
"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

Who is the biggest dark horse in the national drama ratings in 2023?

If it was the beginning of the year, I would say "Hurricane".

If it were the beginning of December, I would say that it was the CCTV legendary drama "Pearl River People" that surpassed "Hurricane" in ratings.

But now my answer is: "Thrush".

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

I know what you're trying to say, but the truth is: the anti-special drama exploded.

Yes, it's an anti-special drama.

A week ago, "Thrush" was launched, and the real-time ratings of the first broadcast broke 2.1, winning the first place in the national ratings in the same period, and also surpassing the prime time of Yangyi's "Ask the Firmament", which is higher than "Hurricane".

With the start of the show, the service, the acting skills of the young actors, etc., have also suffered some controversy, so has the controversy affected the ratings of the series?

I'll say the result directly: the show was broadcast for 7 days, and the ratings broke 2 in 7 days, and by February 18, that is, yesterday, the average rating was 2.414, a new high.

You must know that although "Hurricane" is powerful, it only broke 2 in the second half, and "Pearl River People" only made efforts in the middle of the stage.

And "Thrush" broke 2 at the beginning of the broadcast, soaring to 2.4 in a week.

With Bai Minghan played by Ding Yongdai confirming that he is not a snow wolf, the suspense of whether the snow wolf is Director Ge, the factory director or Director Luo will inevitably drive the ratings to continue to soar.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

It is almost certain that with the start of the next three episodes, by the time "Flowers" takes over on the 27th, the ratings of "Thrush" will almost definitely surpass "Pearl River People" again and win the 2023 national drama ratings championship.

Is "Thrush" so powerful? It's amazing, it's an anti-special drama.

As we all know, spy war dramas have played a big role in national dramas, and works such as "Secret Calculation", "Latent", "Before Dawn", "Cliff", "Kite" and other works have caused a boom, and the ratings and word-of-mouth have exploded.

But in the past 5 years, there are only a handful of excellent ones, and there is only one "Rebel" that has won the word-of-mouth ratings.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

This year, it is even worse, and the audience watches one and complains about another.

The ups and downs of the genre are like tides, when spy war dramas, especially those of the Republic of China, have caused aesthetic fatigue among the audience, but the audience of this type still wants to watch it, it is time for anti-spy war dramas to rise.

The question is, is there an anti-special drama that can win the ratings and word-of-mouth like "Silent Oath" back then?

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

An anti-special drama in CCTV's 2024 film list is about to come out, and with the launch of the new version of the trailer, it can be judged that the broadcast is not far away.

38 episodes of "Night and Dawn".

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

01, finalized: "Thrush" tested the waters, and the main force debuted?

"Night and Dawn" was selected for the key repertoire list of the 2023 "Big Drama Viewing Station" at the beginning of this year.

The play is also a standard "anti-special drama".

That is, the background of the story is after the founding of New China in 1949, and the setting is no longer the enemy and the dark of the spy war drama, but the enemy and the dark and the bright.

When it comes to domestic anti-special dramas, we can't fail to mention "Silent Oath".

In 2002, it became popular on CCTV as soon as it was broadcast, sweeping the major awards of Feitian and Golden Eagle, which made many "anti-special drama" fans want to stop.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

However, the advent of a dark horse drama in 2006 changed the market trend of anti-special dramas, because a more aggressive genre appeared: Liu Yunlong's "Secret Calculation" exploded, and the Republic of China spy war drama appeared.

In the days when spy war dramas dominated the market, although anti-special dramas also included Hu Jun's "In the Silent Place", Zhang Yi's "Glorious Era" and other masterpieces, the ratings were difficult to break through, and gradually dimmed in the market, and even the genre itself was "eaten" by spy wars.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

And CCTV, the best viewing platform, although many traditional spy war dramas have been broadcast in recent years, anti-special dramas have not been seen for many years.

"Thrush" can be seen as a test of the waters of CCTV.

And the main force that will appear next should be "Night and Dawn".

