
Sudden hearing loss after a cold? Be wary of secretory otitis media!

author:Director of the top three ear, nose and throat Tiefeng

Mingren otolaryngology experts remind that hearing loss after a cold, blocked ears when sneezing, and water in the ears when shaking the head, it may be secretory otitis media.

Sudden hearing loss after a cold? Be wary of secretory otitis media!

What is secretory otitis media?

Secretory otitis media is a non-purulent inflammatory disease of the middle ear characterized by middle ear effusion and hearing loss, and is one of the common diseases of the ear, nose and throat. It is characterized by fluid accumulation in the middle ear and hearing loss. This condition, which usually follows an upper respiratory tract infection, causes symptoms such as middle ear effusion and hearing loss as bacteria invade the eustachian tubes, leading to decreased function of the eustachian tubes.

In addition to ear stuffiness and hearing loss, secretory otitis media may also be accompanied by symptoms such as tinnitus and earache. In the early stages of the disease, the earache may not be noticeable, but it may gradually worsen as the condition worsens. In addition, patients may feel a temporary reduction in the occlusion or fullness in the ear when pressing on the tragus.

Sudden hearing loss after a cold? Be wary of secretory otitis media!

How is secretory otitis media treated?

Conservative treatment:

1. Antibiotics. If there is earache and tympanic membrane congestion, antibiotics should be used to control acute infection, such as cephalosporin, penicillin, etc., when secondary bacterial infection is considered

2. Keep the nasal cavity and eustachian tube unobstructed. Nasal decongestants or nasal drops, such as furama nasal drops, can be used for no more than 7 days.

3. Promote ciliary motility and excretion function. Such as eucalyptus lemon.

4. Glucocorticoids. It can control the inflammatory response in the acute phase and in the short term, such as dexamethasone or prednisone, budesonide nasal spray, etc.

5. Eustachian tube blowing. It is not recommended to pinch the nose and puff the nose during the acute infection of the nasal cavity and sinuses, and open the eustachian tube to cause retrograde infection of the middle ear.

Sudden hearing loss after a cold? Be wary of secretory otitis media!

Surgical treatment:

1. Tympanic membrane puncture. Eardrum aspiration under endoscopic eardrum aspiration. Medications can also be injected to promote recovery of the middle ear.

2. Myringotomy. It is suitable for patients whose effusion is viscous and cannot be suctioned, and the effusion still forms and accumulates rapidly after multiple puncture and aspiration.

3. Mympanosis tube and Eustachian tube balloon dilation. It is suitable for patients with chronic secretory otitis media and glue ear who do not heal or recurrent episodes.

4. If there is no healing for a long time, it is suspected that there is middle ear granulation tissue and tympanometry can be performed.

Sudden hearing loss after a cold? Be wary of secretory otitis media!

Warm tips from ENT experts:

If you have symptoms such as ear stuffiness and hearing loss after a cold, it is recommended to go to a professional ear, nose and throat hospital for medical treatment in time for professional diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, maintaining good lifestyle habits and mentality can also help prevent the occurrence of secretory otitis media.

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