
What is the weakness of snakes? It's really not realgar powder, two experiments tell you the answer

author:Smart and happy Xiao Fan

Story Message:

Imagine if we could miss out on some truth when we have a prejudice against the unfamiliar? This is a story that I have personally experienced, a journey of discovery about snakes and realgar. Perhaps, it is precisely because of our fear of the unknown that we miss out on some interesting discoveries. Let me take you into this story about snakes and see how snakes react when faced with realgar.

Event Content:

In this story, the CCTV science popularization experiment became an opportunity for me to learn about snakes. Originally, I thought that snakes were fearless, but experiments proved that this is not absolute.

What is the weakness of snakes? It's really not realgar powder, two experiments tell you the answer

Through the experiment of "Is It Real", I witnessed that the king snake and the five-step snake did not react to the realgar powder, and only the cobra showed obvious dodging in front of the realgar. This got me thinking, how do snakes perceive the world, and how do they react to certain substances?

To better understand this question, I took a deep dive into the biology of snakes. Although the appearance of the snake is unique, it is not invincible. Their eyes are short-sighted and cannot focus on distant places, but they have a keen sense of smell and can judge their surroundings and the location of their prey. However, this keen sense of smell can also be their weakness.

What is the weakness of snakes? It's really not realgar powder, two experiments tell you the answer

The speed of snakes is often overestimated, and is only noticeable when they attack or defend suddenly. These biological features provided the basis for later experimental interpretations.

Explaining the snake's reaction to realgar, I learned that it was not the snake itself that was afraid of realgar, but that it was because the wine had a pungent taste and was sensitive to the snake's sense of smell. This made me wonder if we are like snakes when we deal with the unknown in our daily lives, judging through our senses and generating various prejudices.

In order to help you better understand how to protect yourself from snakes in your life, I have also introduced some methods, such as using wind oil essence or flower water.

What is the weakness of snakes? It's really not realgar powder, two experiments tell you the answer

These simple and practical methods allow us to stay calm when encountering snakes without causing conflict.

Social Care:

When the results of this experiment were made public, there was quite a stir in society. Some agree with this finding, arguing that it breaks with conventional wisdom about snakes. However, this has also been questioned, arguing that the experimental conditions may be biased and not fully representative of all snake responses. This controversy has further complicated the perception of snakes and sparked more discussion about animal behavior and perception.


Through this exploration of snakes and realgar, I not only learned more about the biology of snakes, but also deeply realized our biases when dealing with the unknown.

What is the weakness of snakes? It's really not realgar powder, two experiments tell you the answer

Snakes are not invincible, they have weaknesses and weaknesses. Realgar is not a natural predator of snakes, but because of its special smell that triggers their sensitive sense of smell. In life, we may be able to reflect on our attitude towards unfamiliar things, and are there some overlooked truths waiting for us to discover?

This story teaches us not to let superficial fears cloud our understanding of the truth. When we deal with the unknown, we should keep an open mind and explore with rational thinking, and perhaps we will find some unexpected wonders. Let's embrace the unknown and explore the wider world together.

What is the weakness of snakes? It's really not realgar powder, two experiments tell you the answer

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