushing questions

I went to a friend's house last week, and when I entered the door, I found that the atmosphere in her house was not right.

Her friend and her husband were blushing, and her daughter was hiding in her room crying. Obviously, this is a big mess scene after tutoring homework.

Seeing me coming, my friend couldn't help but complain and listed her daughter's N crimes:

Improper attitude towards homework, reluctant every time;

Xi is inefficient and slow;

Lack of self-motivation and never take the initiative to find questions to do......

I was quite surprised by this. Because my friend's daughter is already very good, she is at the top of her class in every exam. Unexpectedly, my friend is still not satisfied......

I tried to comfort my friend's daughter, but the child's words made me feel even more uncomfortable:

"Auntie, I'm so annoyed, my mother assigns me a lot of homework every day, but those questions are almost the same, why do I have to do it repeatedly?"

My friend couldn't help but reprimand: "What do children know? If you want to learn Xi well, how can you do it without doing questions? The more questions you do, the more solid your mastery will be, and the higher your test score will be!"

She even mentioned her classmates in her daughter's class: "You see that the top student in your class is sick and hospitalized and still doing homework." If you don't work hard, you really can't compare to others at all. ”

Looking at my friend's resolute look, I was overwhelmed with emotion.

In fact, there are not a few parents who think this way. Some time ago, there was a high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases, and children's hospitals in many places across the country were overcrowded. Among them, many children are brushing questions while infusion, and some hospitals have even opened up a "children's infusion Xi area".

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

Behind this kind of educational involution is the helplessness and anxiety of parents who have nowhere to put it. After all, grades have always been the lifeblood of students.

However, in today's society, the idea of relying on brushing questions to raise scores is actually no longer feasible.

Xu Jilin, a well-known professor at East China Normal University, once pointed out that the best alternative to artificial intelligence is Xueba. This is because Xueba has no originality and will only answer the correct answer mechanically. On the contrary, those who do not conform to the rules, who are often cranky, imaginative and original, can never be replaced.

That's true. In fact, at present, many cities such as Beijing and Shenzhen have successively introduced reform plans for the high school entrance examination. There is less and less rote memorization in the exam, and more emphasis is placed on practice and application.

In the era of AI, if we still expect to pursue high scores by brushing questions, it is destined to be a waste of time. Because, in the current competition for higher education, the winner is by no means an examination machine, but a talent with outstanding comprehensive quality.

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

What are the kids who stand out from the competition?

Recently, Pika 1.0, an AI video generation software, shook the whole network with its anti-heaven function and convenient operation.

And one of its founders, Guo Wenjing, a 25-year-old Chinese genius girl, detonated Silicon Valley. Her start-up AI company "Pika Labs" has been recognized and invested by many big names in the industry just six months after its establishment.

At present, Pika Labs has successfully raised $55 million, with a valuation of $200 million to $300 million, and the future is limitless.

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

Looking back on Guo Wenjing's growth experience, it is not difficult to find that she is a proper scholar - she was the first student in Zhejiang to be admitted to Harvard University in advance, and after graduating with a bachelor's and master's degree, she entered Stanford University to study for a doctorate, but chose to drop out of school and start a business.

However, she is by no means the traditional "good student" who is obsessed with textbooks, but has a wide range of interests since she was a child, such as ballet, debate, writing poetry, composing music, sailing, skiing, etc., and is keen to explore different fields.

She once said: "In retrospect, it doesn't matter what university you go to, no matter what university you go to, it doesn't determine you, what is more important is your personal growth." ”

At the same time, she has been receiving a "free-range" education, and her parents "pay little attention to her grades, more to her conduct and thoughts".

Although a cow baby like Guo Wenjing is hard to find, those valuable qualities in her are exactly what this era needs most.

It can be said that in today's society, children who can stand out from the competition have core abilities that artificial intelligence does not have. In Mr. Yu Minhong's view, it mainly includes the following two aspects:

First, the ability to learn Xi for life.

It refers to the ability to be good at learning Xi, knowing how to draw inferences and solve problems, rather than simply memorizing and reciting specific knowledge points. This is the most important core point.

Second, character and character ability.

This is the foundation for a child's family, life, and lifelong development, including the ability to deal with people, empathy, perseverance, adversity and so on. In any era context, it is a prerequisite for success.

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

reminds me of the words of Meng Wanzhou, vice chairman of Huawei:

"In the next 10 or 20 years, a lot of work will be done by machines. Therefore, when we consider choosing a job, we must consider what machines cannot replace. ”

Therefore, the above abilities are the direction we should focus on when we are chickens.

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

If you want your child to become a talent, wise parents do these things right

I've seen a TED talk. Speaker Wang Yuan talked about his experience of counterattacking from a scumbag to a top student.

In the past, he was withdrawn, thin, backward in grades, unable to understand in class, and his subject grades were hovering on the verge of passing.

But in the end, he came from behind and was admitted to Harvard University with excellent performance.

In the future, 70% of jobs will be replaced by AI! Parents with a pattern have done these three things right......

The key to Wang Yuan's change is his father Wang Jianjun's unique education method.

The first is to boost your child's self-confidence through exercise.

After trying a variety of sports, Wang Jianjun finally chose American wrestling for his son.

From being beaten down from the beginning to finally reaching the podium of the New York State Wrestling Championship, Wang Yuan not only has a strong physique, but also becomes more confident.

The second is to dare to let go and let the child do it on his own.

Wang Jianjun has a point of view - "to be a lazy parent". Whether it is in Xi or life, he never stares at his son, nor does he help, everything encourages the child to complete independently.

But that doesn't mean letting it go. On the contrary, he will always arrange various opportunities for his son to fully show and exercise.

In this way, through this way, Wang Yuan has mastered various skills, and his ability to learn independently, Xi, hands-on, and innovative ability has been fully exercised.

The third is to find ways to cultivate children's good learning XiXi habits.

In addition to stipulating that his son should prepare for Xi before class, Wang Jianjun also used "strategies" to guide children to read and write.

He pretended not to understand and asked his son to teach him English. In this regard, Wang Yuan was very happy to be his father's "little teacher", and in order to teach his father well, he had to take the initiative to Xi learn more content, so his reading and writing skills continued to improve.

In this way, Wang Yuan quickly caught up in his studies, and finally became his ideal appearance.

As the old saying goes, "If a parent loves a child, he has far-reaching plans." "In order to make children adapt to the development of the AI era, instead of sticking to every test score and ranking, we should open up the pattern and focus on the cultivation of children's lives.

The real effective education is not about imposing it, but about parents finding ways to stimulate their children's potential and guide them to continue to progress and grow.

This is a test of our wisdom, and it is also inseparable from companionship and patience.

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