
How big is the gap between user operations?



I have heard from my friends more than once that user operation is the sweetheart of operation job recruitment. In daily work, colleagues with user operation thinking can always fly the team in more dimensions.

It just happens that I am also doing refined operations for users at home and abroad in the enterprise, and the usual strategy is to teach you how to use AARRR model and RFM model...... After reading it, you may still be confused, how to do this user operation work?

So, today, the author will interpret from the level of user operation execution:

  1. What is User Operations?
  2. How to carry out user operation?


What is User Operations?

User operations are now on fire, entirely because of the disappearance of traffic dividends.

In the era of incremental market, as long as you advertise and do a good job in new media, you can bring in new users one after another.

As the Internet enters the middle and late stages, the cost of advertising remains high, and consumers are becoming more and more savvy, entrepreneurs can only raise the sickle to the users in the pool, hoping to pull up the second growth curve, and the position of user operation has attracted attention.

Therefore, the essence of user operation is to let users who have not consumed consume, users who have already consumed consume again, and if you can't consume anymore, then refer a good friend~

In Internet vernacular, it is to increase the overall lifetime value LTV of users.

Therefore, one of the words that must be known for entering the operation of users - [user life cycle] is to allow users to make the expected behavior through a series of activities/content/rewards, from point A to point B, then to point C, and finally to point Z after experiencing an unknown number of points. This process from A to Z is the life cycle of the user. The value generated by the user in this life cycle is the goal of the user's operation - LTV (Lifetime Value).

It would be too limiting to equate value with consumption. As long as the user's behavior hits the target, that's a value. For example, every time you repost my article now, you realize the brand value for everyone who is a product manager.


How to carry out user operation?

First of all, let's feel the differences between user operation, new media operation, and event operation under the same activity:

  • User operation: The Double 11 campaign is about to start, and in order to achieve the sales target, I have divided the users into 20 levels. For new users, I launched a no-threshold 5 yuan coupon for newcomers, which is valid for 30 days;For users who have already purchased more, I invite them to join the community, check in regularly, and you can get a large coupon for free;For users who have been browsing repeatedly but do not add purchases, I recommended cheaper live broadcast activities to them through advertising;For users who have bought products before, I used station letters and text messages to push them new products + group activities.
  • New media operation: In order to enhance the exposure of the Double 11 event, our new media team deliberately laid a large number of evaluation articles on different social media such as Xiaohongshu, Douyin, Zhihu, etc., among which there is a celebrity on station B and a video to bring 1000w exposure to our new product, and the data is still being added, on average, it is really much cheaper than the traffic in Taobao station!
  • Event operation: Double 11 is coming, we launched the "999 yuan value pack sales" for the first time this year, the price is firmly controlled at 999 yuan, during the event period, you can get an exclusive set worth 289 yuan, the event is oriented to all channels, of course, for some big V, we will also launch a co-branded model, and finally achieved a 25% sales increase.

So, have you gotten the subtle differences in this?

In short, the core keyword of user operation is users, and the daily work of user operation is to push to different users. By combining the following elements, we can do user strategy, and if we do more user strategy, we are a user operation.

How big is the gap between user operations?

So how to carry out user operation? There is a foundation and three knowledge points - user incentives, user reach, and user stratification.

If you master these three knowledge points, you will be able to play user operations.

1. Basic: the number of users

In fact, there are basic requirements for enterprises to carry out user operation work - the number of users, basic hierarchical tools, and basic incentives.

First of all, there are users to carry out user operations. It is not necessary to have a large number of users to do user operation, but the larger the number of users, the more it can reflect the value of user operation.

For products with a small number of users, founders, product managers, and marketing teams generally reach through community operations, which are more cost-effective. There is no need to set up a special user operation post.

2. Tool 1: User Layering

When we say user stratification, we usually also bring one word with it – user labels. Tag all users, and when you want, you can target a set of users as long as you use tags. This is easy to understand.

How big is the gap between user operations?

If it is an e-commerce product, most e-commerce platforms already provide very good user tags in the background, and the operation only needs to be operated by fools, or to learn Xi official tutorials, without considering the source of user tags.

But if it's an independent station or a non-e-commerce product, the situation is a little more complicated.

