
Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

author:The happy life of the moon lotus

I have already helped Brother Li Lin make six sets of volume errata before

This time, I helped my brother to correct four sets of volumes

Note: This time, Li Lin's six sets of volumes have made a lot of errata

2024 Li Lin Four Sets of Papers - Mathematics II

Question 19 of the first set

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

Question 22 of the first set

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

Question 8 of the second set

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!
Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

Question 19 of the second set

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

Question 8 of the third set

Note: The answer to this question is also incorrect

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

Skin ash analysis

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

2024 Li Lin Four Sets of Volumes - Mathematics I

Question 13 of the first set

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

Note that this question is a sphere, not a sphere

Question 20 of the first set

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

Note that this question cannot be Luo, because it only says that the second derivative is derivable, and does not say that the second derivative is continuous

Question 16 of the second set

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

The answer is wrong, the situation of a>6 can also be subdivided,

There is also the third case of a>12, in which case the probability is 1/2

Change it first and then do it! Li Lin's four sets of volume errata are here!

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