
The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

author:Xiaoxiao Talk
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At the end of the year, the bell gradually rings, and the mood is like sitting on a roller coaster, both excited and nervous.

Yes, at the end of the year, many people are beginning to reflect on their income and expenditure for the year.

Some people hold their wallets tightly in their hands for fear that they will accidentally spend them.

This can't help but make people think that the little squirrel hiding in the hollow of the tree, looking at the tight pine cone reserves at hand, began to become extra cautious.

The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

At this moment, some insiders put forward a financial management principle: "three do not buy, three do not sell".

These six words may seem simple, but they contain profound financial wisdom.

But then again, what exactly are these "three don't buy, three don't sell"?

We all know that the end of the year is a sensitive period, and many people may impulsively spend or panic sell, but how can we avoid this?

The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

First of all, the "three no-buys" refers to avoiding three irrational buying behaviors at the end of the year.

The first is not to buy unrealistic commodities.

Just like you wouldn't have a horse in your tiny apartment, buying commodities that don't match your reality not only takes up space, but can also be financially burdensome.

The second is not to buy luxury goods that are out of budget.

The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

It's like wearing short sleeves in the cold of winter, and while it looks cool, it's actually not practical and can even get yourself in trouble.

The third is not to buy high-risk investment products.

The end of the year is often a time of market volatility, and blind investing is like dancing on the edge of an unfenced cliff, which may seem exciting but is actually dangerous.

The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

Next, the "three don't sell" is to remind people not to sell the three assets easily at the end of the year.

The first is not to sell long-term investments with stable appreciation. This kind of investment is like a big tree that grows slowly, and it takes time to witness its value grow.

The second is not to sell items with sentimental value.

These items are like old photo albums at home, not necessarily valuable, but full of memories and emotions.

The third is not to sell stocks or assets that have been sold at low prices due to panic.

The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

It's like rushing to sell your ship when a storm comes, and you may end up missing out on waiting for the rainbow to pass the storm.

Through this "three don't buy, three don't sell" strategy, people can be more rational about financial management at the end of the year.

But here's a question worth pondering:

Why are people particularly prone to impulse spending or panic selling at the end of the year?

Behind this question is actually a reflection of a common reaction of the human psyche in the face of time pressure and uncertainty.

The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

First of all, the end of the year is a psychological cut-off point, and many people will look back on the achievements and failures of the past year at this time.

This kind of reflection is often accompanied by emotional fluctuations, which in turn can easily lead to irrational consumption or investment decisions.

Secondly, the festive atmosphere and business promotions at the end of the year will also stimulate consumer desire.

Merchants often take advantage of this psychology of people to launch various seemingly attractive offers and limited-time discounts, and inadvertently, people fall into the trap of consumption.

The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

Finally, the end of the year is also the closing period of budgets and goals, and this sense of urgency of time may make people more aggressive or conservative in their financial decisions.

After understanding the psychological mechanism behind this, we can better grasp the essence of "three don't buy, three don't sell", so as to make more rational and informed financial decisions.

At the end of the hustle and bustle, learn to remain calm and rational, and not be swayed by external interference, in order to walk more and more steadily on the road of financial management.

The end of the year has arrived! It's time to keep the money bag! Insiders suggest: Insist on three don't buy, three don't sell!

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!


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