
Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

author:Dr. Guangyou talks about health

Lung cancer is a serious lung disease that poses a great threat to the life and health of patients. Lung cancer is a common malignancy with a relatively high incidence and is often detected at an advanced stage. Therefore, it is very important to understand the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer can vary from person to person, but they usually include cough, sputum production, difficulty breathing, chest pain, fever, weight loss, etc. If these symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention.

The diagnosis of lung cancer usually requires a series of tests, including chest X-ray, CT, MRI and other imaging tests, as well as blood tests and sputum tests. These tests can help doctors determine the location, size and spread of lung cancer so they can develop appropriate treatment options.

Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

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These 4 behaviors hurt the lungs, so get rid of them as soon as possible


Smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer. The harmful substances in tobacco can directly damage the cells and tissues of the lungs, and long-term smoking may lead to a decline in lung function and even cause lung cancer. Therefore, quitting smoking is the first step to protect lung health.

air pollution

Long-term exposure to air pollution, such as industrial exhaust fumes, automobile exhaust fumes, etc., can cause damage to the lungs. These pollutants can irritate lung tissue, triggering inflammation and disease. Therefore, protective measures such as reducing exposure to air pollution and wearing masks are all necessary measures to protect lung health.

Poor breathing Xi

Excessive forceful breathing, deep breathing, etc., may cause damage to the lungs. These poor respiratory Xi habits can cause the lungs to overexpand or contract, triggering inflammation and disease in the lungs. Therefore, developing the right breathing Xi, such as deep breathing, slow breathing, etc., can help protect lung health.

Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

Lack of exercise

Long-term lack of exercise will lead to a decrease in the body's immunity, which can easily lead to lung diseases. Moderate exercise can improve the body's immunity, promote the respiratory function and blood circulation of the lungs, and help protect the health of the lungs.

Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

Lung cancer, a cunning enemy lurking in the bronchi, trachea, and alveoli, is actually a malignant tumor. It comes in a variety of faces, including adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and small cell carcinoma. And when lung cancer invades our legs, causing leg pain, it's usually because it has had bone metastases.

Clinically, the probability of bone metastasis in lung cancer is 10% to 15%. Surprisingly, adenocarcinoma has shown the highest probability of bone metastasis in this war. This is followed by small cell lung cancer and squamous cell carcinoma, which often metastasize multiple and prefer to camp in the ribs, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, pelvis and other parts.

Li Tao, chief physician of the Department of Bone and Soft Tissue Surgery at the Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, reminded us that many cancer patients will develop bone metastases at an advanced stage. These patients may not experience significant discomfort in the early stages, but suddenly, symptoms such as fractures and leg and foot pain can creep in. This often means that they have entered the advanced stage of the disease.

Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

Lung cancer, the expert in bone metastasis, can quietly destroy our bone tissue. Just like Aunt Hou, her bone tissue was eroded by metastatic cancer cells, which made her bones brittle, eventually leading to pain and fractures.

Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT as soon as possible

Leg pain

When there are some abnormal symptoms in the legs, it is best to have a CT scan of the lungs as soon as possible to determine whether it is lung cancer. Some people's leg pain is indeed related to lung cancer, especially when lung cancer has progressed to an advanced stage, and cancer cells may metastasize through lymph, blood, and bones. Elsewhere it takes root and progresses, and with bone metastases, the bones in the lower extremities are violated, often painful.

This signal indicates that the condition is more severe, and if no timely response is taken, the patient's five-year survival rate will be greatly reduced. Therefore, after the signal of unexplained leg pain is given, do not simply assume that it is a joint lesion, but also that the cancer has metastasized or spread.

Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

Decreased mobility

Difficulties and movement disorders encountered during exercise may be a sign that lung cancer is quietly developing. Lung cancer, a malignant tumor, has a wide and far-reaching impact, and cancer cells have a strong ability to metastasize. If not detected early, the disease can progress rapidly. Scientific treatment is the key to tackling lung cancer, however, if not treated in time, the cancer may progress further and metastasize to other sites.

When lung cancer affects the nerves in the legs, the movement of the legs may be restricted, and some people will have unsteady gait and difficulty walking. In addition, joint movement may also be restricted, leading to pain. These are all signs from illness that remind us to pay attention to the condition of our body.

Inexplicable puffiness

When I noticed edema in my legs, I realized that an in-depth examination was needed. Because the cause of leg edema can be very complex, it may stem from the lesions of organs such as the heart and kidneys, or it may also be a manifestation of lung cancer during the development process.

Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

Lung cancer may cause disruption of lymphatic circulation by affecting the normal function of lymphatic vessels or by metastasizing to distant locations. Lymphatic circulation is an important fluid circulation system in the body, and if it is obstructed, the legs can easily manifest as swelling and edema. Especially after prolonged standing or sitting, the symptoms of edema are usually further aggravated.

4 tips to prevent leg aging, the sooner you do it, the better

Maintain proper exercise

Proper exercise can enhance the strength and endurance of the leg muscles and improve the flexibility and stability of the joints. Aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, cycling, etc., can improve blood circulation and increase the supply of nutrients to the leg muscles. In addition, strength training such as squats, deadlifts, etc., can strengthen the leg muscles and reduce fat accumulation.

Maintain a healthy eating Xi

A healthy diet Xi habits can provide enough nutrients and energy for the legs. We should eat more foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, such as lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid foods high in fat, sugar and salt to reduce the occurrence of leg fat accumulation and chronic inflammation.

Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

Maintain proper posture

Correct posture can reduce the burden on the legs and joints and prevent leg aging. We should maintain a straight spine and a stable pelvis, avoid standing or sitting still for long periods of time, change posture frequently, and move joints and muscles.

Note: Heavy Warming

Cold weather can cause blood vessels in the legs to constrict, affecting blood circulation and accelerating leg aging. Therefore, we should focus on keeping warm, especially when going out in cold weather. Warm measures such as thick socks and long pants, hats and gloves are acceptable.

In short, preventing leg aging requires us to start from many aspects, including maintaining proper exercise, healthy eating Xi, correct posture and paying attention to warmth. The sooner you do these measures, the more you can slow down the aging process in your legs.

For lung cancer that is "dragged out", these types of people should be examined as soon as possible

First, people who smoke for a long time or are exposed to harmful substances should be screened for lung cancer regularly. In addition, people with a family history should also be vigilant. In addition, it is also very important for those who are older and in poor physical condition to have a timely check-up.

Lung cancer is coming, leg prophet Reminder: If there are 3 abnormalities in both legs, it is recommended to check CT

In order to prevent lung cancer, in addition to early detection, we should also pay attention to the following points: first, try to avoid exposure to harmful substances, second, maintain good lifestyle Xi habits, such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, and eating a balanced diet, and finally, strengthen exercise and improve physical fitness.

In conclusion, although lung cancer is scary, as long as we take the right precautions, timely examination and treatment, we can effectively reduce the risk of lung cancer. Therefore, for those who often "drag", it is very necessary to check as early as possible.

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