
"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", what is the basis for this common saying said by the ancients?

author:Middle-aged and elderly emotional station


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In the Grand View Garden of traditional Chinese culture, the saying is a unique landscape.

In a concise and crisp language style, they vividly depict the rich cultural connotation and the crystallization of the wisdom of the people.

Among them, a popular saying goes: "Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight."

So, what is the meaning of this saying?

In ancient China, people had a unique understanding of time and direction.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", what is the basis for this common saying said by the ancients?

They believe that time and direction are related to mystical elements such as the five elements and gossip, which can affect people's fate and fortune.

Therefore, when choosing important moments such as getting married and having children, people tend to make decisions based on the principle of the right time, place and people.

In ancient China, it was widely believed that noon was a time when yin and yang were intertwined and yang energy was exuberant.

Women belong to the yin, and if a woman is born at noon, she may be exposed to too much masculinity, resulting in a weak personality and ill-fated personality.

Midnight is late at night, when the yin qi is at its heaviest.

Males are yang, and if males are born in the middle of the night, they may be exposed to too much feminine energy, which will affect their personality and destiny.

Of course, this statement seems somewhat absurd in modern times.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", what is the basis for this common saying said by the ancients?

After all, human character and destiny are formed by a combination of factors, and cannot be determined solely by the time of birth.

However, we cannot ignore the cultural message and the wisdom of the people reflected in this proverb.

It tells us that when facing important life decisions, we should consider a variety of factors, including personal characteristics, family background, social environment, etc., in order to make the best decision.

In addition, this proverb also conveys a value of the ancients, which is to respect the laws of nature and social rules.

In ancient societies, people had a deep reverence and respect for the changes in nature and society.

"Women are afraid of being born at noon, and men are afraid of midnight", what is the basis for this common saying said by the ancients?

They believe that human beings should live and develop according to the laws of nature and social rules.

And the saying "women are afraid of being born at noon, men are afraid of midnight" is the embodiment of this value.

It tells people that when facing the important moments of life, they should follow the laws of nature and social rules in order to achieve the purpose of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

To sum up, although this proverb seems to be a bit superstitious in modern times, the cultural information and people's wisdom reflected behind it, as well as the values of respecting the laws of nature and social rules, are worthy of our in-depth thinking and Xi.

At the same time, we should take a scientific attitude towards these traditional colloquial cultural phenomena, absorb the essence of them, discard the dross, and constantly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese culture.

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