
I ate 5 hairy crabs in one meal, and now, I have paid a terrible price for my ignorance

author:Lotus flowers in early summer

My female neighbor in the countryside, Aunt Ah Ying (not her real name), is 12 years older than me and is a dog like me.

When Aunt Aying was a child, her biological parents were poor and could not afford to support her, so they gave her to a couple who were unable to have children.

Aunt Aying has been smart and clever since she was a child, and her grades have always been at the top of her class from elementary school to junior high school.

After graduating from junior high school, she was admitted to a local high school, but her adoptive parents did not plan to provide for her to go to high school, and did everything possible to prevent her from continuing her education.

Aunt Aying is a person with a heavy mind, and later she was stimulated by this incident and unfortunately got JSB.

The adoptive father and adoptive mother regretted it at this time, but the matter had come to this point, and they could only pay for her treatment.

After treatment, Aunt Aying's condition was controlled, but the doctor told her adoptive father and adoptive mother that the disease could not be cured and would recur after a little stimulation, so she must be treated well and not allowed to be stimulated again.

In terms of appearance, Aunt A-Ying can be regarded as a beautiful woman, not only with fair skin, with a pair of big watery eyes, but also with a good figure.

I ate 5 hairy crabs in one meal, and now, I have paid a terrible price for my ignorance

It's a pity that she suffers from this disease that others are more taboo about, so most men with better conditions don't look down on her.

Later, she was introduced to my neighbor Uncle Xing (not her real name), a man with a family of four walls.

Uncle Xing is tall and burly, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and has a manly demeanor. However, because of the poverty of the family, I have not been able to find a partner.

I ate 5 hairy crabs in one meal, and now, I have paid a terrible price for my ignorance

Later, after being matched, she and Aunt A-Ying became husband and wife. The two don't dislike each other - Aunt A-Ying doesn't care that Uncle Xing's family is so poor, and Uncle Xing doesn't have a taboo about Aunt A-Ying's disease.

A year after getting married, Aunt A-Ying gave birth to a beautiful daughter for Uncle Xing.

After a long time, we people here found that Aunt Aying's hands and feet were not very clean, and she would often take the sheep by the hand and do some despicable things, such as picking a few eggplants or cucumbers in someone's own plot while the owner was away, or picking a few peaches or pears from someone's fruit tree.

I ate 5 hairy crabs in one meal, and now, I have paid a terrible price for my ignorance

Our farmer friends here treat their vegetables and fruits as if they were treasures, so I hate her very much.

When Aunt Aying was 28 years old (at that time, her daughter was only 6 years old), her husband Uncle Xing was tragically killed in a car accident.

Two years later, Aunt A Ying and Uncle Zhong, a man from Shandong, re-entered the palace of marriage. It should be noted that Uncle Zhong came over, and he took Uncle Xing's place.

I ate 5 hairy crabs in one meal, and now, I have paid a terrible price for my ignorance

Since Uncle Zhong has never been married and has no children, he made his attitude clear before he got married: after marriage, Aunt Aying must give birth to a child for him, whether it is a boy or a girl, it must be his surname.

Aunt Aying agreed to his request, because in her opinion, it was not an exaggeration for an unmarried man to make such a request.

After getting married, Aunt Aying did what she said, and accompanied by Uncle Zhong, she went to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital to take the ring.

Soon, Aunt Aying became pregnant again. Nine months later, she gave birth to a boy.

Most of the young and middle-aged women here work in the factory, but Aunt Aying has never been in the factory, and the reason is very simple, because she has suffered from JSB, so no boss is willing to hire her, for fear that she will get sick and cause trouble for herself.

By chance, Aunt Aying learned to play mahjong, and since then, she has been addicted to the gambling table and has enjoyed it.

If she didn't have gambling money, she would secretly go to the hospital to donate blood or sell the family's food.

Probably due to the long-term lack of exercise, Aunt A-Ying later suffered from TNB.

It stands to reason that if you have this disease, you must continue to take medicine every day, so that you can control your condition and prevent it from continuing to worsen.

But she didn't take it seriously at all, she took medicine when she thought of it, and didn't take it if she couldn't think of it.

Aunt A-Ying is a person who likes to hang out, and in the past, whenever we went back to the country, she would definitely come and chat with us, and we would talk until we started to have dinner.

Later, during a casual conversation with us, she told us that one of her eyes was basically blind and that she asked us to give her a look as we walked down the steps.

Two years ago, my mother told us that Aunt A-Ying's eyes were completely blind and she could no longer go out and walk around - you must know that her biggest hobby in life is to visit the house.

Sure enough, from then on, after we returned to the countryside, Aunt A-Ying never came to visit the door again, and even the neighbors' weddings and funerals did not show up.

Two weeks ago, my wife and I went to the countryside to visit our elderly parents, and my mother told me that Aunt Aying's condition had deteriorated and that she was living in the hospital, and that Uncle Zhong had been taking care of her every step of the way.

Mother told us that the reason why Aunt A-Ying fell into such a world is inextricably related to her bad life Xi. Once, when my son bought 6 hairy crabs, Aunt Aying actually ate 5 of them at a meal - you must know that crabs are a kind of cold food, and eating more is not good for your health!

I ate 5 hairy crabs in one meal, and now, I have paid a terrible price for my ignorance

Last night, when I was talking to my mother on the phone, my mother told me that Aunt Aying had come back from the hospital, but her condition was not optimistic, she was incontinent and had to wear adult diapers.

I ate 5 hairy crabs in one meal, and now, I have paid a terrible price for my ignorance

Mother said that this time has been hard for Uncle Zhong, taking care of a child can be said to be a piece of cake, and it is really not easy to serve an adult!

Here, I sincerely hope that Aunt Aying can come to Jitai and her condition can improve.

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