
After the Battle of Shuishui in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty: Emperor Xiaowu was killed by his concubines, and the Beifu soldiers were reduced to mercenaries

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In the last episode, we talked about the Battle of Shuishui, and the victory of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the Battle of Shuishui was inseparable from the powerful Beifu soldiers. Then the Eastern Jin Dynasty achieved such a big victory, which was the highest moment in the history of the two Jin Dynasties. Why didn't you take the opportunity to recover the rivers and mountains? On the contrary, it quickly went into decline after victory, and with such a strong army, how did the Eastern Jin Dynasty perish?

After the Battle of Shuishui in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty: Emperor Xiaowu was killed by his concubines, and the Beifu soldiers were reduced to mercenaries

In this issue, we will take a look at why the Eastern Jin Dynasty after the Battle of Shuishui went into decline, and why did the Beifu soldiers become mercenaries?

After the Battle of Shuishui, Huan Chong died the following year, Xie An was expelled from the imperial court by Sima Daozi and others, as we said earlier, Xie An himself likes to send love to the landscape and is not a person who covets power, so Xie An gave up his rights very relievedly, and in the third year after the Battle of Shuishui, that is, in 385 AD, Xie An also died.

After the Battle of Shuishui in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty: Emperor Xiaowu was killed by his concubines, and the Beifu soldiers were reduced to mercenaries

Huan Chong and Xie An, two important people, passed away one after another. The situation in the Eastern Jin Dynasty changed, Sima Daozi successfully ascended to the throne, here is this Sima Daozi, he and Emperor Xiaowu of Jin were brothers of the same father and mother, so they began to be trusted and relied on by Emperor Xiaowu.

After Sima Daozi came to power, he reused Wang Guobao and a number of other people, began to seize power for Sima Shi, and abused his power, amassed a large amount of wealth, expanded his power, and formed a group, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty began to decline and decline because of these people.

After Sima Daozi came to power, three crises arose in the Eastern Jin Dynasty:

The first Sima Daozi and Emperor Xiaowu were brothers, and after drinking wine, they often said some taboo words, which led to suspicion, so there was a contradiction, but before the contradiction between the two broke out, Emperor Xiaowu was killed by a concubine and a palace maid. This is really a pity, Emperor Xiaowu was in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, even if he was an emperor with some power and deeds, but he was killed by the concubines of the harem, and it seems that this is only once in history, which can also be seen that Sima Shi's national fortune is almost over. Emperor Xiaowu succeeded to the throne after Emperor An, but Emperor An was young, so Sima Daozi continued to hold power. The first contradiction of the Eastern Jin Dynasty disappeared because of the death of Emperor Xiaowu.

The second contradiction appeared, at this time Sima Daozi was more powerful, to regain local power, and the conflict with the shi clan broke out, Wang Gong, who had moved south from Taiyuan, raised an army in Zhenjiang to kill Wang Guobao, and later Sima Daozi could not stop it and killed Wang Guobao. The royal family of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was really pitiful, and every time they wanted to show the majesty of the royal family, they were immediately beaten back to their original form by the warriors. Later, he raised an army, and because of Liu Gaozhi's betrayal, the soldiers were defeated and killed.

The third contradiction, the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not hide from it. As we said in the previous program, Huan Xuan also raised an army from Jingzhou to attack Nanjing. He successfully entered Nanjing, deposed the emperor, established Huan Chu, and killed Sima Daozi, by which time the Eastern Jin Dynasty was nominally destroyed.

After the Battle of Shuishui in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty: Emperor Xiaowu was killed by his concubines, and the Beifu soldiers were reduced to mercenaries

This is the political situation of the Eastern Jin Dynasty after the Battle of Shuishui, after the Battle of Shuishui, history has given the Eastern Jin Dynasty another chance, but because the Southern Shi clan is not willing to go north, the Shi clan that has moved from the north to the south has already set up an industry here, and is not willing to do anything in the Northern Expedition, coupled with the chaos of the Korean Situation, the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not take advantage of the demise of the North and Former Qin.

Let's look at what role the Beifu soldiers played in this period. After the Battle of Shuishui, who the Beifu soldiers turned to, who won, who attacked and who lost, within this half century. Beifu Bing is synonymous with Changsheng Army.

After the Battle of Shuishui, Xie Xuan died, and Liu Gaozhi became the head of the Beifu bing, he controlled the Beifu bing, Liu Jiaozhi was born in the cold gate, so he was different from the four major families mentioned earlier. The people of the four major families either have their own political ideals or safeguard the interests of the family, but Liu Gaozhi is from a cold family and does not have much political experience. Therefore, under his leadership, the Beifu soldiers had no political direction, did not know what they should do, and what political goals they wanted to achieve.

Therefore, in the political struggle, the Beifu soldiers became mercenaries, fighting for the forces of all sides, and the first time Liu Gaozhi defected to Wang Gong, but Wang Gong looked down on him, because he was from a cold door, so when Wang Gong raised an army for the second time, Liu Gaozhi surrendered to Sima Daozi. When Huan Xuan raised an army, Huan Xuan rebelled against Liu Xuan,and the Beifu soldiers surrendered to Huan Xuan, but Liu Yu, the son of Liu Gaozhi and nephew Liu Yu, was opposed to defecting to Huan Xuan.

Later, Huan Xuan still looked down on Liu Gaozhi, believing that he had no political vision and rebelled several times, so they were suspicious of each other, and finally Liu Gaozhi prepared for a third rebellion. But at this time, the generals of the Northern Prefecture soldiers did not do it, followed by Liu Gaozhi first betrayed Wang Gong, then betrayed the Sima family, and now they want to betray Huan Xuan, so the generals under Liu Gaozhi's hands could not see it anymore, and if they continued like this, wouldn't it be a repeated villain? In the end, the Beifu soldiers scattered, and Liu Gaozhi committed suicide.

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Speaking of this, we can't help but feel sorry for the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and even more sorry for the Northern Province soldiers who have created glory, but the decline and fall of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is related to its ruling base, and it is a fluke that the Eastern Jin Dynasty can be in a corner of peace. At present, the status of the family clan has also been shaken, and the representatives of the Shu clan will stand on the stage of history. This episode to this, the next episode we talk, Liu Yu to the center of the historical stage, how to lead the Beifu soldiers to regroup, and then do the Northern Expedition, like friends to point a thumbs up, add a concern, thank you.

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