
It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!

author: Longnan Wen County released
It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!

When it comes to tonifying the kidney, many people will think that it is a man's problem, but in fact, the tonic kidney is not a man's patent. With the gradual increase of social pressure, the acceleration of the pace of life, and the diversification of unhealthy lifestyles, kidney deficiency is getting younger and younger, and there are not a few women with kidney deficiency in their twenties and thirties.

Moreover, tonifying the kidney is not simply tonifying yang.

Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that the kidneys store essence and qi, which plays an important role in growth, development and reproduction.

The kidneys are closed, and the energy needed for life activities is borrowed from the kidneys, and when all the borrowings are gone, human life is terminated.

There is a saying in Chinese medicine that "the kidney is the root of qi, and the lungs are the master of qi", breathing is the main work of the lungs, but it is necessary to take the kidney as the foundation, if the kidney qi is insufficient to a certain extent, there will be dyspnea, which is the result of excessive consumption of the kidneys.

The kidney is also the main water, and the kidney is also called the water organ. The water metabolism of the human body is mainly regulated by the kidneys, and the edema of a person is caused by the inability of the kidneys to transpirate and vaporize.

Therefore, the soreness of the waist and knees (which is filled in the bones), hair loss (the splendor in the hair), and edema caused by long-term work and overwork are all signals that the kidney qi is being consumed excessively.

How to tonify the kidneys directly and efficiently?

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!


Traditional Chinese medicine can be used to tonify the kidney

For example, some traditional Chinese medicines that have the effect of warming and boosting yang qi: dodder seeds, cistanche, these drugs can enter the kidney meridian, so that the body can be warmed, nourished, and heated.

There are also some medicines that nourish the essence by producing blood, such as: rehman, mountain wood meat, and so on.

These are not directly supplemented by kidney essence, but need to be transformed by the body, and then exist in the kidney in the form of kidney essence.

This has a premise, your spleen and stomach must be good, otherwise the drugs and foods you eat will not be able to be well transformed into kidney essence, so while tonifying the kidney, you must also take care of your spleen and stomach.

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!


Tonify the kidneys through acupuncture points

In addition to medication and dietary therapy to tonify the kidney, moxibustion can also be chosen. The penetrating power and warming power of moxibustion can make qi and blood run, and if it is applied to the kidney acupoints, it can quickly replenish kidney qi and alleviate various problems caused by insufficient kidney qi.

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!

01. Guan Yuanxue

Guan Yuan acupoint can cultivate vitality and return to the yuan, 3 inches below the umbilicus, on the midline of the abdomen.

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!

02. Kidney Yu acupoint

It is the channel for the kidney to communicate with the outside world, located in the waist of the human body, and is opened 1.5 inches (about two open fingers) next to the second lumbar vertebrae. Stimulating the Kidney Yu can directly tonify the Kidney Qi, which is a safe and easy way to replenish the Kidney.

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!

03. Taixi Cave

Taixi is the original acupoint of the kidney meridian, that is to say, the original qi of the kidney meridian will be located here, Taixi is located on the inside of the foot, the depression between the back of the medial malleolus and the tendon of the heel bone, and the depression between the inner malleolus and the Achilles tendon of the foot.

Taixi acupoint focuses on making up for the congenital, so if you want to make up for the innate foundation, you have to start from the Taixi acupoint.

If there are no symptoms of kidney deficiency now, then the following "kidney nourishment method" can be commonly used, traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney deficiency is mostly long-term accumulation of diseases, and kidney nourishment should also be slowly regulated.

The four major kidney nourishing methods are simple and practical

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!


Soak your feet to warm your kidneys

Soak your feet in hot water, the temperature is hot but not hot, soak for 15~30 minutes, rub your lower back while soaking your feet, warm your palms, and rub your lower back up and down for 3~5 minutes.

"The waist is the house of the kidneys", rubbing the waist can dredge the meridians, invigorate the blood, warm the kidneys and strengthen the waist, and discharge the cold and dampness in the body;

The kidney meridian starts from the soles of the feet, and soaking the feet can invade the cold, which is very helpful to improve the symptoms of waist intolerance, backache and back pain over time.

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!


Sleep to nourish the kidneys

Every night before going to bed, put the back of your hands close to your waist and lie on your back on the bed, after 5~10 minutes, the heat will gradually spread throughout the body.

The foreign worker's palace acupoint, that is, the place where the back of the hand corresponds to the palm, the viscera accumulates cold and hot air, and it can be reconciled.

The two hands are close to the waist and kidney area, and the heat of the palms directly warms the two kidneys, which can remove the cold in the kidneys and promote sleep.

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!


Levator ani is good for the kidneys

Just like holding a stool, lift the anus up, then relax, then lift it up again, lift it up and release it, inhale when you lift it, and exhale when it is loose. Do 50 levator ani exercises at a time, and you can do it at any time.

Sun Simiao mentioned in "Pillow Zhongfang" that "Gu Dao should be often pinched", Sun Simiao believes that the anus is located on the human body's Du Mai, and the Du Mai is the sea of yang veins, which has the effect of regulating the qi and blood of the yang meridians of the whole body.

It is said that it is difficult to tonify the kidney, but the four major methods of Chinese medicine to tonify the kidney are simple and effective and do not cost money!


Rub your ears and strengthen your kidneys

When resting, use both hands to pinch, rub, pull, and rub the entire ear for 3 minutes, without sticking to the technique, so that you don't feel too much pain. The ears will turn red until they feel warm.

It is best to feel a feeling of heat in the neck and lower back, and at this time, the qi and blood are smooth and comfortable.

"The ear is the trick of the kidney", the kidney's hole is open to the ear, and the ear is the place where the six yang meridians gather. Regular ear massage can play a role in strengthening the kidneys and body.

In this life, people will go through the process of kidney qi deficiency to kidney qi sufficiency, then to kidney qi deficiency, and then to kidney qi depletion and death.

Kidney Qi is the foundation of our survival, reducing desire, being calm and quiet, and slowing down the consumption of kidney essence is the way to nourish the spirit.

The above is for reference only, please adjust under the guidance of a physician.

Source: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance

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