
Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

author:Enthusiastic amusement of the fox

In the ancient yellow calendar, July was marked as a special month - the ghost month, and the mid-year festival was regarded as a mysterious time to meet the yin and yang worlds. Every time this festival comes, an inexplicable suspense and curiosity arises in people's hearts: can burning paper really bring comfort to deceased loved ones, and what are the hidden taboos in this time known as the Ghost Month?

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

"Is it really useful to burn paper money?" is a common question in the minds of the villagers. At a rally, the question was finally raised. Everyone's eyes were focused on the monk, waiting for his answer. The monk smiled slightly, and after a moment of silence, he began to slowly reveal an unexpected truth.

In the process of revealing the secrets, the monk also mentioned some taboos about the ghost moon, which are very different from people's long-standing beliefs and Xi. Every word and sentence he says is challenging the traditional notions of the villagers.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

As the monk's words deepened, the villagers began to feel an unprecedented sense of suspense. They began to question whether all the Xi and legends about the Midyear Festival were true or false, and how would the revelation of the truth about the monks change their views on life and death, respect and remembrance?

1. The origin of paper money: the wisdom of Cai Mo and Hui Niang

In China during the Eastern Han Dynasty, the use and production of paper money was deeply rooted in folk traditions.

Cai Mo is an ordinary papermaker who lives in the shadow of Cai Lun, the man who invented the improved papermaking technique and made his family famous. Although Cai Mo tried to follow in the footsteps of his family, his paper business was not successful. The quality of his paper is mediocre and the competition in the market is fierce, making life difficult for Cai Mo and his wife Hui Niang.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

Hui Niang, a smart and witty woman, one day came up with a bold idea. She believes they need to create a powerful story to increase sales of their paper. So, they planned a dramatic event. Hui Niang pretended to be dead, while Cai Mo performed a simple ceremony next to her coffin, burning some homemade paper money.

The ritual looked like the others, but what happened next stunned the entire village. Shortly after the ceremony, Hui Niang was "resurrected". She claimed that it was Cai Mo who burned the paper money, which had magical powers that pulled her back from the brink of death. The story soon spread in the surrounding area, and people began to buy Cai Mo's paper money in the hope that they would bring peace and well-being to the spirits of the dead.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

Cai Mo's paper money quickly became a popular local commodity. It is believed that these special paper coins can not only be used to sacrifice the spirits of the dead, but also bring good luck and wealth to the living. Cai Mo and Hui Niang's business thrived as a result, and they not only escaped poverty, but also became local celebrities.

Even though their success was built on a lie, Cai Mo and Hui Niang didn't feel guilty. They see themselves as offering more than just paper money, but hope and comfort. Their products help people find comfort after the death of their loved ones and also allow them to continue to connect with their deceased loved ones in a symbolic way.

Although Cai Mo's papermaking skills are not as good as his brother Cai Lun, his talent in marketing and creating stories has earned him a place. The story of him and Hui Niang not only reflects the ancient Chinese society's views on death and sacrifice, but also shows their emphasis on innovation and resourcefulness.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

To this day, the story of Cai Mo and Hui Niang is still circulated throughout China and has become an important part of the paper money tradition.

2. Obon: The filial piety of Moggallen

The festival of the middle of the year, or Obon, is a festival of profound significance, and its origin contains profound connotations of filial piety, redemption and transcendence. The story of this festival begins with an emotional entanglement between one of Shakyamuni Buddha's ten disciples, Moggallan, and his mother, who was suffering in the underworld.

The story begins in a dream of Moggallan. In the dream, he saw a poignant scene: his mother, a once beautiful and loving woman, was now a thin, hungry, painful soul of the underworld. When Moggallen woke up, his heart was filled with anxiety and pain. He was determined to use his supernatural powers as a disciple of the Buddha to redeem his mother.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

In the early morning of one day, Moggallan stood in a peaceful bamboo forest, closed his eyes, and began to try to use his supernatural powers to travel to the underworld. His body began to glow faintly, and the air around him seemed to tremble with his supernatural powers. However, just as he was about to touch the underworld, a powerful counterforce pushed him back. He realized that his own strength alone was not enough.

Disillusioned, Moggallan went to the Buddha for guidance. In a quiet and solemn monastery, the Buddha quietly listened to Moggallan's words. The face of the Buddha reveals deep compassion and wisdom. He told Moggallan that this was not only an opportunity to redeem himself, but also a time to rally the strength of the Sangha to achieve greater salvation.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

The words of the Buddha illuminated the heart of the eyes like the morning light. He began to lobby around and rally all the monks in the monastery. On the day of Obon, all the monks come together and emit powerful collective supernatural powers. Their divine power converged into a huge stream of energy and traveled to the underworld.

In Hades, Moggallan saw his mother, as well as countless other suffering souls. Their faces were filled with despair and pain. But with the arrival of the monks' supernatural powers, these spirits began to gradually release their pain, and their countenances began to regain their calm and light.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

Moggallen's mother is special among many souls. When she felt the saving power of her son, a smile appeared on her face that she had not seen for a long time. She slowly reached out to Moggallen, who reached out to hold her. Just as their fingers were about to touch, her figure began to become transparent, and finally turned into a wisp of light smoke, rising to a higher realm.

When Moggallan returned to this world, his heart filled with a peace and satisfaction that he had never experienced before. He knew that he had not only redeemed his own mother, but had also helped countless other souls attain transcendence.

