
I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

author:Delicate Apple 2V2R

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I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

Xiaohong was already lying on the hospital bed, and her haggard appearance made my heart twist. "Wife, you must hold on!" I held her cold hand and kept comforting. Red smiled weakly at me, but coughed up a mouthful of blood. I exclaimed and hurriedly pressed the call button at the head of the bed.

Doctors and nurses soon arrived and began to prepare Xiaohong for the operation. The attending doctor said to me, "Your wife is in critical condition and needs immediate surgery. We will first charge a deposit of 50,000 yuan, and you will be hospitalized as soon as possible. I nodded, promising to do it quickly.

Xiaohong looked at me painfully, tears flowing from her red and swollen eyes: "Wife, are you willing to see me die like this? Is 30 years of love worth 1,200 yuan?"

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

I huddled in the corner of the room, tears welling up in my eyes. My wife Xiaohong, my other half, we have been married for 30 years, get along day and night, and are like brothers. Now she's dying because of my incompetence. Can I really bear to watch her die in front of me?

"Lao Li, you have to cheer up!" The attending doctor helped me up, "Your wife has to have surgery, otherwise there is really no hope." Our hospital has a love fund, and the government can help you pay most of the medical expenses after you complete the procedures. For the rest, you husband and wife will be able to pay it back slowly. ”

I slapped myself twice. Yes, Xiaohong is everything in life to me. I have to raise this surgery fee even if I sell my body!

"Doctor, my wife must have surgery! I stopped them and didn't let them push Red away.


I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

Every minute and every second of anxiously waiting outside the operating room feels like a century has passed. I kept pacing back and forth in the hallway, praying inwardly that Red would be safe.

"Sir, your wife's surgery was a great success!" I don't know how long it took, but the surgeon finally walked out with a smile on his face.

I was so excited that I couldn't stop crying and thanked me repeatedly. Xiaohong is safe and sound, and our relationship is worth protecting for the rest of my life! I am determined to love her even more, so that she will have the happiness of smiling for the rest of her life.

Just as I was walking towards the ward to visit Xiaohong, several policemen suddenly broke in: "We have received a report that you are suspected of defrauding the bank of 680,000 yuan, and now we will take you for further investigation." ”

I was stunned, how could someone frame me for defrauding the bank? Just when I was puzzled, the words of a policeman were like a thunderbolt from the sky, and I suddenly realized: "Your deposit was looted by scammers half a year ago, but you have not found out." That's the real reason for the lack of deposit!"

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

I remembered a strange phone call a few months ago urging me to invest in wealth management products, and then there was no follow-up. I was also negligent and didn't pay attention to account movements. I was so naïve.

Xiaohong was transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward. I went to see her with endless apologies, but she didn't blame me, just stroked my hand and asked softly, "Wife, what should we do in the future?"

I was silent, indeed, 680,000 yuan came to naught, and all our living guarantees in our later years were lost. I knew that Xiaohong must be very worried, so I solemnly said to her: "Wife, I promise you that I will definitely find a way to earn back our belongings, and I will never let you suffer the slightest grievance." You can rest assured that when you recover, we'll go back to work together, okay?"

Xiao Hong's eyes were red and she nodded. I know that we will get through this together.

I got a new temporary job and started paying off the medical bills paid by the hospital. I work 16 hours a day and hand over all my earnings to the nurses' station in the ward. After three months, I finally paid off all my debts. On this day, I went around all day and returned to the hospital room exhausted. I saw Xiaohong waiting for me at the door with a smile, surrounded by a nurse carrying her luggage.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

"Wife, I can finally be discharged from the hospital!" Xiaohong said cheerfully like a child.

I couldn't help but throw myself into her arms and cry, tears soaking through the hem of her clothes.

"Let's go home!" I whispered. Little Red nodded, tears in her eyes.

After the storm, we walked home hand in hand, and a new life awaited us. The future is long, and I will always be with you. On the way home from the hospital, I held Xiaohong's hand, and she still had a strong smell of disinfectant and medicine. But I know that this means that she has finally come through the crisis and is back with me. I really want to walk through the rest of my life with her like this!

"Wife, you've worked hard for the past few months. Little Red rested her head on my shoulder.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

"Honey, it's okay, I can work a hundred times harder for you!" I hugged her tighter.

