
8 tips for drinking good tea to make your tea taste better, and these 7 types of people need tea more!

author:Tea Intelligence Bureau

Drinking tea is a part of daily life, most people drink tea very casually, especially when brewing green tea, a cup of tea leaves and a pot of hot water, pour tea and water, and start drinking when the water temperature is right. This process of making tea is very simple and convenient, however, this practice will also have certain effects, such as the control of the amount of tea, the temperature of the water, the choice of tea utensils, and so on.

Drinking tea should be a delicate enjoyment, and there should be some tips to make the tea taste better, and at the same time, you can better experience the flavor and efficacy of tea.

Next, let's talk about 8 tips for making tea to make your tea taste better, let's take a look.

8 tips for drinking good tea to make your tea taste better, and these 7 types of people need tea more!

1. Tips for making tea

1. Choose high-quality teas

Buying high-quality tea leaves is the first step to tasting good tea. The quality of tea depends on factors such as origin, variety, and processing technology. High-quality tea leaves have a neat appearance, natural color, rich aroma, and no impurities. When purchasing, choosing a reputable tea house or merchant to buy can be more secure.

2. Control the water temperature

Different kinds of tea require water at different temperatures to brew to bring out their best flavor. Usually green tea requires a lower temperature of water (80-90°C), white and yellow tea requires a slightly higher temperature (80-90°C), and black tea and pu-erh tea require a higher temperature (90-100°C). Controlling the water temperature is an important factor to ensure the taste of tea.

3. Control the brewing time

Different kinds of tea brewing time also varies. In general, green tea takes a shorter brewing time (1-2 minutes), white and yellow teas take slightly longer (2-3 minutes), and black and pu-erh teas take longer (3-5 minutes or more). Brewing times that are too long or too short can affect the taste and flavor of the tea.

4. The right tea set

Choosing the right tea set is also an important part of tea tasting. Ceramic or glass tea sets can better maintain the temperature of the tea and retain the aroma of the tea leaves. The size and shape of the teapot and teacup will also affect the taste and aesthetics of the tea, so the right tea set is also part of the tea tasting.

5. Brew repeatedly

High-quality tea leaves are often characterized by multiple brews. You can try different tastes for each brew, the first brew is usually to wake up the tea leaves, and the subsequent brewing times gradually increase the brewing time to try different flavors. In this way, you can not only make the most of the tea leaves, but also experience the flavor of the tea leaves that gradually change with the brewing time.

6. Tea in moderation

When brewing, the right amount of tea leaves can ensure a balanced taste of the tea soup. In general, the proportion of tea leaves brewed with 2-3 grams per 100 ml of water is moderate. Too much tea will make the tea soup too strong, and too little will not reflect the flavor of the tea.

7. Xi tea tasting skills

Tea tasting requires skill and experience, and the flavor and quality of tea can be tasted by observing the tea leaves, smelling the tea aroma, tasting the tea soup, and feeling the taste of the tea. Practice more Xi and try, and slowly accumulate experience and perception of tea tasting.

8. Maintain peace of mind

Tea tasting requires focus and peace of mind. Relax and focus on tea tasting in order to better feel the charm of tea. Tea tasting is not only a pleasure for the senses of taste and smell, but also a way to relax the mind.

8 tips for drinking good tea to make your tea taste better, and these 7 types of people need tea more!

2. Who needs tea more?

Drinking tea is an ancient and beneficial way to drink tea, which has many positive effects on physical health. Although there are many different types of tea, many people can benefit from drinking tea.

1. People who need to boost their immunity

Tea is rich in a variety of antioxidants, such as tea polyphenols, vitamin C, etc., which help improve immunity and help the body resist viruses and bacteria. For people who are susceptible to infections and have weak immunity, drinking more tea can help strengthen the body's resistance and reduce the possibility of infection and disease.

2. People who often feel tired

The caffeine in tea is able to boost the spirit, increase alertness, and help improve concentration and concentration. For people with high work pressure and busy lives, drinking tea in moderation can help relieve fatigue and improve work efficiency, making people feel more awake and energetic.

3. People who need to regulate their emotions

Drinking tea helps promote relaxation and regulate mood. The amino acids and phenolic components in tea are beneficial for mental health, helping to relieve anxiety and stress, and improve emotional stability. For people with high mood swings and stress, tea drinking is a way to relax their minds.

4. People who are concerned about cardiovascular health

Tea polyphenols and other components in tea have lipid-lowering and antihypertensive effects, which help maintain cardiovascular health. Drinking tea in moderation can lower cholesterol levels, promote blood circulation, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. People who pay attention to anti-aging

The antioxidants in tea can scavenge free radicals in the body and delay cell aging. For people who pay attention to anti-aging and maintaining health, drinking more tea can help maintain the elasticity and radiance of the skin and delay the process of skin aging.

6. Frequent drinkers

Some studies have shown that the tea polyphenols in tea are able to slow down the damage caused by alcohol. For regular drinkers, drinking tea in moderation can reduce the adverse effects of alcohol on the body and help protect liver health.

7. People who need to protect their eyes

The antioxidants in tea are beneficial for eye health. Drinking more tea can help slow down eye aging, protect the retina, and reduce the occurrence of eye diseases.

8 tips for drinking good tea to make your tea taste better, and these 7 types of people need tea more!

In conclusion, the benefits of tea are varied, and many people can benefit from it. However, for individual groups such as pregnant women, children, people who are sensitive to caffeine, etc., it needs to be consumed with caution. On the premise of ensuring good health, drinking tea in moderation can bring many benefits to physical and mental health. I hope that everyone can enjoy the health and pleasure brought by tea in a situation that suits them.