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

is directed by Huang Nan and Li Cai, and Weng Liangping of "The Great Battle" and "Asking the Boundless" is the screenwriter.

Chen Zheyuan, Nie Yuan, Xing Fei, Yao Anna starring, plus Wang Zhiwen, Ni Dahong, Wang Jinsong, the three carriages of acting, as well as Sun Yan, Wang Xiuzhu, Feng Bing, Hao Ping, Li Mengnan, etc.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

The lineup, enough to see.

Although the show has not yet been officially announced, it not only appears in the 2024 list of major dramas officially announced by CCTV, but the drama party has also released the second version of the trailer.

Coupled with the explosion of "Thrush" ratings.

Next, of course, there will be an anti-mega drama to strike while the iron is hot, which can only be "Night and Dawn".

02. Story: The puzzle of "anti-special operation" and enemy special operation intertwined

From the traditional spy war dramas that have appeared one after another this year to "Thrush", the first thing that the audience questions must be the story.

Without a good script, no matter how powerful the faction is, it will be in vain.

The story of "Night and Dawn", can you pass?

The story of the play begins in the dark night of 1943, our agent Lu Zhengyang (played by Nie Yuan) and the old policeman Lin Shaobai (played by Chen Zheyuan) fought for the first time, and the two showed their skills around an explosion that shocked Shanghai.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

After the liberation of Shanghai in 1949, dawn came.

Lu Zhengyang became a backbone of our anti-enemy special front. Although our side has been victorious, a large number of enemy agents lurk in the shadows, plotting to cause sabotage.

After strict screening and screening, Lu Zhengyang boldly used Lin Shaobai, who is known as "Shanghai Know-it-all". The two have become partners from past rivals.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

He then cracked a succession of major cases such as the "Vault Robbery Case," the "Counterfeit Money Case," and the "Hidden Radio Case" plotted by Zheng Lanting, a veteran spy of the Shanghai Special Station of the Secret Bureau, and completely foiled the conspiracy of enemy agents hidden in the shadows.

The two versions of the trailer cut in from our perspective, with a lot of information and a lot of highlights:

For example, the "anti-special" action of tense suspense and symbiosis.

The trailer begins, and it is not a scene of confrontation between the enemy and the enemy-

Rather, a muralist is calmly finishing a propaganda poster.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

The camera only gives the back, but in the production special, I found the face on the front of this back: Wang Zhiwen,

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

In other words, it is the ultimate villain of this show: the veteran enemy, Zheng Lanting.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

Good one, big hidden in the city.

No wonder Lin Shaobai said in the play, "This group of people has always been in Shanghai." ”

In the next shot, our public security officers hurried to an abandoned construction site to complete the encirclement.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

But the voiceover is: I let you go on purpose.

And Zheng Lanting walked into the phone booth steadily, and Wang Zhiwen's rich voice reappeared: The fish bit Erbium.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

In a word, it opened the prelude to the battle of wits between our side and the enemy.

What exactly does the enemy want to do? Do we have a hidden ghost? Undoubtedly, the most brain-burning part of the play.

The suspense line spread out in the trailer has an eerie and murderous atmosphere, which also makes this large-scale cat-and-mouse game of "the enemy is dark and I am bright" even more treacherous.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

For example, thrilling action scenes.

is different from "Silent Oath", "Night and Dawn" has a lot of action scenes, and there is no shortage of action elements in spy war dramas.

There is movement.

When confronting the enemy, the explosion scene is full of fire.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?



"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

The crisis is looming, and the saber is rattling.

Body movements, constantly magnified.

Between movement and stillness, a sense of tension bursts out, constituting the tension of the lens language.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

There is a combination of movement and static.

For example, when capturing the enemy, the thrilling gunfight.

There are also sharp fight scenes, empty-handed fighting, hand-to-hand combat, and hand-to-hand combat...... The action scenes with cool points further improve the look and feel of the whole show.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

It seems that the production level of the show is not low, and the photography and art are full of style.

What attracted me the most was the cat-and-mouse game between the enemy and our faction.

