
35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

author:Light Dancer

Here are 35 "Money Tips" from 35 "Masters of the Art of Frugal Living" to help you live the life you want without a luxury car, yacht and vacation homes around the world.

Master the essence of the art of frugal living and embark on a journey to financial freedom, starting here.

I turned my dad's old jeans into a bucket hat and shorts.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Use nail polish remover (acetone) to give the white rubber part a new look.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I was looking online for a product that would keep my keys safe while I was running.

Suddenly, I realized that I already had such a product.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

My son wanted a manta ray plush toy as a gift for his 5th birthday, but I didn't have the money to buy it, so I used his old baby blanket and sewed one by hand.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Soap dishs made from unused takeaway straws, glue, and thread.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Finding a cardigan that I didn't wear, I turned it back into yarn and crocheted it into a cat bed with yarn crochet.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I always wanted to buy one to put the teacup, but in the end, I made one out of the materials I already had.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Thrifty, I used a bottle of black dye to extend the life of my dirty shoes.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I took the damaged vintage jeans and turned them into shorts, hats and hair ties.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I couldn't remove the stain from the middle of the shirt, so I used some old dye to make a cooler shirt.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I converted an old TV from the early 80's into a cat apartment.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

A friend was going to throw away a torn piece of clothing, so I saved it, knitted a basket, and added a little color to it with rags that my mother didn't want.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Using toilet paper cones and old takeout containers, I started planting flowers.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I used traditional techniques to repair the cracked toilet seat instead of replacing it.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

We sell fresh fruits, cut into cubes and frozen.

Where I live, a big bag of frozen pineapples costs $16 - $19, and this bag needs 3 pineapples to fill up and costs $1.99 each.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, with 20 yuan of fabric, I installed a sun visor on the terrace, and it made my house temperature drop by 10°C.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Cleaning tips.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Convert an old trampoline into a greenhouse.

We bought it for our kids 5 years ago and the flex part and net are no longer safe, but the frame is in good condition. I almost threw it away, but luckily it was saved, and that's the result!

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I'm trying to reduce the use/purchase of paper towels.

I try to reuse an old towel and cut it into 16 smaller hand towels for daily cleaning.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

The new shoes are not on the budget, but I have a black marker, the left one is painted with a marker, and the right one is still faded black.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Produce in jars can last longer in the refrigerator.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

A few months ago, my belt broke while working and the ratchet strap worked.

It's the best belt I've ever had, with no limit to adjustment.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

The hot tea is steeped in a honey pot to take advantage of the last bit of honey.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

We are already inundated with plastic bags.

I made a grocery bag out of crochet yarn that can be reused and the results were better than expected.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I took a torn sheet and turned it into reusable wipes and stored it in my container.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

This year, I decided not to waste any more money, and I have extra yarn.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

The apple slices I make are cheaper and tastier than those in the grocery store!

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I needed a big, sturdy table, but didn't want to buy a new one, so, I tried making furniture for the first time.

I think it looks pretty good.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I like stained glass, but I can't afford it.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Our new bed broke down and I recycled the wood and turned it into a pot.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I transform bed sheets and t-shirts that I no longer use into carpets, baskets, etc.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

Fighting poverty: I got a part-time job at a local farmer's market and got free produce every week.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

I had a stain on my jeans that I couldn't remove, so I covered it up.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

In our area, there are so many apple trees that people throw boxes of apple trees on the side of the road, so ......

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

The child has grown up, and from now on, I need to leave XL's clothes.

35 people who live a life share "financial secrets"

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