
The sharing of the maintenance master: What do you think of the 3 "most unreasonable" designs on electric vehicles?

author:A small connoisseur of electric vehicles

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As one of the most popular means of transportation, electric vehicles are cheap, but due to their extremely high annual sales and ownership, they have also become a market size of trillions, in this case, not only a large number of electric vehicle brands, high-quality development of electric vehicles is also a major trend.

The sharing of the maintenance master: What do you think of the 3 "most unreasonable" designs on electric vehicles?

In recent years, we can feel the technological changes of electric vehicles, major brands have launched their own range extension systems, upgraded batteries, and even in terms of appearance, they also have their own self-developed patents, electric vehicles are no longer the same, which is a great news for car owners.

However, the product changes of electric vehicles, not all functions are satisfactory, small experts have recently seen a maintenance master to share, about some unreasonable design of electric vehicles, and even use words such as "disgusting, chicken ribs", then, the small connoisseur will take stock of the 3 designs known as "the most unreasonable", let's see, whether it is really unreasonable, do you agree?

1. The design of special headlights

The sharing of the maintenance master: What do you think of the 3 "most unreasonable" designs on electric vehicles?

Now major brands like special design, the first is to enhance originality, the second is to get rid of the same shape, but such a design will not benefit users, more just the manufacturer's "gimmick".

Why do you say this, because the special headlights of various brands, resulting in the bulb is not universal, we know that the commonly used bulbs are universal, which reduces the cost of replacement, and the major brands have their own exclusive bulbs, for the owner, it is inconvenient to replace, and the bundled type must replace the original bulb.

The sharing of the maintenance master: What do you think of the 3 "most unreasonable" designs on electric vehicles?

In fact, this exclusive design has troubled many consumers, and there were some charger interfaces before, which were not common to major brands, so from July 1, 2023, the "Safety Technical Requirements for Chargers for Electric Bicycles" was implemented, that is, the new national standard for chargers, clarifying that the "specifications and interfaces" of chargers have new standards, and major brands are not allowed to create so-called special interfaces.

Small connoisseurs also hope that unreasonable designs such as special headlights are also introduced, and relevant national standards have been introduced to restrict manufacturers from excessive design.

2. Highly sensitive electric vehicle alarm sound

The sharing of the maintenance master: What do you think of the 3 "most unreasonable" designs on electric vehicles?

The anti-theft system of electric vehicles is almost the standard configuration of electric vehicles now, the original intention of this configuration is good, but with the technology of electric vehicles is getting better and better, some electric vehicles are equipped with anti-theft systems that are too sensitive, a little touch or vibration, it will ring non-stop, if the owner is not around, it will also sound an alarm for a long time, bringing the trouble of noise pollution.

In fact, if you really encounter a professional car thief, this kind of anti-theft can be easily cracked, almost does not work, its practicality is not high, but many brands carry anti-theft, and can not be automatically turned off.

The sharing of the maintenance master: What do you think of the 3 "most unreasonable" designs on electric vehicles?

For example, a netizen said: When I encountered the alarm, it kept ringing, I went to ask the store, but it couldn't be closed, it was the most annoying, the sound was super loud, it only took half a year, and I wanted to smash it angrily.

3. The design of the front wheel disc brake

The sharing of the maintenance master: What do you think of the 3 "most unreasonable" designs on electric vehicles?

Due to its high sensitivity, disc brakes are theoretically helpful to improve the safety of electric vehicles, but disc brakes that are too sensitive are not necessarily safer if they are equipped in the wrong place.

The sharing of the maintenance master: What do you think of the 3 "most unreasonable" designs on electric vehicles?

When the maintenance master shared the unreasonable mention of the front wheel disc brake, some netizens said that it was the most unreasonable, saying that they had overturned twice, and millions of people liked it and expressed their approval.


The above is the unreasonable design summarized by the small expert in the maintenance master, the selection of the "most unreasonable" 3 designs, in fact, each starting point is good, but reflected in the use of the owner, can not get the benefits that should be enjoyed, but brings inconvenience or insecurity, then, for these 3 designs, do you think it is reasonable? Welcome to comment, we communicate and discuss together.

This article has opened the headline number for the first time, and the automatic rights protection function of the whole network must be investigated!


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