
Hearing experts give tips on how to use headphones safely

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In this digital age, headphones have become an indispensable part of our lives. Whether on the bus or in our leisure moments, we are Xi wearing headphones and immersing ourselves in our own music world. However, you may not realize that this little Xi is quietly affecting your health.

Imagine Mr. Lee, a 65-year-old retired teacher who likes to listen to old songs with headphones every day. A few years ago, he began noticing that he couldn't hear his grandson's muttering at family gatherings or the horn of a car while walking down the street. At first, he thought it was just a normal change in age, but a routine hearing check-up revealed a shocking fact: his hearing had deteriorated severely, and the culprit was his indispensable companion in his daily life—headphones.

Hearing experts give tips on how to use headphones safely

Hearing crisis: a hidden danger of headphone use

In daily life, headphones have become an important tool for our entertainment and leisure. However, long-term and improper headphone use can have irreversible effects on our hearing health.

1. Effects on the inside of the ear

The sound emitted by the headphones goes directly into the ear canal, and prolonged use, especially at high volumes, can cause damage to the hair cells in the inner ear. These hair cells are responsible for converting sound waves into nerve signals, and if damaged, can permanently affect hearing. High-decibel sounds can quickly lead to hearing loss, while long-term exposure to lower decibel sounds can also cause hearing loss over time.

Hearing experts give tips on how to use headphones safely

2. The relationship between volume and time

Studies have shown that the relationship between volume and time spent is an important factor in hearing hearing. When the volume exceeds 85 decibels, listening for more than 2 hours may cause hearing damage. Higher volumes take less time to produce the same damage effect. Therefore, it is crucial to control the volume and usage time.

Hearing experts give tips on how to use headphones safely

3. Early signs of hearing loss

People who use headphones for a long time may experience mild tinnitus or hearing loss, which can be an early sign of hearing loss. Unfortunately, many people ignore these symptoms until the hearing problem becomes severe. Regular hearing check-ups, especially when these symptoms occur, are essential for early recognition and prevention of hearing loss.

4. Individual differences

Everyone has a different sensitivity to sound, so the impact of headphone use on hearing will also vary. Some people may be more sensitive to volume, while others may be more sensitive to prolonged exposure. Knowing your hearing condition and taking precautions is key to protecting your hearing.

Hearing Experts Demystify: The Real Effects of Headphone Use on the Ear

In today's society, headphones have become an indispensable part of people's daily lives. However, prolonged or improper use of headphones may cause hearing damage.

Hearing experts give tips on how to use headphones safely

Headphone volume and hearing loss

Hearing experts generally agree that excessive headphone volume is a major contributor to hearing loss. Experts explain that the hair cells inside the ear are easily damaged by long-term stimulation at high volumes, and this damage is often irreversible. The appropriate volume should be above ambient noise, but not too high, to avoid prolonged exposure to high decibels.

The importance of using time

In addition to volume control, time of use is also a key factor. Audiologists recommend that you should not use the headphones continuously for more than 60 minutes a day, with adequate breaks between uses. This helps to reduce constant pressure on the ear and reduces the risk of hearing damage.

Hearing experts give tips on how to use headphones safely

Headphone type and ear health

Experts also point out that the type of headphones can also affect hearing health. In-ear headphones can pose a greater threat to hearing due to their proximity to the cochlea. In contrast, headphones put less pressure on the ears and are more suitable for prolonged use. In addition, experts also recommend choosing headphones with noise cancellation, which allows for a better listening experience at lower volumes, thus protecting hearing.

The role of age in headset use

It is worth noting that for middle-aged and elderly people, the health of the ears is more sensitive. As we age, the natural wear and tear of the ear, combined with improper headphone use, may accelerate hearing loss. Therefore, experts especially emphasize that middle-aged and elderly people should be more cautious when using headphones, follow the above recommendations, and have regular hearing checks.

New rules for headphone use: protect your hearing treasures

Headphones have become an indispensable companion in our daily lives, but their potential hearing risks cannot be ignored either. Here are some simple yet effective tips to help you use your headphones safely and protect your hearing treasure.

1. Volume control: The necessity of safety boundaries

Experts recommend that the headphone volume should not exceed 60% of the device's maximum volume. This "60/60" principle is effective in reducing the risk of hearing loss.

Use headphones with a volume limit feature to prevent inadvertently excessive volume.

Hearing experts give tips on how to use headphones safely

2. Regular rest: Necessary rest for the ears

After every 90 minutes of music, take at least a 10-minute break. This helps the ear recover from constant sonic stimulation.

Short breaks not only prevent hearing damage, but also help maintain concentration and improve the quality of your music enjoyment.

3. Headset type selection: An important consideration for ear-friendliness

Whenever possible, choose open-back or semi-open-back headphones, which are designed to reduce the pressure on the ear and reduce direct damage to the ear canal.

Avoid using earphones for long periods of time, as they can put more direct pressure on the ear canal.

4. Environmental awareness: Self-protection in noisy environments

Avoid using headphones in noisy environments, or use noise-cancelling headphones. This prevents you from unconsciously raising the volume in order to drown out the ambient noise.

Stay aware of your surroundings, especially when outdoors or walking, to stay safe.

5. Regular testing: Detect potential problems in a timely manner

Regular hearing check-ups, especially for long-term headset users, can help detect and deal with any signs of hearing loss.

Use the hearing protection features of an app or device to monitor your hearing.

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