
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.

author:That Man in Oman
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.
2006-2023 NCMS, list of payments over the years, take a look.

Changes in time: Li Xiaobai and NCMS

In the distant Tang Dynasty, there was a farmer named Li Xiaobai, who lived in a fertile field. Although time goes by, time flies, Li Xiaobai has always adhered to this land, worked hard, and looked forward to a bumper harvest every year. However, with the passage of time, life has also brought many challenges and changes, among which Li Xiaobai is most emotionally moved by the changes in the New Rural Cooperative Medical System (New Rural Cooperative Medical Care) system.

The story begins in 2006, when the new agricultural cooperative system was just starting, and Li Xiaobai was still an ordinary farmer in the village. One day, village officials convened a meeting to announce the implementation plan for NCMS. Li Xiaobai heard it in a fog, and he didn't know what this new agricultural cooperative system was and what benefits it could bring him.

"Folks, this new rural cooperative cooperative system is our farmers' own medical insurance!" The official explained, "In the future, we can spend less money when we see a doctor!" ”

Li Xiaobai's heart moved, and he remembered that because of a sudden illness last year, the family spent almost all their savings. If we had already had this new agricultural cooperative system, wouldn't we have saved a lot of money? He secretly made up his mind that he must participate in this new agricultural cooperative system.

As a result, Li Xiaobai became the first batch of farmers in the village to participate in the NCMS. He paid the fee according to the prescribed standard, although he was a little distressed, but he felt much more relieved when he thought that he could have a guarantee in the future.

In the blink of an eye, it's 2008. This year, the NCMS system was adjusted, and the payment standard was increased. After Li Xiaobai heard the news, he muttered a little in his heart. He was worried that his hard-earned money would be "sucked" away by the NCMS.

However, just when Li Xiaobai was hesitating, his neighbor Lao Zhang suddenly fell ill. Lao Zhang's family is not wealthy, and a serious illness almost put his family in a desperate situation. Fortunately, Lao Zhang participated in NCMS and received most of his medical expenses. Seeing that the plight of the old Zhang family was alleviated because of the new rural cooperative system, the doubts in Li Xiaobai's heart also disappeared.

"It seems that this NCMS is still useful!" Li Xiaobai thought to himself, "Although the payment is a little more, it is better than no guarantee!" So, he gritted his teeth and continued to participate in NCMS.

With the passage of time, the NCMS system has been continuously improved, and the payment standards have been adjusted year by year. From 2010 to 2023, every adjustment has touched Li Xiaobai's heart. He sometimes feels stressed and worried that he can't afford to pay more and more; But every time he sees the benefits and security brought by NCMS to the villagers, he will strengthen his belief.

In this long time, Li Xiaobai has also experienced a lot of ups and downs. One year, he lost his harvest due to a severe natural disaster; One year, he was bedridden due to a sudden illness. However, in these difficult times, NCMS has given him great help and support.

"Thank you NCMS!" Li Xiaobai often sighed, "Without it, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on for a long time!" ”

Today, Li Xiaobai is already a gray-haired old man. He sat in his yard, basking in the sun, thinking about the old days. He felt extremely fortunate and proud - because he witnessed the whole process of NCMS from its inception to perfection; It is also because he has always adhered to this land and the new agricultural cooperative system.

"Xiaobai!" A familiar voice interrupted Li Xiaobai's thoughts—it turned out to be the old branch secretary of the village, "Why are you old man still basking in the sun here?" Let's take a look at this year's NCMS payment standard! ”

Li Xiaobai smiled, stood up and followed the old branch secretary into the office of the village committee. He picked up the payment list on the table and looked at it carefully—he found that this year's payment standard had risen again. But he didn't feel as anxious and uneasy as he used to be – because he knew that this was the inevitable result of the continuous improvement and development of the NCMS system; It is also because he believes that this system can continue to bring more benefits and guarantees to the villagers.

"Okay!" Li Xiaobai nodded and said, "I'll pay the money!" With that, he turned and walked out of the office in the direction of the bank......

This is the story of Li Xiaobai and NCMS - an ordinary farmer who witnessed and participated in the process of continuous improvement and development of the NCMS system in time; It also reflects the benefits and guarantees brought by the new agricultural cooperative system to the majority of farmers, as well as their trust and support for this system!

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