
New house decoration, these words help you get around all the pitfalls!

author:Orion Clarke

With the improvement of people's living standards, buying a house has become the choice of more and more families. When a new house arrives, decoration is naturally an indispensable part. However, the pitfalls and pitfalls in the renovation process also give many owners a headache. Recently, some industry insiders broke the news of a "pit avoidance guide" for new house decoration, detailing the pitfalls that need to be avoided in the decoration process. Next, let's unveil the mystery of this guide together!

1. Design traps

  1. Blindly follow the herd design

    Many owners are prone to blindly follow the trend when decorating, pursuing fashion trend design, resulting in the decoration style does not match their own needs and living Xi. Industry insiders suggest that when choosing designers and design schemes, they should combine their actual situation and tailor their own decoration style.

  2. Neglect of spatial planning

    Proper space planning is essential for the renovation of a new home. Some owners pay too much attention to aesthetics when designing, ignoring the functionality and practicality of the space. The correct approach should be to reasonably plan the spatial layout according to the living habits and needs of family members Xi so as to achieve the perfect combination of beauty and practicality.

New house decoration, these words help you get around all the pitfalls!
New house decoration, these words help you get around all the pitfalls!
New house decoration, these words help you get around all the pitfalls!
New house decoration, these words help you get around all the pitfalls!
New house decoration, these words help you get around all the pitfalls!

Second, the trap of material selection

  1. Low-cost low-quality materials

    In order to save costs, some homeowners may choose low-cost and low-quality renovation materials. However, these materials are often of substandard quality and are prone to the production of harmful substances such as formaldehyde, which poses a threat to the health of occupants. Therefore, when choosing decoration materials, you should pay attention to their environmental performance and quality certification, and do not be greedy for cheap.

  2. Ignore the material mixing

    Decoration materials of different materials need to pay attention to compatibility when matching. Some owners ignore this point when selecting materials, resulting in problems such as cracking and deformation after renovation. Therefore, when choosing decoration materials, it is necessary to consult professional opinions to ensure that the matching between materials is reasonable.

3. Construction traps

  1. Concealed works are not standardized

    Concealed engineering is one of the most neglected aspects of decoration, including electrical circuits, waterways, etc. Some construction teams are not standardized during the construction of concealed projects, which is easy to leave potential safety hazards. The owner should strengthen the supervision of the concealed project when decorating to ensure the quality of construction.

  2. Rush deadline and ignore quality

    In order to complete the project as soon as possible, some decoration companies may rush the construction period during the construction process, which will affect the quality of the project. Industry insiders remind that when the owner chooses a decoration company, it is necessary to clarify the construction period and quality requirements, and agree on relevant terms in the contract to ensure that the decoration company completes the project on time and with quality.

Fourth, the acceptance trap

  1. Acceptance criteria are vague

    In the decoration process, many owners do not understand the acceptance criteria, and it is easy to be shoddy by the decoration company. Therefore, when signing the renovation contract, the owner should be required to clearly list the acceptance criteria and details to ensure that the quality of the renovation meets expectations.

  2. Ignore the details of acceptance

    Some owners tend to only focus on the overall effect and ignore the details when they are accepted. However, the devil is in the details, and mishandling the details can affect the overall living experience. Therefore, during the acceptance, the owner should carefully check every detail, such as the corners, doors and windows, etc., to ensure that the decoration quality is fully up to standard.

5. Contract traps

  1. The terms of the contract are not clear

    When signing a renovation contract, the owner should carefully read the terms of the contract to ensure that everything is clear and correct. Some renovation companies may deliberately use vague language or withhold important information in their contracts to mitigate their liability. Therefore, before signing the contract, the owner should ask a professional to assist in reviewing the contents of the contract.

  2. Late add-on costs

    Some renovation companies may deliberately omit certain items or expenses when signing the contract, and then request additional items to the owner after the project has reached a certain stage. In order to avoid this situation, the owner should have a detailed understanding of the project scope and cost details before signing the contract, and clearly stipulate in the contract that arbitrary additions and cost increases are not allowed in the later stage.

Sixth, after-sales traps

  1. After-sales service is not in place

    Some renovation companies may ignore the after-sales service link after the completion of the project, resulting in the owner being unable to solve the problem in time. Therefore, when signing the contract, the owner should ask for a clear list of things such as the terms of the after-sales service and the warranty period. At the same time, when choosing a decoration company, you should also understand its after-sales service reputation and evaluation.

  2. Warranty shrinkage

    Some renovation companies may set a short warranty period or set harsh warranty conditions in the contract to avoid their own liability. When signing the contract, the owner should pay attention to the reasonableness of the warranty period and warranty conditions, and try to strive for a longer warranty period and more relaxed warranty conditions to protect their own rights and interests. At the same time, the owner should also pay close attention to the condition of the house during the warranty period, find and solve the problem in time to avoid delays and affect the exercise of warranty rights.

7. Environmental traps

  1. Environmental standards are not up to standard

    With the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection, more and more owners will choose environmentally friendly materials when decorating. However, some unscrupulous renovation companies may take advantage of this to sell materials that do not meet environmental standards or deceive consumers with shoddy quality. Therefore, when choosing decoration materials and decoration companies, the owner should require them to provide relevant environmental protection certifications and test reports to ensure that the environmental performance of the selected materials and products meets the standards.

  2. Indoor air pollution is severe

    During the decoration process, a large amount of dust, formaldehyde and other harmful substances may be generated, which will have a serious impact on indoor air quality and even endanger human health if not handled properly. In order to avoid this problem, the owner should choose a professionally qualified renovation company and require it to take effective measures to control the emission of dust and harmful substances and ensure that the indoor air quality meets the standard. At the same time, after the decoration is completed, a professional organization should also be asked to conduct indoor air quality testing to ensure a safe and healthy living environment.

In short, renovating a new home is a complex and cumbersome process, and if you are not careful, you can fall into various traps. To avoid these pitfalls, the owner should be well prepared in advance, choose a reputable renovation company, and carefully read the terms of the contract to clarify the contents and requirements. At the same time, in the construction process, the supervision and inspection of construction quality should also be strengthened to ensure that the quality and progress of the project meet the expected requirements.

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