
Chinese aerospace planes took off late at night at 12 times the speed of the J-20, and the US military general issued a warning

author:October knife 1

Chinese aerospace planes took off late at night at 12 times the speed of the J-20, and the US military general issued a warning

Recently, China's aerospace science and technology community ushered in an important milestone: a Long March-2F rocket carrying a reusable test spacecraft was successfully lifted off at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.


This event has its own unique significance, as it is a major breakthrough in the course of space exploration for China. Although the experimental spacecraft was not China's first and appeared slightly later than the American X-37B spacecraft, it undoubtedly marked a significant advance in China's development and manufacture of advanced spacecraft.

It is worth mentioning that this launch caused great concern in the United States. The head of the US Space Force's Chief of Operations, Bradley Chance Saltzman, even warned that the Chinese reusable spacecraft was launched almost at the same time as the X-37B. General Bradley Chance Saltzman, chief of operations of the US Space Force, warned that this is no coincidence! This incident has once again highlighted the competitive and tense atmosphere in the space field.

The following analysis details the technical characteristics of the two spacecraft and explores the strategic value of China's spacecraft and how it could affect the future space race.


High-speed re-entry of the return capsule of the new generation manned spacecraft test ship

To understand the implications of this incident, we need to first understand the technical capabilities of two spacecraft – China's test spacecraft and the U.S.'s X-37B spacecraft.

The X-37B aerospace aircraft, operated by the U.S. Space Force and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) since 2006, is considered one of the most advanced reusable space vehicles in the world. Its most striking features are its powerful on-orbit duration of up to 780 days, as well as its unique features such as flexible orbit changes and safe return to Earth. While the details of the X-37B are relatively classified, the known performance is excellent. Its design allows for rapid orbital changes, which increases its flexibility and unpredictability as a potential military platform.

In contrast, China's reusable test spacecraft are in a much earlier state. Although there is little publicly available information, it has been recognized as an important step forward in the field of space technology for China. According to Chinese officials, the goal of the launch was to verify reusable technology and space science experiments. At the same time, China's improved spacecraft has successfully implemented and recovered several missions, which indicates that China has made substantial progress in reusable space technology. With a wide range of applications, both commercial and military, the potential of this technology is enormous, with the potential to reduce launch costs, increase launch frequencies and flexibility in orbit operations.

Although China's test spacecraft and the U.S. X-37B aerospace aircraft are at different stages of development, a comparison between the two can help us better understand each other's technological reserves and their respective positions in the global space race.


Chinese aerospace planes took off late at night at 12 times the speed of the J-20, and the US military general issued a warning

When looking at the strategic value of reusable spacecraft, we need to look at two aspects: commercial benefits and military potential.

Commercially, this technology heralds a major revolution in the future of space transportation. Once mature, it can significantly reduce the cost of space launches and increase the frequency of launches, which opens up the possibility for emerging industries such as space tourism, space freight, and space mining. In addition, due to its flexibility in orbit, it also brings new solutions for space station resupply and even space cleaning missions.

Militarily, the potential of reusable spacecraft is widely concerned. The fact that the American X-37B project is attributable to the US Space Force is a clear indication of its potential military use. Theoretically, the X-37B can perform orbital maneuvers and capture other countries' spacecraft for sabotage or close reconnaissance; in practice, the X-37B is considered to have the potential to realize the concept of a "one-hour global strike" that can quickly launch an attack at any point if equipped with a ground strike weapon. For China, although the military application of the spacecraft has not been publicly indicated, its ability to be reusable and operate in orbit has also attracted the attention of the United States and other countries.

Chinese aerospace planes took off late at night at 12 times the speed of the J-20, and the US military general issued a warning

When the winged spacecraft re-enters the Earth's atmosphere, its entrance speed can reach 25 times the speed of sound, which is more than 12 times the maximum flight speed of the J-20. In the process of intense friction with the atmosphere, a protective layer of high-temperature plasma is produced, which can rise to a temperature of more than 2,000 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is essential to use highly effective thermal insulation materials to protect the spacecraft from thermal damage.

It can be seen that reusable spacecraft have great strategic value, both from a commercial and military point of view. This technology has the potential to change the course of the future space race and have a profound impact on the global political and economic landscape.

China's aerospace development has attracted widespread attention around the world. The United States, in particular, is vigilant about China's progress in space technology and is wary of any movement that may challenge its dominant position in the space field. This kind of worry is not surprising, after all, spacecraft are a manifestation of a country's hard power, and every launch on the global strategic chessboard is full of political and military implications.


Chinese aerospace planes took off late at night at 12 times the speed of the J-20, and the US military general issued a warning


The U.S. Space Force has always maintained a stance against the weaponization of space, especially worried about other countries' military deployments in space. Previously, NASA Administrator Plzen had repeatedly mentioned the "Chinese space threat theory" in public.

China's official position has always been firm: to abide by the principle of the peaceful use of space. Although China has maintained a high pace of space technology research and development, it has maintained a clear goal of peaceful space exploration, both domestically and internationally. China has always emphasized that its space program is aimed at improving science and technology, driving economic development and improving the well-being of its citizens, not a military race.

But it is undeniable that in the current geopolitical context, the space race between China and the United States has become the focus of global attention. How to maintain the principle of peaceful use of space and avoid the space race escalating into a new Cold War will be a challenge for all participants, including China and the United States.

In its journey to explore the universe, China is demonstrating its unique vision and dedication. By launching a reusable test spacecraft, China has demonstrated to the world its determination and ability to become one of the dominant players in the international space field. And in the process, China is gradually moving towards the goal of making space technology more frequent and cost-effective.


Chinese aerospace planes took off late at night at 12 times the speed of the J-20, and the US military general issued a warning

With the advancement of Chinese technology, and the steady advancement of strategic positioning, the issue of the militarization of space is likely to be placed on the agenda. Although China is cautious about this, it cannot be denied that in the next few years, the competition between China and the United States and other countries in space strategy may become more and more intense.

It is worth noting that despite getting rid of the competitive pressure of the United States in the space race, China has not stopped investing in space technology research and development. On the contrary, China is actively promoting the innovation and application of various technologies, including the development of new high-performance thermal insulation materials and guidance technologies.

While it's impossible to know for sure, one thing is clear: China will continue to play an important role in space. This is reflected not only in its significant technological development and strategic objectives, but also in its strong commitment to the peaceful uses of space.

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