
The new game online water army moved first?Yuan Dream Star was haunted by black material, and the situation behind it was indignant

author:Fight to play the net

Tencent's TiMi Studio's first party game, "Dream Star", was officially launched on December 15, which was supposed to be a moment of collective celebration for players. However, what is surprising is that in the short time after the game's launch, a large number of yin and yang bizarre remarks have emerged on social platforms, accusing "Dream Star" of plagiarism or resemblance to the competitor "Egg Boy Party". This situation makes people wonder why the launch of a new game has caused such a large-scale negative public opinion.

The new game online water army moved first?Yuan Dream Star was haunted by black material, and the situation behind it was indignant

First of all, we need to be clear that the launch of any new game is likely to face different opinions and feedback from players. This is a normal phenomenon in the development of the game. However, in the case of "Yuan Dream Star", negative public opinion seems to show an organized and premeditated trend. Many of the accusations of plagiarism in the game use similar language and rhetoric, and even appear to be copy-and-paste in full screen. This highly consistent storm of public opinion makes one wonder about the motives behind it.

The new game online water army moved first?Yuan Dream Star was haunted by black material, and the situation behind it was indignant

Second, we noticed that the posters of these negative remarks appear to be coming from the same IP address. On social media, they use the same or similar account information, memes, etc., which is a clear sign that they may be employed by an organization or company. The existence of botnets has long been no secret, and they are often used to create public opinion, discredit opponents, or promote specific products. However, in this case, the botnet's behavior seems too obvious and clumsy, which raises questions about the employer behind it.

The new game online water army moved first?Yuan Dream Star was haunted by black material, and the situation behind it was indignant

Competition is inevitable for the gaming industry. Healthy competition can drive the development and innovation of the industry and bring a better gaming experience to players. However, suppressing opponents through malicious competition methods such as hiring trolls and creating negative public opinion not only destroys the ecological environment of the game industry, but also damages the interests and mood of players.

The new game online water army moved first?Yuan Dream Star was haunted by black material, and the situation behind it was indignant

Instead of spending a lot of energy and resources on discrediting your opponents, you should focus on improving your own game. Only through continuous R&D and innovation and improving the player experience can we truly win the recognition of the market and players.

The new game online water army moved first?Yuan Dream Star was haunted by black material, and the situation behind it was indignant

Finally, we call on relevant departments and platforms to strengthen the supervision and governance of the online environment, crack down on malicious smears and rumor-mongering, and maintain a good online ecology and game market order. At the same time, we also hope that players can maintain a rational and objective attitude, not be easily swayed by online public opinion, and jointly create a healthy and harmonious game environment.