Since then, Obon has become a festival to commemorate this great redemption. Through offerings, sacrifices, and recitations, people not only pay homage to their ancestors, but also embody a deep understanding of life, salvation, and compassion. The festival has become a bridge between life and death, between the present and the beyond, between the individual and the collective, reminding people of the importance of filial piety and the possibility of spiritual salvation.

3. The Ghost Gate Opens: The Legend of Ancient Taoism

In ancient China, another legend of the Zhongyuan Festival was rooted in the deep cultural soil of Taoism. The fifteenth of July, a special and mysterious night, known as Halloween, is a time full of supernatural overtones. It is said that on this day, the ghost door of the underworld is opened, and countless souls of the dead can freely shuttle between the human world and the underworld, looking for solace and offerings.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

In an old village, the day is highly valued. The villagers finished their day's work early and hurried home to avoid lingering outside when the ghost gate was open. As the sun sets, the whole village is enveloped in a quiet and mysterious atmosphere.

Under the big banyan tree at the head of the village, the old people sit together and tell stories and legends about Halloween. The young children gathered around, their eyes wide open, listening with relish. An old man said, "Do you know that tonight, the door of ghosts will be opened, and those lonely ghosts will come to our world. But they weren't malicious, they just wanted to find a little warmth, a little offering. ”

A woman hurried by with her child in her arms, and when she heard this, she whispered to the child: "Remember, don't go out casually tonight, and don't talk nonsense." We want to respect the souls who are homeless. The child held his mother's hand tightly and nodded, looking curious and slightly frightened.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

In front of each house, people placed offerings, some incense and candles, some food, and some paper money. These offerings are both a tribute to the ancestors and a solace for the wandering souls of the dead. In the square in the center of the village, the villagers built a small altar and lit incense to pray for the souls of the dead.

The sky gradually darkened, and a bright moon slowly rose. The elders of the village began to chant Taoist scriptures aloud, praying for peace and peace. Children gathered around the altar under the watchful eyes of adults, curiously watching this mysterious and solemn ceremony.

One of the children whispered to his grandfather, "Grandpa, are there really any ghosts coming?" and the old man smiled and replied in a low voice, "Son, these are our traditions, and it is a respect for the cycle of life." Whether or not the ghosts actually come, what matters is the awe and compassion in our hearts. ”

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

In the dead of night, the village is filled with an atmosphere of mystery and solemnity. It is believed that through such rituals, they not only pay homage to their ancestors, but also provide a touch of solace for those lonely ghosts. This legend reflects a deep understanding of the interweaving of life and death, yin and yang, as well as respect and reverence for the spirits of the dead.

4. Tradition and Filial Piety: The Cultural Significance of the Midyear Festival

Although the Xi and stories of the mid-year festival vary by region and culture, they all share a common expression of respect and remembrance for ancestors, as well as an emphasis on filial piety. This festival is not only a memorial to deceased loved ones, but also an important opportunity to show filial piety. Whether it's through burning paper money, offering food, or performing various rituals, the festival is a reminder to cherish family ties and honor ancestors.

In a quaint town, the atmosphere of the Midyear Festival is even stronger. Every family in the town is busy preparing sacrificial supplies. The family sat around the courtyard, busy making paper money and paper clothes. An elderly father teaches his grandson how to fold paper money. He said gently: "Son, these paper money is our respect for our ancestors. Through this ceremony, we express our thoughts and gratitude to them. ”

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

The grandson listened attentively, and while carefully folding the paper money, he asked, "Grandpa, can our ancestors really receive these paper money?" The grandfather replied with a smile: "This is not only a material gift, but also a remembrance and respect in our hearts." Through these rituals, we maintain a connection with our ancestors, which is a traditional way. ”

On the other side, a mother prepares food for the offering. She crafts her family heirloom dishes, and her daughter next to her helps set the plates. The daughter asked, "Mom, why do we have to prepare so much food?" and the mother replied, "This is our way of paying homage to our ancestors." They are gone, but we honour them in this way and let them know that we still remember them. ”

As night falls, the sacrificial rites begin in every household. Some families burn paper money in front of their ancestral graves, some make offerings in their homes, and others go to the ancestral hall in the village to perform ceremonies. The lights gradually come on, and the whole town is filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

In the ancestral hall, the villagers take turns to offer incense, candles and offerings, bow deeply, and pray silently. A little child curiously asked his father, "Daddy, why do we do these rituals?" and the father replied, "It's a kind of remembrance of the past and a kind of learning Xi." Through these rituals, we learn to be grateful and learn to remember those who have been kind to us. ”

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

On such a night, it is not only a remembrance of a deceased loved one, but also a cultural inheritance. Every action, every prayer, every ritual conveys respect and remembrance. The festival has become a link between the past and the present, between the living and the deceased, reminding people to never forget the way they came.

Is it useful to burn paper on the seventh month of the Yellow Calendar? What are the taboos of the Ghost Month, and the monks tell the truth to the world?

As the ceremony ended, people returned home with a heavy heart. Under the guidance of their parents, children slowly learn to understand and respect this tradition. The conversations and interactions between family members become more profound and meaningful on this special evening. The Midyear Festival is not only a remembrance of loved ones, but also a manifestation of a life attitude, reminding people to cherish the people and things in front of them, and at the same time respecting and remembering those relatives who have left us.

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