We were soon at the bus station. While waiting for the bus, Xiaohong pulled out an advertising flyer and gave it to me: "Look, this factory is hiring workers. The pension is all gone, and we have to work to earn money to support ourselves. ”

I took the paper and saw that it was a newly opened shoe factory nearby, which was set up in the industrial park next to our community, and provided three meals a day for workers' dormitories. As soon as I thought of being able to get along with Xiaohong day and night, I suddenly smiled: "Great, I'll apply for a job tomorrow!"

As the days passed, my husband and wife worked hard in the factory, accumulating our own small family property. Xiaohong's body is also getting better day by day, and she is full of energy. Whenever I passed by her workstation, she would smile at me, and that sweet look made my whole heart soften.

In a blink of an eye, it was Xiaohong's birthday, and I secretly saved up a month's salary to buy her a bracelet. She was happy like a child and immediately put it on her hand. "Husband, you are my most important support in this life. Thanks to our efforts together, I am now fully recovered. Let's continue to work hand in hand for a better future!" Xiaohong said excitedly.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

I nodded deeply. That's right, after 30 years of ups and downs, our relationship has long been unbreakable. Even if we encounter great changes, as long as we are with our beloved, there is nothing that we and our husband and wife can't survive!

I was speechless with excitement. Heaven has no endless road, God rewards hard work, and we have finally earned back the belongings that belonged to us! This is simply God's best praise for our perseverance over the years.

I couldn't wait to find Xiaohong and tell her the good news. She clapped her hands happily: "Great, wife! We finally have another 680,000 yuan, and we can realize our dreams!"

I nodded solemnly and took her hand: "Wife, this time, I will never let you suffer the slightest grievance." Let's go to realize our dreams and live that comfortable and happy life!" Xiaohong nodded happily, tears of excitement flashing in her eyes. Yes, the dream is ahead, waiting for us to go to Yuanhang!

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

I immediately asked my boss for leave. The boss happily granted one year of unpaid leave. We decided to go on a honeymoon around the world first and let Red see this beautiful world!

We went to Romania in Italy and visited countless monuments with an epic atmosphere. Everywhere she went, Xiaohong kept shooting, so that she could record the best moments of her life with the camera.

"Wife, I'm really happy! To see the world with you is my biggest dream in this life!" Xiaohong said with emotion.

A year passed quickly. We reluctantly left our last stop, Tokyo, and embarked on the road back home.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

"Husband, let's go home. Xiaohong whispered. "Okay, go back to our den. ”

While packing, Xiaohong took out a stack of photos from her bag. It was all a group photo of our husband and wife in various places this year. With the landscape and historic sites as the background, our faces are filled with happy smiles. "Husband, let's decorate it and fill our new home, okay?" Xiaohong asked expectantly. "That's a must!" I smiled and put my arm around her shoulder.

After getting off the plane, the familiar city made us feel like home. "Honey, let's go back to our hometown first. I said to Xiaohong.

Soon, we were back in the house where we had lived for decades. Over the years, many new high-rise buildings have been developed, and our old house looks a little dilapidated. "Wife, I always feel that there are still our memories here. Xiaohong said. I nodded and smiled at her.

We opened the door and found it well cleaned and carpeted. "You're back!" The old neighbor's aunt greeted her warmly, "I'll come to clean it for you every week, so you don't get too dirty when you come back." Xiaohong and I were both so excited that tears welled up in our eyes. It turns out that there is such a group of benefactors who silently take care of our old house!

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

"Thank you, Auntie, we will always remember you for your kindness. However, we are ready to move to a new home. I said.

"Wife, when we settle down, we will definitely come back to visit you often!" Xiaohong took my hand and said. I nodded deeply. We found a place on the outskirts of the city and built a two-story villa. This is the country villa we have always dreamed of, with views of the mountains and rivers and fresh air.

"Wife, are you happy looking at the mountains?" I asked Xiaohong with a smile.

"It's so beautiful!" She was as happy as a child.

Little Red hung our group photos all over the world all over the living room. "You see, that's what we're all about. She said proudly.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

"Yes, they will always be with us. I nodded solemnly.

We used our remaining savings to buy a few acres of land nearby and prepare to grow some fruits and vegetables. Xiaohong and I began to live a leisurely life like "new farmers".

In the morning, we would go to the fields together. I drove a small tractor to plough the fields, while Xiaohong squatted on the ground to cultivate soil and move seedlings. At noon, we had a picnic in the shade of a tree, eating the fruits and vegetables we had grown. "Husband, we do what we like every day, this is the true meaning of life!" Xiaohong said with a smile.

