
Central 5 live table tennis schedule: CCTV5 will broadcast the table tennis semifinals and finals on December 17

author:Inspector Ho Sports

On December 17, Beijing time, the 2023 WTT Women's Finals will focus on the semifinals and finals of the women's singles and women's doubles today. 孙颖莎、陈梦、王艺迪这三位顶尖选手成功晋级女双与‬女单‬半决赛和决赛,为球迷‬即将‬奉献一场场紧凑激烈的角逐。 当今赛程安排十分紧凑,女双与女单比赛之间的只有‬短暂间隔,使得选手们在紧张的对决中体力‬将会是‬最大‬的比拼‬。 而晚上的决赛对阵同样也是‬如此‬的‬时间‬安排‬。

Central 5 live table tennis schedule: CCTV5 will broadcast the table tennis semifinals and finals on December 17

December 17 WTT Table Tennis Semifinals Schedule

12:00 Sun Yingsha/Wang Manyu vs She/Wang Yidi

12:35 Miyu Nagasaki/Miyu Kihara VS Zheng Yijing/Li Yuzhen (Chinese Taipei)

13:00 Chen Xingtong vs Wang Yidi

13:45 孙颖莎vs陈梦

17:30 Women's Doubles final

18:30 Women's Singles final

Central 5 live table tennis schedule: CCTV5 will broadcast the table tennis semifinals and finals on December 17

Today's women's singles and women's doubles semi-finals and finals will be broadcast live on CCTV5, fans remember to lock in advance and cheer for their favorite players.

Central 5 live table tennis schedule: CCTV5 will broadcast the table tennis semifinals and finals on December 17

上午12点女双‬半决赛‬首战‬,孙颖莎与王曼昱携手迎战陈梦与王艺迪的女双半决赛。 这场比赛将是一场内战‬的巅峰对决,四位国乒‬选手‬必将为球迷‬带来一场技术和默契的碰撞,互相‬破解‬对手的‬攻势,争夺‬晋级‬决赛‬的‬资格‬。

Central 5 live table tennis schedule: CCTV5 will broadcast the table tennis semifinals and finals on December 17


Central 5 live table tennis schedule: CCTV5 will broadcast the table tennis semifinals and finals on December 17

孙颖莎、陈梦、王艺迪,她们是这个决赛日的焦点人物,她们‬将在女双和女单的赛场上为球迷‬献上一场场精彩‬的较量。 而CCTV5的直播可以让‬球迷‬看到‬每场‬的‬‬精彩‬对决‬。 让我们一同期待,WTT女子总决赛决赛‬之日‬,同时‬一起‬为‬国乒‬选手‬加油‬。

Do you think the timing of the semi-finals and finals is tight, and will it affect the performance of the players?

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