In general, the company is equipped with a data analyst, data product manager or data middle platform, so the tool for user operation is to provide user tags or user analysis requirements to the data analyst or product manager.

The following are the elements of communication:

  • Phenomena currently encountered
  • The purpose and manner of user profiling
  • Interpretation and analysis of results
  • Required user labels
  • Discuss the solution and verify together

Example: Big guy, sales have been declining a bit recently, and I see it because the order price has dropped. Please help see which channel and which user group have declined in purchase, and let's communicate together how to increase the purchase rate of this group of users. The requirement has been filled in on the form.

And the situation can be more complicated.

Many small companies have not paid attention to data collection and monitoring in the past few years (there are quite a few such companies). In this type of company, user operation is often no longer a simple user operation.

In the early stage of work, how to professionally explain user tag requirements to product managers or developers while explaining user tags is really important (draw a pie), which is something that this type of user operation has to consider. The priority is to communicate with the product manager, and the worst case is to connect with the development yourself.

In this case, you need to be very professional, after all, after so many years of no data precipitation, the background must be a mess, not good at learning Xi every problem can get you stuck; the good news is that after doing these things, your workplace competitiveness can be greatly improved - you can do user strategy, and you can do system requirements. After doing all of this, there is no pressure to transfer to a product manager (first-hand experience).

When requesting user labels from a product manager, you can follow these steps:

  1. Why do you need labels?What is your strategy?What are your goals?
  2. What labels are needed, what are the definitions of these labels, and where do they come from?
  3. How do I confirm the accuracy of the labels, and do I need to update them when they are ready?
  4. What is the form of the label?backend?interface?excel sheet?Do you need a data background?
  5. How can I use these tags to segment users?
  6. How do you want to reach the users of these tags? SMS, Email, Official Account?
How big is the gap between user operations?

3. Tool 2: User Incentives

User motivation is easy to understand, which is nothing more than dividing users into different levels, so that users have a sense of superiority or gain, so as to drive them to do the expected behavior.

Points system, competitive ranking, status medals, membership system...... are all attributed to user incentives. Raise your hand, how many readers sweat profusely and share their keep's workout time, WeChat reading rankings, and WeChat exercise steps?

How big is the gap between user operations?

It seems simple, but unfortunately, user incentives and user tiering are the same.

The best situation is that the e-commerce platform comes with it, and we only need to buy the background. But when you encounter the kind of incentive system that can only develop your own incentive system, a set of points system, rankings, etc., you can only consider yourself unlucky. The design of this set of systems, you can go to the course to learn by yourself, this article can not finish the pit of the integral system on the author in those years.

But here's a career tip:

Even if the work has to propose a new set of incentive schemes, the author still has to remind you not to find something to do for yourself, and to make a large and comprehensive incentive system as soon as you come up. The principle of our activities and user incentives has always been, minimal MVP restoration.

If you can solve it with a small virtual prize, 1 JD card, or 1 small gift, don't make a system. Otherwise, it's easy to put yourself in a predicament - the boss asks you, how is the effect after spending so much manpower on development?

Only after many verifications that 80% of the total amount is that a systematic incentive system is needed to hold on, we will mention this demand.

4. Tool 3: User Reach Channel

With a user base and user incentives, we need to build channels to push our content/activities/incentives to users.

Common user reach channels are divided into on-site and off-site.

If you're a lucky user, it's no surprise that these will happen. And if you are a user operator who is not so lucky, the planning of these operation positions will have to be followed up by you.

It is worth noting that when planning the operation bit management background, how to monitor the reach effect of each operation position is also another big knowledge. Later, if I have time, I can also talk about how to build a data monitoring dashboard.

How big is the gap between user operations?

5. User operation strategy and automation

After talking about the basics: user incentives, user stratification, and user reach, let's finally take a moment to talk about user operation strategies.

When we talk about user operation, we must not be talking about a single push, the reason why we have spent a lot of effort to build the entire operation system is nothing more than to achieve - marketing automation. As long as our user operation strategy remains unchanged, as long as the right user hits this rule, we can automatically reach the corresponding information or incentive!

How big is the gap between user operations?

The beauty of user operation lies precisely in the [automation] and [productization] that distinguish it from other operational roles.

How big is the gap between user operations?