
How much is normal menstrual flow?Why is it too little?Doctor: It is related to 4 behaviors

author:Liu Zheng, Department of Urology and Andrology, Provincial Hospital

In a coffee shop, two middle-aged female friends get together. One mentioned his recent troubles: "Lately, the menstrual flow doesn't seem to be right, and I feel a lot less than before. Another agreed: "Me too, I never paid attention to this before, and now I'm worried about whether something is wrong." ”

This conversation reflects many women's doubts and concerns about changes in menstrual flow. Menstruation, as an important indicator of women's health, is often closely related to physical condition. However, many people still know very little about how much menstrual flow is normal and why it sometimes happens too little.

How much is normal menstrual flow?Why is it too little?Doctor: It is related to 4 behaviors

Scientific decoding of menstrual flow: how to determine "normal"?

Menstrual flow, as an important indicator of women's health, is not set in stone. Scientific studies have shown that normal menstrual flow is between 30 and 80 ml. However, this number is not monolithic, as every woman's physique and physiological condition is different. To more accurately determine whether your menstrual flow is normal, you need to consider factors such as the individual's menstrual cycle, duration, and the color and texture of menstrual blood.

Specifically, menstrual flow can be initially assessed by the frequency of changing sanitary napkins or tampons. For example, if you need to change your pads more than six times a day, or if your tampon is saturated every two hours, it could mean heavy menstrual bleeding. Conversely, if there are few or few changes during the cycle, you may have a light menstrual period. Of course, this is only a general judgment method, and the specific situation needs to be combined with the specific situation of the individual.

In a study involving thousands of women, researchers found that less than half of the women had a "normal" menstrual flow that met the definition of "normal," indicating that individuals vary widely.

How much is normal menstrual flow?Why is it too little?Doctor: It is related to 4 behaviors

The truth behind menstrual flow

Heavy menstrual bleeding, medically known as low menstrual bleeding, is usually a warning sign from the body. There can be a variety of reasons behind this, and understanding them is essential for maintaining health.

Endocrine disorders are one of the most common causes. The menstrual cycle is regulated by a variety of hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, etc. When the balance of these hormones is disrupted, such as thyroid dysfunction or polycystic ovary syndrome, menstrual flow may decrease. For example, people with polycystic ovary syndrome often experience irregular menstrual cycles, often with light flow that is usually light.

How much is normal menstrual flow?Why is it too little?Doctor: It is related to 4 behaviors

The impact of lifestyle cannot be ignored. Dietary habits Xi directly affect the body's hormone levels. A diet high in sugar and fat may lead to weight gain, which in turn can affect the menstrual cycle. Conversely, low body weight due to excessive dieting or strenuous exercise can also reduce menstrual flow. One study showed that women who were underweight tended to have longer menstrual cycles and less heavy menstrual flow.

The four major behaviors that affect menstrual flow: the details of life that cannot be ignored

Changes in menstrual flow are often signals from the body that reveal underlying health problems. In particular, decreased menstrual flow is often closely related to certain behaviors in daily life.

Dietary Xi: A delicate balance between intake and menstruation

The impact of diet on menstruation should not be underestimated. For example, excessive intake of foods high in sugar can lead to increased insulin levels, which in turn affects the balance of sex hormones and may lead to a decrease in menstrual flow. One study noted that a balanced diet is essential for maintaining a normal menstrual cycle. Conversely, poor dietary Xi, such as high-fat and high-sugar diets, may lead to endocrine disorders, which in turn affect menstruation.

How much is normal menstrual flow?Why is it too little?Doctor: It is related to 4 behaviors

Exercise and weight: the effects of overreach

Moderate exercise can help maintain hormone balance, but excessive exercise or strenuous weight loss can have the opposite effect. When the body fat percentage is too low, it may cause menstruation to stop, which is the body's response to protect itself. Studies have shown that women with a body fat percentage of less than 18% are more likely to experience irregular or decreased menstrual periods.

Sleep: hormonal regulation at night

Sleep is not only a time for rest, but also a critical period for hormone regulation. Lack of adequate sleep can interfere with hormone production, especially those associated with the menstrual cycle. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to menstrual cycle disorders, including decreased menstrual flow.

How much is normal menstrual flow?Why is it too little?Doctor: It is related to 4 behaviors

Psychological Stress: Invisible Influencers

The impact of psychological stress on menstruation cannot be underestimated. Long-term mental stress can lead to an imbalance in hormone production, which can affect the menstrual cycle and volume. Studies have shown that women who are constantly in high-pressure situations are more likely to experience irregular and decreased menstrual periods.