
The older you get, the looser your bones become?Reminder: Stay away from 3 kinds of food, bones are as strong as a "golden hoop stick"

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors


A sneeze breaks a bone? For older friends, this is a true thing.

One of them is 75-year-old Aunt Zhang, who felt a sharp pain in her lower back after sneezing last week. But at that time, I didn't feel at ease, and I thought about putting some plasters and forbearance. But I didn't expect to endure it for a few days, and my back hurt more and more, and finally I couldn't stand it anymore and came to the hospital.

Looking at Aunt Zhang, who was lying on the hospital bed in confusion, the doctor in charge explained: The sneezing was just the trigger, and the real murderer was actually osteoporosis.

The older you get, the looser your bones become?Reminder: Stay away from 3 kinds of food, bones are as strong as a "golden hoop stick"

1. The older you get, the looser your bones become?

The minerals in the bones of the human body will reach their peak around the age of 30, and then they will gradually be lost with age, and the bone mass will slowly decline. People over 40 years old, if they do not pay attention to bone health, or have some daily Xi of harming bones, it is likely to induce osteoporosis.

With the aging of the population, osteoporosis has become an urgent health problem for many people. Data show that the probability of osteoporosis in people over 60 years old is 40~50%, and there are more than 100 million patients with osteoporosis in mainland China, and more than 80% are elderly patients.

The older you get, the looser your bones become?Reminder: Stay away from 3 kinds of food, bones are as strong as a "golden hoop stick"

Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, said that 9 out of 10 patients with osteoporosis did not know that they had the disease, which means that people pay very little attention to osteoporosis.

As an ordinary person, how to identify osteoporosis?"Primary Osteoporosis Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines (2017)") pointed out that osteoporosis often has these manifestations.

1. Low back pain

After turning over, sitting ups, or walking for a long time, it is easy to have lower back pain, bone pain all over the body, and the pain will worsen at night or after weight-bearing activities.

2. Hunchback, shortening of height

Bone loss in the spine can lead to a decrease in support, manifested as a hunched back, short height, and failure to intervene in time may cause multiple thoracic compression fractures and even affect cardiopulmonary function.

3. Fragility fractures

Osteoporosis will lead to a significant increase in the risk of fractures, mostly in the lower back, hips, arms, and severe patients will only be exposed to a slight external force.

The older you get, the looser your bones become?Reminder: Stay away from 3 kinds of food, bones are as strong as a "golden hoop stick"

2. Don't believe any rumors about osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is an "invisible killer" that affects the lives of middle-aged and elderly people, and there are many rumors about it, but we must know how to distinguish them, and these 4 must not be credulous.

1. Can drinking more bone broth prevent osteoporosis?

It is undeniable that there is a large amount of biological calcium in animal bones, but these biological calcium cannot be directly absorbed by the human body, and needs to be converted into calcium ions to be absorbed by the body.

Someone has conducted an experiment on this, and the results found that the free calcium in the bone broth after boiling for 2 hours is less than 2mg/100ml, while the recommended daily calcium intake for adults is more than 800mg. If you want to achieve calcium supplementation by drinking bone broth, you obviously can't do it.

2. Is it OK to supplement more calcium for osteoporosis?

In addition to calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D are equally important for bone health. If you get enough calcium, but don't have enough vitamin D, your body can't absorb it. Therefore, while supplementing calcium, we also need to pay attention to who makes vitamin D, bask in the sun more every day, and eat more foods rich in vitamin D.

The older you get, the looser your bones become?Reminder: Stay away from 3 kinds of food, bones are as strong as a "golden hoop stick"

3. Should patients with osteoporosis be static but not active?

Many osteoporosis patients are afraid of fractures, so they rarely do daily activities, but this practice is not scientific. Proper physical exercise has a positive effect on preventing and improving the symptoms of osteoporosis. During exercise, it can promote the body's absorption of calcium and improve the osteogenesis of bone cells, which is good for maintaining bone strength. But exercise should pay attention to choose the right one for you, blind excessive exercise will only have the opposite effect.

4. Only the elderly will have osteoporosis, but young people will not?

As mentioned above, bone mass in the human body will start to decline after the age of 30, but this is not absolute. Young people who maintain poor lifestyle Xi, Xi diet, lack of exercise and light for a long time may develop bone deficiency prematurely, and even osteoporosis occurs at a very young age.

The older you get, the looser your bones become?Reminder: Stay away from 3 kinds of food, bones are as strong as a "golden hoop stick"

3. Stay away from 3 things, the bones are as strong as "golden hoop sticks"

If you want to prevent osteoporosis, in addition to paying attention to calcium supplementation, you also need to improve poor dietary Xi every day, and try to eat as little as possible.

1. Hamnai

There are a large amount of sodium ions in pickles, and excessive intake will lead to excessive sodium in the body, and when sodium is excreted, calcium ions will flow out of the body, which will have adverse effects on bone health after a long time.

The older you get, the looser your bones become?Reminder: Stay away from 3 kinds of food, bones are as strong as a "golden hoop stick"

2. Fatty meat

The fat and protein content in fatty meat is very high, and long-term excessive intake will lead to excess body calories and cause obesity. Obesity will bring greater pressure to the bones, and when digesting a large amount of fat, it will cause a large amount of bile to be secreted, affecting the normal digestive function, resulting in the body's calcium absorption is affected, which is extremely detrimental to bone health.

3. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are rich in phosphorus, excessive intake can easily lead to calcium and phosphorus imbalance, and a high-phosphorus diet will affect the intestinal absorption of calcium ions, stimulate the level of parathyroid hormone, increase the activity of osteoclasts, and is not good for bone health.

The older you get, the looser your bones become?Reminder: Stay away from 3 kinds of food, bones are as strong as a "golden hoop stick"

If the elderly want to prevent osteoporosis, they should insist on outdoor activities and let their bodies get more sunlight. In terms of diet, you can eat more calcium-rich foods, and at the same time, you should pay attention to regular physical examinations, even if you suffer from osteoporosis, you can achieve early detection and early intervention.


[1] "Osteoporosis often occurs "quietly", once these 3 signs appear, we should pay attention to it!", Healthy New Hainan 2022-10-19

[2] "To prevent osteoporosis, is it okay to supplement calcium?|Popular Science Time". Healthy China 2023-11-30

[3] "If you don't want your bones to become more and more brittle, you must eat less of these foods!". Popular Science China 2022-05-17

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