
Fish bones stuck in the throat, don't drink vinegar and swallow rice! Teach you 2 tricks to let the fish bones "escape" safely

author:I'm Qiu Tian

Fish is a common delicacy on our table, which is not only delicious in taste, but also rich in various nutrients, which is very beneficial to human health. However, every time we eat fish, we tend to be troubled by the fish bones, which can get stuck in the throat if we don't chew enough or swallow them too quickly. In particular, some elderly people and children are more likely to be stuck by fish bones because their swallowing function is relatively weak. When encountering fish bones stuck in the throat, many friends may use some "local methods", hoping to swallow the fish bones. Our common methods include drinking vinegar, swallowing rice, and the like. However, both of these practices are wrong and not only do not solve the problem, but may also aggravate the harm. Today, I will share with you the solution after being stuck by a fish bone, and then follow me to find out!

Fish bones stuck in the throat, don't drink vinegar and swallow rice! Teach you 2 tricks to let the fish bones "escape" safely

First of all, let's talk about why it is not advisable to drink vinegar and swallow rice after the fish bones are stuck. Many friends may have such an experience, after being stuck by the fish bones, the older generation always recommends us to drink some vinegar, because vinegar has a softening effect, which can soften the fish bones, so that the fish bones can be softened and discharged from the body.

But in fact, it is useless to drink vinegar from fish bones stuck in the throat. Because although vinegar has a softening effect, it is necessary to soak the fish bones in vinegar water for more than half an hour, and our fish bones are stuck in the throat, and the specific location of the card is not clear, so there is no guarantee that the vinegar can accurately soak the fish bones. And we can't hold vinegar in our throat for half an hour, or drink vinegar all the time. Not only does it not soften the fish bones, but it can also cause gastrointestinal irritation and damage the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is useless to drink vinegar to soften the fish bones.

Fish bones stuck in the throat, don't drink vinegar and swallow rice! Teach you 2 tricks to let the fish bones "escape" safely

Swallowing a mouthful of rice or steamed buns is also undesirable. If we eat a large mouthful of food at this time, it is likely that the fish bones will be squeezed, but they will get deeper and deeper, and even break through the esophagus and enter our body, which is very dangerous. So when you get stuck in a fish bone, never try to swallow the fish bone by swallowing a large mouthful of food.

Fish bones stuck in the throat, don't drink vinegar and swallow rice! Teach you 2 tricks to let the fish bones "escape" safely

What should we do if we get stuck in a fish bone?

In fact, the correct thing to do is to reduce swallowing and avoid the fish bones getting deeper and deeper. If there are other people around, we can turn on the flashlight on our phone and ask someone to help us see the exact location of the fish bone card. If the position of the card is not very deep, at this time you only need to take a tweezer, use tweezers to hold the fish bone, and take it out.

Fish bones stuck in the throat, don't drink vinegar and swallow rice! Teach you 2 tricks to let the fish bones "escape" safely

But there is only one person, and it is inconvenient to check the location of the fish bone card, then we can also use some spicy ingredients. For example, Sichuan pepper, dried chili pepper, pepper, etc., the taste of these foods is more pungent, and when we smell these smells, we tend to instinctively sneeze or cough. During sneezing and coughing, the respiratory muscles contract, and a strong airflow is created, which is likely to bring out the fish bones stuck in the throat.

Fish bones stuck in the throat, don't drink vinegar and swallow rice! Teach you 2 tricks to let the fish bones "escape" safely

If the fish bones are stuck deep and these methods cannot bring the fish bones out, we should come to the hospital and seek the help of the doctor, so that the doctor can use professional tools to help us take out the fish bones. In addition, we should remind everyone that in order to avoid being stuck in the throat by fish bones, we should chew slowly when eating fish, chew fully before swallowing, and avoid distractions or talking while eating. Once the fish bones are stuck, they should also be dealt with according to science, and do not blindly use some soil methods, so that they are more safe and secure. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

Fish bones stuck in the throat, don't drink vinegar and swallow rice! Teach you 2 tricks to let the fish bones "escape" safely

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