Both sides of the enemy, firing guns and fighting in the dark.

A huge sense of oppression, wrapped in tension, is like mercury venting the ground.

03, starring lineup: Gathering young actors and old drama bones, can it be popular?

2015's "The Pretender" is considered to be the precedent that opened the "youth" of spy war dramas.

That is, in the choice of leading actors, it tends to be more young traffic, and a group of old drama bones are invited to "match".

However, the traffic used by Noon Sunshine is Hu Ge, Wang Kai and the old cadre Jin Dong, and after "The Pretender" exploded, the leading actors of many spy war dramas began to become hot young traffic.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

I'm not polite to say that this is also the beginning of the slippage of the spy war genre.

However, judging from the lineup configuration of this round of anti-special dramas, the combination of new and old may already be a trend that cannot be changed.

The director of "Night and Dawn" is Huang Nan, and the screenwriter is Weng Liangping.

Huang Nan has participated in the co-directing of "Crossing the Yalu River" and "The Great Battle", and his strength is not weak.

What reassures me even more is the screenwriter of the play, Weng Liangping.

In addition to "Armageddon", he also participated in the screenwriting of "Ask the Boundless", and next year's other spy war drama "Long Wind and Waves" is also his work.

It is certain that this screenwriter has something real.

Looking at the actors again, the protagonist and supporting roles, 10 well-known and powerful actors joined, including old drama bones and Mesozoic power, and the lineup is not strong.

Combined with the trailer, it can be judged that the actors who play the enemy camp are: Wang Zhiwen and Wang Jinsong.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

Also playing the enemy cadres are: Feng Bing, Wen Zhengrong, Wang Xiuzhu, Ren Zhengbin.

The actors who play in our camp are mainly young actors: Chen Zheyuan, Xing Fei, Yao Anna, and the more senior ones are Nie Yuan and Sun Yan.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

This kind of lineup matching actually creates another suspense: how can a group of young people fight the old fox played by Wang Zhiwen and Wang Jinsong, as well as the iron-blooded generals played by Feng Bing, Wen Zhengrong and Wang Xiuzhu.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

Among them, there are five actors I am most looking forward to.

First, Wang Zhiwen

Regarding Wang Zhiwen's acting skills, it is nonsense to say more. He is certainly one of the best actors in the country.

His acting skills are unfathomable, his line skills are profound, and he is suitable for both good and evil.

Especially spy war dramas.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

In "The Wind", he plays Wang Tianxiang, who is wicked.

In "Rebel", he played the awe-inspiring agent of our side.

In "Infernal", he is the villain Mu Xihe again, with a bald head and a horizontal face, which makes people shudder at a glance.

Regardless of the quality of the work, Wang Zhiwen's performance is always high-class and impeccable. And, with its own strong tension.

In "Night and Dawn", Zheng Lanting, who he played, was the core of the enemy, but he was hidden in the downtown area, painting our propaganda posters.

Always unmoved, his eyes are full of stories.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

What is good acting? Actually, it's not complicated, pay attention to the end of the trailer, Wang Zhiwen's eyes, one closed, one, one look, one bright, one extinguished.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

The sense of atmosphere created is better than that of thousands of horses, this is the acting skills.

Second, Wang Jinsong

Many viewers know him because of "Uncle Dong".

But the old Chinese drama knows him, it should be "Ming Dynasty 1566", or, it is the big smoke ghost Wang Puchen in "No War in Peking".

Skinny, coughing is even weaker, but when he opens his mouth, he is treacherous and ruthless.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

This time, his role should be Mao Sen, the supreme commander of the enemy, and the micro-expressions in the trailer are not easy to detect, but they are meaningful.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

Enemy, the "two trump cards" are out, which is enough.

Third, Sun Yan and Feng Bing

put Sun Yan and Feng Bing together, not because they are not weighty, but because they are both old acquaintances of the audience of "Hurricane".

One plays Xiaohu and the other plays Lao Mo. Both are villains.

But this time, it's different.

