
The United States had just finished giving the Philippines a "shot in the arm" and turned its head as a turtle with a shrunken head, and the warning of the Chinese major general was not in vain

author:铁血 Outpost
The United States had just finished giving the Philippines a "shot in the arm" and turned its head as a turtle with a shrunken head, and the warning of the Chinese major general was not in vain

Although I do not agree with the behavior of the United States in stirring up trouble everywhere in the world, I sometimes have to admire the ability of the United States to avoid getting itself into war. We know that with the support of the United States, the Philippines has become a destabilizing factor in the South China Sea. Not long ago, the U.S. Embassy in China posted on social media to express support for the Philippines' porcelain bumping, and even called on China's 2016 international tribunal ruling, not forgetting to emphasize the U.S.-Philippines mutual defense mechanism, clearly supporting the Philippines. However, things suddenly went in an unexpected direction, because the United States had just finished supporting the Philippines and turned around and began to act as a turtle with a shrunken head.

The United States had just finished giving the Philippines a "shot in the arm" and turned its head as a turtle with a shrunken head, and the warning of the Chinese major general was not in vain

Recently, a person familiar with the matter broke the news that Pentagon officials in charge of China affairs held a meeting with the Chinese military attache in the United States, mainly to discuss matters related to the high-level military meeting between the two countries in 2024. It is also reported that the Sino-US contact was made before the San Francisco summit, and if this news is true, it means that China and the United States have kept the meeting secret for nearly a month, which is worth mentioning. During this period of tension between China and the United States, the military exchanges between the two sides were indeed relatively low-key compared to other fields, and the United States specially chose to bring up the previous military dialogue at a tense moment in the South China Sea, obviously to bring down the fire to China.

The United States had just finished giving the Philippines a "shot in the arm" and turned its head as a turtle with a shrunken head, and the warning of the Chinese major general was not in vain

Under normal circumstances, as long as there is no severance of contacts in the military field, the possibility of miscalculation between the two countries will be greatly reduced. Therefore, as soon as the United States finished the fire, it emphasized the previous military dialogue in order to show that it does not want to deal with China, not only to keep itself in safe waters, but also to push the pot on the Philippines. I don't know what the attitude of the Philippines when I hear this news will be, if I can see this layer of information, then the expression of the Philippines should be quite exciting, and it may even be fragrant, after all, the "boss" who supports himself suddenly became a turtle with a shrunken head, which no one can accept. What's more, the United States has begun to retreat before anything happens in the South China Sea.

The United States had just finished giving the Philippines a "shot in the arm" and turned its head as a turtle with a shrunken head, and the warning of the Chinese major general was not in vain

After all, the Philippines' ambitions on the South China Sea issue are not small, and the possibility of being blinded by ambition cannot be completely ruled out. From another point of view, the United States has withdrawn from the attitude, which also shows that the warning of the Chinese major general is not in vain. I remember that in July, the same Chinese military attache issued a warning to the United States on the Taiwan issue, saying that China would use all means to resist the intervention of external forces. This sentence can also be applied to the South China Sea issue, the United States is "108,000 miles away" from the South China Sea, but wants to use the ambitions of certain countries to meddle in the South China Sea issue, China will never allow it, if you don't believe it, China's "all means" will be used on the United States!

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