I took her into my arms and gently placed a kiss on her forehead. Xiaohong is the love of my life, and with her, even the simplest life is endowed with infinite happiness and satisfaction.

As the sun set in the west, we went home to rest. The Little Red Cross would plant some iris and other flowers in the yard, while I erected wires and wooden shelves on the roof to start vertical planting of vegetables and fruits.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

In the evening, we sat on the swing in the small courtyard, facing the sunset, gently swinging.

I gently shook her hand: "Honey, you are the source of all my strength. Without you, there wouldn't be everything we have now. ”

We looked at each other and smiled, gently bobbing back and forth on the swing. The wind blows gently, bringing the fragrance of the garden.

Today, we are old and our children are married. The two of us lived a comfortable life in this small courtyard, and occasionally the children would drive over to visit.

Little Red and I sat on the swing, gray hair and wrinkled faces. But we still smile and look at each other, and the depths of those eyes are still full of love and affection.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

"Wife, I am so lucky to have met such a good confidant as you in this life. Let me continue to accompany you in the future. Xiaohong said weakly.

"My love, the rest of my life is a long journey, and I will always be with you. I whispered in response, squeezing her wrinkled hand.

We looked at each other again and smiled, the swing still swaying gently. A symphony of frogs and insects chirps in the field, and the sun sets slowly on the horizon. This is the end of life, and it is enough to have you by my side. However, the good times did not last long, and just as we were preparing for the last autumn of our lives, Xiaohong's body had problems.

She began to cough frequently, sometimes even blood. I was so anxious that I took her to the hospital for a check-up. It turned out that she had the final stage of lung cancer, which was at an advanced stage and could not be cured. Xiaohong and I both cried into tears.

"God wants us to stay together for a lifetime, I didn't expect to be too late to accompany you to the end. Wife, you must take care of yourself and live. Little Red said to me weakly.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

I clenched her old hand and tears welled up in my eyes: "I will always remember you and love you forever." You are where I want to live this life!"

Xiaohong nodded lightly, her expression full of reluctance. I know that our stay together is extremely fragile in the face of fate, but I still don't want her to leave me like this!

I traveled around looking for a friend to seek medical advice, and finally learned from a relative back home that a herbal formula deep in the Tianshan Mountains was said to be extremely effective for lung cancer. I immediately set off on a journey to find medicine, wanting to fight for even a glimmer of life for Xiaohong!

Over the mountains, I came to a small village deep in the Tianshan Mountains and found the house of the old Tibetan medicine master. "Do you want to take my secret recipe with you? Then you have to hike to the sacred lake at the top of the mountain to get water, and make this medicine to be effective!" The old pharmacist said to me solemnly.

Returning with the fruits, the old pharmacist and I couldn't wait to prepare the special medicinal soup. I rushed home overnight and delivered the medicinal soup to Xiaohong. She was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

I nodded with relief, thinking that this trip to Tianshan for medicine was indeed not in vain. I saved the person I love the most, and this is the right choice in my life!

Xiaohong's body gradually improved under the effect of the medicinal decoction, and she soon regained her health. "Wife, let's continue to farm together!" She happily circled around the yard, like she had gone back to her youth.

I watched with relief as her silver hair shone in the sun. My dear, this wilderness is our paradise. As long as you're here, I'm satisfied!

We toiled for another two years in the orchard and vegetable garden. Until one morning, I found Xiaohong sleeping quietly with a happy smile on her face.

"Wife, I'm leaving. Thank you for your company in this life. She said so in my head. I closed her old eyes with tears streaming down my face. My loved one, I will always miss you!

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

Little Red's funeral was simple, right on the edge of our orchard. The people who came to participate were the neighbors who had the best relationship with our husband and wife over the years.

"You two have a really good relationship! That's what they say about us.

I nodded, looked at Xiaohong's tombstone, and tears came out of my eyes again: Honey, you go well, I will love you forever!

Since then, I have lived alone in this small courtyard, continuing to take care of the fields we used to cultivate together. Every day I sit on Xiaohong's favorite swing, swaying gently, and the shadow seems to be still beside me.

On a glorious evening, I gradually felt a little tired. I smiled and closed my eyes and passed away quietly. My soul is finally reunited with the person I love, and I can be satisfied!

Hand in hand, we have come to the golden realm of light. This is the eternal land of eternal paradise, never to be separated again.

I am 53 years old, with a deposit of 680,000, and the balance of my wife's surgery is insufficient when I pay for the operation

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