
After Liu Heng ascended the throne, he killed all Liu Ying's sons, why did he leave Liu Ying's queen Zhang Yan?

author:Shen Yu eats pudding

In the long history of the Western Han Dynasty, the stories of the two female characters, Lü Pheasant and Zhang Yan, are like a delicate and complex picture, showing the cruelty and glory of the power struggle and court life of that era.

After Liu Heng ascended the throne, he killed all Liu Ying's sons, why did he leave Liu Ying's queen Zhang Yan?

The ancient imperial society was always full of endless political intrigues and family entanglements. When Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, died, Lü Pheasant seized real power as the empress dowager, opening a page in which women played a key role in the political arena. Not only did she skillfully use her wits and means to gain a foothold in male-dominated politics, but she also took extreme measures to consolidate her dominance and that of her children and grandchildren. Her callous treatment of Madame Qi and her son Liu Ruyi is a vivid portrayal of the complex psychological struggle between the desire for power and the maternal instinct.

After Liu Heng ascended the throne, he killed all Liu Ying's sons, why did he leave Liu Ying's queen Zhang Yan?

As an influential female figure during Wang Mang's New Dynasty, Zhang Yan showed not only hidden ambition, but also pain and struggle about her powerlessness in her personal destiny. She is on the big stage of the court, both an audience and a participant, experiencing all kinds of life in the treacherous historical process.

After Liu Heng ascended the throne, he killed all Liu Ying's sons, why did he leave Liu Ying's queen Zhang Yan?

Although these storylines are full of ups and downs and fascinating, the family conflicts and political struggles contained in them are not fictional. Through the in-depth analysis of the characters behind these real events, readers can feel more closely the intricacies of their inner world, the joys and sorrows intertwined with power games and personal emotions.

After Liu Heng ascended the throne, he killed all Liu Ying's sons, why did he leave Liu Ying's queen Zhang Yan?

At the same time, the description of historical events is interspersed with information such as the social background and the imperial power system at that time. For example, when analyzing how Lü Pheasant used the imperial system to consolidate his position, the reader can better understand the social structures and cultural traditions on which his actions depended.

After Liu Heng ascended the throne, he killed all Liu Ying's sons, why did he leave Liu Ying's queen Zhang Yan?

What's even more special is that in this bloody historical event, a religious element was also introduced - the belief in the god of flowers. This religious and cultural connotation adds a mysterious and far-reaching color to the narrative of the entire historical event, and to a certain extent, reflects the subtle and complex relationship between folk beliefs and royal culture at that time.

After Liu Heng ascended the throne, he killed all Liu Ying's sons, why did he leave Liu Ying's queen Zhang Yan?

With the passage of time, the ups and downs of the fate of the main characters are revealed. From youth and vigor to power in the world and finally to the loess buried bones, every decision they made was like a grain of sand thrown into the long river of history, causing ripples, affecting the entire empire and even future generations.

After Liu Heng ascended the throne, he killed all Liu Ying's sons, why did he leave Liu Ying's queen Zhang Yan?

Generally speaking, in that magnificent and troubled period covered by political struggles and family conflicts, historical figures such as Lu Pheasant and Zhang Yan were like a group of living people who were tricked and played by fate but still struggled to survive. They were wise or brave, good or evil, virtuous or foolish, loyal or treacherous, leaving indelible and hard-to-replicate footprints in that era. Through the profound description of their personalities, plot development, and historical background, the colorful and thought-provoking historical picture presented is worthy of careful taste and reflection by every one of us who lived in ordinary years.

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