
Can't civil servants go abroad?

author:Great discoveries of knowledge


Walking down the street, we always hear the words: "Did you hear that? Civil servants can't just go abroad now! There is both curiosity and suspicion in these words. Yes, civil servants, this profession that sounds like a halo, is it really tied to the "ban on going abroad"?

Can't civil servants go abroad?

The rules are as big as the sky, and it is not easy to go abroad!

Back then, policy was not static. The regulations on civil servants going abroad have also changed step by step with the pace of the times. Now, there are more rules! You have to go through a strict approval process, not a walk-and-go trip. Why? Because of your special status, you represent the face and interests of the country, and you can't just go abroad.

Can't civil servants go abroad?

This regulation, to put it bluntly, means that the state wants to prevent problems before they happen. After all, some positions involve state secrets, and if you go out and be tricked, it will be terrible. In addition, in order to prevent some people from engaging in small actions in the name of going abroad, such as transferring assets, embezzlement and corruption, these regulations are particularly important. In the final analysis, it is all about protecting the country and protecting the interests of our people.

All the same?

Don't think that all civil servants wear the same shackles of "going abroad and being grounded", which divides people's lives. For example, if you are an ordinary clerk and want to go abroad for a vacation, although the procedures are cumbersome, you can still do it with hard work. But if you are in an important position and hold heavy power, especially a sensitive position involving national security, then the review is almost like passing five levels and killing six generals.

Can't civil servants go abroad?
Can't civil servants go abroad?

Let's talk about the purpose of going abroad, if it is official business, such as participating in international conferences, then the government will naturally support it, after all, this is also to win glory for the country. But if it's a private matter, such as wanting to see the world during the holidays, then you have to plan ahead, prepare all kinds of materials, and wait patiently for approval. Of course, when there is an emergency at home, such as a loved one who is seriously ill, there is also a special channel at this time.

The art of balance

Then again, civil servants are also human beings and have their own little families and dreams. While strictly managed, their legitimate rights and interests, such as the right to rest and the right to family reunion, cannot be ignored. The state is also aware of this and is gradually exploring more reasonable management methods, so that the rules have both hardness and temperature.

Can't civil servants go abroad?
Can't civil servants go abroad?

In the future, with the development of science and technology and the improvement of management level, perhaps we can expect a more efficient and transparent approval system for going abroad. I hope that one day, civil servants will be able to freely pursue poetry and distance while serving the country.

Can't civil servants go abroad?
Can't civil servants go abroad?

Therefore, there are indeed a lot of rules for civil servants going abroad, but they are not monolithic. As long as we understand the considerations behind it and act according to the rules, the door to go abroad is not completely closed.

As a member of society, shouldn't we also have more understanding and less groundless speculation? After all, civil servants are also one of us, and while they are silently dedicated to the country and the people, they should also enjoy due rights and respect.