Wang Liqun, played by Feng Bing, is still a killer who kills people without blinking an eye.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

It's Sun Yan, who should play our undercover agent.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

But his sentence, "My hands are covered with blood", makes people feel that this role is not simple.

Fourth, Nie Yuan

The most senior actor who plays our camp is Nie Yuan.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

Nie Yuan back then, it was Zhao Zilong and Luo Cheng, heroic, with good looks and acting skills, which was by no means comparable to this traffic niche, but unfortunately lacked a little luck.

After transforming into a powerful faction, he became more and more brilliant.

The type of spy war, Nie Yuan is by no means unfamiliar.

In the Republic of China spy war drama "The Forerunner", Tang Xianping played by him, and Ma Tianmu played by Zhang Luyi, fought wits and courage to support the whole play.

In the costume spy war "Feng Qi Longxi", his role is deeply hidden, and his acting skills are impressive.

The spy war has been played all over, and it's time for the anti-special drama.

This time, he played Lu Zhengyang, as his name suggests, is righteous and awe-inspiring, and he is also the guide of the male lead.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

It seems that every step has been calculated, and the plan is in mind.

Although there is thunder in my heart, my face is like a peaceful lake, to be honest, only from the perspective of the pressure created by the actor, it is also because of him that I believe in both the enemy and me, and some fight.

Finally, it is the key to the whole play, the male protagonist Chen Zheyuan.

Many similar works have shown that this young actor is precisely the key to the quality of the whole play.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

In the past few years, he has appeared in the suspense drama "Detective Chinatown" supervised by Chen Sicheng, and also starred in "Detective Chinatown 3", CCTV "Peerless Double Pride" He played Xiao Yuer, obviously a new actor who is highly sought after by fans and the industry, but whether he can catch so many old dramas still needs him to prove himself.

04: Will it roll over?

The story of "Night and Dawn" is attractive, the lineup is strong enough, and it is supported by the CCTV platform, but I also know that there is still a question in everyone's mind!

Will it roll over?

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

If you are an old viewer of national dramas, it should not be difficult to find that all types of national dramas in 2023 are exploding.

is the only spy war drama, whether it is "Infernal", "Thin Ice", "Stalker", or "Hive" and "Plum Blossom Heart", they all have a strong lineup and menacing, but the quality is indescribable.

Now, the test is here.

What exactly is a rollover?

Some viewers said that the relationship between men and women is too abrasive, and some people say that it is the eyebrows, lips, false eyelashes, and wall skin face that are seriously distorted.

But I think in the final analysis, the key is a more important characteristic of anti-special dramas and spy war dramas - tone.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

First of all, the lines should have a tone.

is a good drama, without a single killing word, but there is murderous intent hidden everywhere. The bad drama of overturning is all a trick.

Also, the story has a tone.

Classic spy wars and anti-special dramas have put a lot of effort into creating suspense.

In just a few seconds, the undercurrent surges. After holding his breath and concentrating, he ushered in a burst.

Bad drama, emotional drama is dark, and the suspense plot is not reasonable.

Finally, the picture has a tone.

But all the scenes in the painting must be in line with the era, and the makeup must be appropriate to taste right.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

The most vocal spy war drama is, of course, Liu Yunlong.

Anti-special drama, there is no king, there is still a lot to do.

Although, with the freshness of the anti-special type, even if the quality is not enough, you can easily win the ratings championship.

But don't forget, the audience's aesthetics and tastes will change.

For latecomers, the audience will ask for more.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

And the creator should also assume the responsibility of providing the audience with a higher aesthetic taste.

Anti-special drama can't be a one-shot deal.

Only the continuous improvement of quality will not be a flash in the pan.

The so-called dark night and dawn are not a metaphor for the fate of anti-special dramas.

After a long dark night in the market, "Thrush" exploded, and the dawn was just around the corner,

But if you really want to light the way forward, you can only rely on the anti-special drama itself.

"Thrush" has a hot ratings and a good word-of-mouth, can the anti-spy war drama get back a city?

Hopeful of the Dead, "Night and Dawn".

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